
Key concept/question / Key skills / Key outcome overall / Key competencies to keep in mind
How do we find out about the past?
How has exploration changed over time? / Analysis
Evaluation / To find out about people and events in other times
To compare ways of exploring.
Be able to identify different ways to represent the past / Creativity
Problem solving
Managing self
Relating together
Dates:5th January -24th March / Topic/ theme:To Infinity and Beyond!
SMSC/RE/PSED / Humanities (History and Geography) / Expressive Arts and Design (Art, D&T and Music)
  • British Values :Freedom – assembly theme, followed up in classroom discussions
  • Leaders and teachers – learning about key figures in Christian and Jewish belief.
  • Going for goals – developing self awareness and goal motivated behaviour.
/ History: To learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements – Neil Armstrong/Christopher Columbus/Tim Peake
Geography: Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans. Follow journeys on maps. / Art: Space art in the style of Peter Thorpe –space artist
Music Express: Feel the Pulse – investigating pulse and rhythm
English / Understanding of the world (Science) / Computing / P.E / Mathematics
Key aspects of this subject will be covered (see separate planning):
Traditional tales
Non –fiction writing :
non-chronological reports, recounts, diaries
Spoken language
Handwriting - high expectations, correct formation leading to joining
Phonics- across phases as appropriate
Spelling pathways / Uses of everyday materials:
Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials for particular uses. Investigate possible clothing materials for an expedition.
Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed. /
  • Rapid Router-algorithms
  • Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
  • Word processing
  • Gymnastics (Pedpass planning)
  • Dance (Pedpass planning) – linked to space theme
  • Outdoor games (Pedpass planning)
/ Key aspects of this subject:
Rigby Units (see separate planning):
Year 2 –
Unit 2.5 Additive Reasoning
Unit 2.6 Number Sense
Unit 2.7 Multiplicative Reasoning
Unit 2.8 Number Sense
If appropriate the year 1 units that correspond will also be used.