Talia Shay

Faculty: Social Sciences

Address: 52 Gilboa St. Haifa32712, Israel

Tel: 972-4-8107767



BA 1965 HebrewUniversity, Jerusalem (Archaeology, Jewish


MA 1975 University of CaliforniaLos Angeles (Archaeology, Near

Eastern Languages)

PhD 1985 TelAvivUniversity (Archaeology)


1975 - MA. Thesis - The Intermediate Bronze Period in Palestine

and Syria, University of California, Los Angeles (Advisers: Prof.

P. Delougaz and Prof. G. Buchellati)

1985 - PH.D Thesis - Burial Rites in the Intermediate

Bronze Period in Palestine. TelAvivUniversity.

(Advisers: Prof M. Chochavi and Dr M. Saltman)


1968-1969: Research Assistant, National Museum, Mexico City

1969-1970: Research Assistant, U.C.L.A (University of California, LA

1971-1973: Adjunct Teacher, Technion Haifa.

1972-1975: Assistant, Tel Aviv University.

1977-1979: Adjunct Teacher, HaifaUniversity.

1981-1984: Adjunct Teacher, BenGurionUniversity.

1982-1985, 1990: Adjunct Teaching Associate, HaifaUniversity.

1985-1991: Adjunct Teaching Associate, Technion Haifa.

1993-1994: Adjunct Teaching Associate, Beit Berl, Kfar Saba.

1992-to date: Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Technion Haifa.

1998-1999: Adjunct Lecturer, theCollege of Judea and Samaria, Ariel.

1999-2001: Lecturer, theCollege of Judea and Samaria, Ariel.

1996-1998: Adjunct Teaching Associate, JezreelCollege, and Jezreel.

1999-2000: Lecturer, JezreelCollege, and Jezreel.

2001-2005: Lecturer, theCollege of Judea and Samaria, Ariel.

2009-2010 Sabbatical - Haifa University Dept. of Sociology


2006–to date: Senior Lecturer, Ariel University Center of Samaria.


1968-1969. The Government of Mexico, Bureau of Education

1969-1970. The University of CaliforniaLos Angeles

1969-1970. Friends of Archaeology, Los Angeles

1980-1981. TelAvivUniversity, Ramat-Aviv.

1982-1983. Technion, Haifa

1999 – JezreelCollege, Jezreel


1990 CNRS France (Center of National Scientific Research)

1991 Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, NY, U.S.A

2007- 2009: Ariel University Center of Samaria


1988 – The organization of the Symposium on Archaeology-

Anthropology. The annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological


1989 - Member of organizing committee of the annual meeting of the

Israeli Anthropological Association

1998 - Organizing the Cross-Cultural Anthropology sessions. The

annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological Association, Tel


2002 – Organizing the “The Bargaining Over My Dead body” session.

The annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological Association,

(Kibbutz Ma’aleh Hamisha)

2004 - Convener of “Cultural Representations in the Public Space”.

The annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological

Association (Sde Boker)

2006 – Organizing a session on Hybridity in the annual

meeting of the Israeli Anthropological Association, Ashdod

2006 - Chairperson of Session – Performing Gender: Dramatic and

Litterary Perspectives. 2nd International Conference of

Transatlantic Research Gorup. Owerri, Nigeria

2007 - Chairperson of Session – Ethnographies of writing and

research:”The annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropelogical

Association”. AhvaCollege 9-10 May.

2007 - Chairperson of Session “Gendered Archaeology- from concpet to

practice”. WAC Inter-Congress on Archaeological Theory in

South America. Catamarca, Argentina 3-7 July.

2008 - Organizing a theme of several sessions “ Reflection on Politics

and Archaeology” - World Archaeological Congress 6, Dublin.

2008 - Organizing a session on “Politics and Archaeology/Anthropology

in Different Regions of the World” - World Archaeological

Congress 6, Dublin.

2008 - Organizing a session on “Limitation of Knowledge Creation and

Criticism in the Academic Discourse”. The annual meeting of

the Israeli Anthropological Association, Beit Berl.

2009 - Organizing a session on “The Family and the Self- a dialogue or

confrontation”. The 37th annual meeting of the Israel

Anthropological Association, theAcademicCollege of Kineret

2010 - Organization of “Time as a multi-cultural analytical concept”.

The38th annual meeting of the Israel Anthropological

Association, Open University, Raanana.


Technion, 1971-1973: Israeli Archaeology.

Tel Aviv University, 1972-1975: General Archaeology.

Haifa University, 1977-1979: Early Urbanization, Death & Burial

Ben Gurion University, 1981-1984: Mesopotamian Archaeology and Art

Archaeology, social Archaeology, Theory of


Jerusalem Friends World College,

1987-1989: Archaeology, Theory of

Archaeology, Early Religion.

HaifaUniversity 1982-1985, 1990: Archaeological and Historical

Sources, Archaeology, Archaeological Theory.

Beit-Berl 1993-1994: Christian and Moslem Art,


Technion 1985-2011: Israeli Archaeology, Ancient Art

Moslem and Christian Archaeology

JezreelCollege 1996-1999: Anthropology of the Past,

Anthropology of Art, Introduction to

Anthropology, Deviance-Social Stigma

Israeli Village- Past and Present, Anthropology

of Death, Gender Culture and Identity.

ArielUniversityCenter of Samaria (The College of Judea and Samaria Ariel)

1998-to date: Introduction to Anthropology,

Traditional to Modern Society, Anthropology of

the Past, Anthropology of Art, Anthropology of

Nomads, Anthropology of Urbanism, Practical

Anthropology, Gender Culture and Identity,

Death and Burial, Christian and Moslem

Architecture. Scientific Writing, Society and

Architecture, Qualitative Ethnographic Methods,

Theory of Anthropology

Other Educational Activities:

2006-2007: Supervision of an MA thesis on

Gender, Bar- Ilan University.

2009 –to date: Supervision of a PhD thesis at

UNISA (South Africa) “A Social and Economic

History of Jewish Settlement in the Galilee



1968-1969 Pre-Columbian Archaeology, University of Mexico, Mexico.

1979-1980 Ancient Burials, University of Tel Aviv, Ramat-Aviv.

1988-1990 Theory of Archaeology, Technion, Haifa.

1990 Paleolithic Rock Art, CNRS (NationalCenter of

Scientific Research), France.

1991Ideology and Archaeology, Memorial Foundation

For Jewish Culture, NY, U.S.A

1999 A House for Eternity, the ethnography of an Arab house in

Haifa (a pilot project) JezreelCollege, Jezreel

2001-2004 The Cemetery of KibbutzAinat, Israel. A joint research with

students of The College of Judea and Samaria, Ariel.

2003 Burials of Victims of Suicide Bombing. A joint

research with students of The College of

Judea and Samaria, Ariel

2005-2006 A participating observer of two women’s groups.

2006-2007 Ethnography of Archaeology

2007- to date A new cemetery in the North of the country populated by

Immigrants of former USSR.

2009-to date Pilgrimage on “El Camino a Santiago de Compostela,



1960-1995Archaeological diggings throughout Israel: Arad, Ramat

Rachel. Rameh, Shikmona, JudeanDesert

Yokneam, Kastra, etc.

1960-1965 Haifa and Jaffa Museums of Antiquity

1968-1969Archaeological diggings throughout Mexico

1969 Research assistant at the INAH (National Institute of

Anthropology and History) Museum, Mexico City.

1970 Research Assistant at UCLA (University of California)

2009 A course for Organizers of Funerary Ceremonies.

“Bina”, Ramat Efal


1989-1990A committee member of the Israeli Anthropological Association

1989 A committee member of the Israeli delegation to the XIIth

International Congress of Anthropology, Zagreb.

2000-2001 Participation in forums for college lecturers in anthropology

Bet-Berl and TelAvivUniversity.

2002 Representing Israel at 5th World Archeological Congress

Association council (WAC5), Washington D.C

2009 A member of the editorial board of the African Journal of

Political Science and International Relations (APSIR).

2009 Organizer of the Immigration Forum for the IAA (Israeli

Anthropological Association)



Prehistoric and anthropologic art

Theory of anthropology and archaeology

Death and burial, Anthropology and Archaeology

Gender and Identity, Migration and Immigration.


1971 - Archaeological Excavations in Mexico– U.C.L.A (University of

CaliforniaLos Angeles)

1981 – A Reconstruction of the Society of the Intermediate Bronze Period

in Palestine. TelAvivUniversity.

1987 – Pastorals in Archaeology – TelAvivUniversity.

1988 – Burial Practices – TelAvivUniversity.

1990 – Mobility of Women in the Near East in the Past and Present -


1991 - Philosophy and Archaeology – Neolithic Art – Technion


1981 - The Structure of the Society in Jericho C.2000 BC. The annual

meeting of the Israeli Association of Anthropology, HaifaUniversity.

1982 - Reconstructing Deviancy in Archaeological Material. The annual

meeting of the Israeli Association of Anthropology, Bar Ilan,


1983 - Archaeology and Religion. The XIth International Congress of

Anthropology and Ethnology. Vancouver, Canada

l986 - Cycles of Development and Decline in the Early Phases of

Civilization in Palestine. World Archaeological Congress ,


1988 - Archaeology and Anthropology: Areas of Mutual Interest. The

annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological

Association, HaifaUniversity.

1989 - Israeli Archaeology: Ideology and Practice. The XII

International Congress of Anthropology, Zagreb, Yugoslavia.

1989 - Objectivity in Science –Israeli Archaeology. The annual

meeting of Israeli Anthropological Association. TelAvivUniversity.

1992 – Archaeology of Death: An Examination of Three Hypotheses. The

annual meeting of the Israeli Prehistoric Society. HaifaUniversity.

1998 - Cross-Cultural Interpretation of Art. The annual meeting of the

Israeli Anthropological Association. Beer Sheva

1998 - Neolithic Art. The annual meeting of Motar, TelAvivUniversity.

1999 - Arab Youth Movement. The annual meeting of the

Israeli Anthropological Association. Nazaret

2000 - Female Statues Used as Ritual Symbols. The 3d Australian Rock

Art Research Association (AURA) Congress.

Alice Springs, Australia.

2001 –Teaching in the Judea and SamariaCollege, Ariel. The annual

meeting of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Tel Aviv


2001 –The Visual Manifestation of the Chalcolithic Religion. The XIVth

Congress of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric

Sciences (IUSPP). Liege, Belgium

2002 –Negotiation Over My Dead Body. The annual meeting of The

Israeli Anthropological Association. Kibbutz Ma’aleh Hamisha.

2002– Hierarchy and Power as Reflected by the Burial of Russian

Immigrants in Israel. 2nd International Conference on Hierarchy and

Power in History of Civilization. St. Petersburg, Russia.

2003– Imaginary Community – The Burials of Immigrants from the Former

USSR. The 5th World Archaeological Congress (WAC5).


2003 - ... and thus was interred my friend, Dov - The burial of the victims

of suicide bombing.

The annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological

Association. Kibbutz Ma’aleh Hamisha

2004 - Israeli Archaeology – A Critical Perspective. 3rd International

Conference -Hierarchy and Power in History of Civilization Moscow

2004 - The Political Life of the Dead. The annual meeting of the Israeli

Anthropological Association (Sde Boker)

2005 - Introduction to Anthropology: Theory and Practice. Round Table.

The annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological

Association, SapirCollege

2005 - Teaching Archaeology as Alternative History. The 12th Pan African

Archaeology Congress. Gabarone, Botswana

2006 - Teaching Archaeology as Alternative History, The

annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Ashdod,

2006 - Women Playing Themselves. Second International Conference of

the Transatlantic Research Group. July 2006. Owerri, Nigeria

2007 - An Ethnography of Women’s Theater. The annual meeting of the

Israeli Anthropological Association”. AhvaCollege 9-10 May.

2007 - Feminist Theater. WAC Inter-Congress on Archaeological Theory in

South America. Catamarca, Argentina, 3-7 July.

2008 - An Ethnography of Teaching Archaeology. The annual meeting of

the Israeli Anthropological Association, Beit Berl

2008 - Reflections on Archaeology and Politics. A theme in WAC 6 Dublin

29.6- 04.07.08

2008 - A Reflection on Politics and Archaeology: Ethnography of

Teaching Archaeology. A paper for WAC6, Dublin.

2008 - Where Shall I Bury My Loved One? (Shay and Katzenelson) A

paper for WAC6, Dublin.

2009- Can I be alone and together? A comparative study of a theater

group. The 37th annual meeting of the Israeli Anthropological

Association, The AcademicCollege of Kineret

2009- Como puedo enterrar a mi amado? 53 ICA

(Congreso Internacional de Americanistas. July 2009 Mexico City

2009 How can I Bury my Loved One? La escuela nacional de

antropologia e historia. July 2009 Mexico

2010 Different “times” of communitas groups.The 38th annual meeting of

the Israeli Anthropological Association, Open University, Raanana


2010 “El Camino a Compostela “International conference on

Seduction and Tourism, Lisbon (September)


Original Papers in Professional Journals (with references).

1976 - Zafiris, V. and T. Shay. Excavations at Kafr er-Rameh. Kadmoniot


1983 - Shay, T. Burial Customs at Jericho during the Intermediate Bronze

Period (2200-2000 BC): Componential Analysis. Tel Aviv 10:26-37.

1985 - Shay, T. Different Treatment of Deviancy at Death as Revealed in

Anthropological and ArchaeologicalMaterial. Journalof

AnthropologicalArchaeology 4: 221-241.

1989 - Shay, T. The Intermediate Bronze Period: A Reply to Palumbo:

BASOR (Bulletin of the AmericanSchool of Oriental Research)


1989 - Shay, T. Israeli Archaeology: Ideology and Practice. Antiquity 63


1998 – Shay, T. A Review of J. Clottes Collection of "Arts Rupestres”

Mitkufat Ha-even, Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 28:205-6

2001 – From Real to Abstract or Vice Versa – Material Culture and

Cultural Beliefs. Rock Art Research 18 (2): 101-105

2003 – Eurocentrism and Postcolonialism. Rock Art Research 20(2):118-


2004 – Who Takes Care of the Loved One? Anthropological Quarterly

77 (2):289-303.

2005- Can Our Loved Ones Rest in Peace? The Memorialization of the

Victims of Hostile Activities. Anthropological Quarterly 78 (3) 709-


2008- An Ethnography of Teaching Archaeology. Archaeologies 4 (2):


2008 – Shay Talia and Mark Katzenelson. …Theater, Culture and More.

The New Hed-Haolpan 94: 43-48 (Hebrew).

2010 - El Camino a Compostela Inclusiveness or Schisms.An article with

bibliography in the proceedings of the International conference on

Seduction and Tourism, Lisbon (2010)


2010 Women Playing Themselves. Submitted to Anthropological

Quarterly on January 2010.

Book Editing

1991- Shay, T. and J. Clottes (eds). The Limitation of Archaeological

Knowledge. Eraol, Liege.

3-Chapters in Books (with extensive references)

1988 - A Cycle of Development and Decline in the Early Phases of

Civilization n Palestine: An Analysis of the Intermediate Bronze

Period (2200-2000 BC). Glenhill, al. (eds). State and Society

One World Archaeology Series 4. Unwin Hyman, London:113-121.

1991 - Shay, T and J. Clottes. Foreword and Afterthought. Shay,T.and

J. Clottes (eds) The Limitation of Archaeological Knowledge.

Eraol, Liege: 5-12.

1991 - Shay, T. The Living and the Dead, the Dilemma of

Excavating Burials in Israel. Shay and Clottes (Ibid.):67-73.

2004 - Shay, T. “The Visual Manifestation of the Chalcolithic Religion”.

The Copper Age in Near East and Europe. Bar International

Series 1303: 299-302.


1986 – Cycles of Development and Decline in the Early Phases of

Civilization in Palestine. Comparative Studies in the

Development of Complex Societies II, The World Archaeological

Congress. Allen and Unwin, Southampton: 1-10

1993 – "The Ideational Basis of Israeli Archaeology". The XIIth

Congress of the International Union of Prehistoric and

Protohistoric Sciences(UISPP).Bratislava: 436-439

2003 - The Imaginary Community – Burials of Former Russian

Immigrants in Israel. The 5th Archaeological Congress. Theme:

Global Perspectives.Session: Representing the Past:

Archaeology, Identity and the Construction of Memory.


2010 El Camino a Santiago a Compostela- Inclusiveness or Schisms.

Appearing in the Proceedings of “Seduction and Tourism”, Lisbon

Proceedings in Press

2006 - Teaching Archaeology as Alternative History. The 12th Pan

AfricanArchaeology Congress Publication.

2010- Los Muertos y vivos.It will be published in “el libro

compilatorio de los simposios realizadosen el ICA y en laENAH”.


2004 - Moscow Conference on Power and Hierarchy …and the New

Paradigm of Cultural Studies. WAC eNewsletter I.

2005 - Book Review. “Arqueologia”, Funari, P.P 2003. WAC

eNewsletter (April).

Editorial Board

:2009 - African Journal of Political Science


2003 - Peer Reviewer for Anthropological Quarterly

2004 - Moscow Conference on Power and Hierarchy …and the New

Paradigm of Cultural Studies. WAC eNewsletter I.

2005 - Book Review. “Arqueologia”, Funari, P.P 2003. WAC

eNewsletter (April).

2005 – Peer Reviewer for Cathedra, Israel

2008 - Peer Reviewer for The Sport in Society Journal

2008 - Peer Reviewer for The African Journal of Political Science and

International Relations, APSIR (on gender relations)


I am presently working on a book called temporarily "Going

Underground", that includes my researches on death and burial in
