Date: January 28, 2017 Number on council: 13

Date of Senate Meeting: January 26, 2017 Number present: 13

Prepared by Shanlie Blair

Lauren L’Ecuyer, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the 2016-2017 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Student Academic Services Building Room 302.

Roll Call

Senator Lee

Senator Carpenter

Senator Brown

Senator O’Reilly

Senator Anderson

Senator Carr

Senator Holditch

Senator Claus

Senator Nielson

Senator Olas

Senator Martinez

Senator Beghtol

Senator Overturf

Absent: none

Approval of Minutes

Senator Beghtol: I move to approve last semester’s minutes.

Senator Martinez: I second

Chair L’Ecuyer: Any discussion? All in Favor? Motion passes and minutes are approved.

Call to the Audience:

Chair L’Ecuyer: Is there anyone here to speak to the senate today that is not listed on the agenda?

Unfinished Business: None.

New Action Business

Chair L’Ecuyer: For all the clubs that are here today when I call your item. Come to the podium and if you are here for recognition tell us about your club: number of people, what you do, what you wish to accomplish. If you are here for funding come up and tell us what the funding is for, how much, how will this impact the college.

Item A- Club Recognition: Food Recovery Network

Speaker: It’s a program that’s been going on for two years now and it’s partnership between dining services and students that volunteer their time, and we donate food Monday through Friday from 2:00 p.m.. Last semester, we donated about 4,000 pounds since 2014. We have not seeked recognition through ASNAU before because of previous leadership, as they were going to move off campus as well and they felt they wanted to stay unanimous. But this year, the new students would appreciate having a status as a club here on campus. I know I appreciate it as a member to know consistently the club can have the resources it needs. It’s fully supported by Dining Services and it’s a great community service project that takes about an hours. We’re probably going to get around 10,000 pounds since we started and as we continue going.

Senator Martinez: Do you also collect from the concessions at the games?

Speaker: We try to do concessions, but we found that 2:00 p.m. is the ‘sweet spot’ due to food banks being open for food standards (before expiration, etc.). For concessions, unfortunately, it’s most often too late so we try to include them into a compost program. But if we can expand on ways, we’ll definitely consider it as we want to send healthy food.

Item B- Club Recognition: Mu Epsilon Theta Sorority – Epsilon Chapter

Speaker: The Epsilon Theta was founded thirty years ago at the University of Texas. We ended up bringing it up here last year, and it’s been growing consistently. We are based on three pillars: sisterhood, spirituality, and service. Although we are based on Catholic principles, anyone can join regardless of religious affiliation. It is an organization that also supports the growth of its members, academics, and leadership. Currently there are six chapters throughout Texas, ASU, and UCLA. We hope to be able to continue and serve our NAU community and empower our members.

Item C- Club Recognition: Phi Alpha Theta

Speaker: There was a Phi Alpha Theta history honors society three or four years back, but due to lack of membership it fell into disuse. Now, we are trying to re-instate it. It’s an honors society that offers academic accomplishments and professional development for history students. It’s different than history club, which is a little bit more of a social gathering where people sit and watch movies together, etc. where we are really interested in professional development. We’ve made connections with history department, have faculty member give professional lectures, we also have plans to publish and academic journal supported by the national chapter of Phi Alpha Theta. We’re seeking recognition in that way, we can continue to help the history students here at NAU.

Item D- Club Recognition: SGI Buddhist

Speaker: Thank you for inviting the SGI Buddhist and an opportunity to represent in front of the young student Senate. In our constitution, we are members of the NAU community contributing to the creation of culture of peace and nonviolence based on the teachings of Buddhism as practiced by the SGI Buddhist. SGI Buddhist’s goal is to realize world peace through each individual’s happiness. World peace begins with the individual, then it spreads to friends, acquaintances, neighborhoods, and communities, and finally to nations. Our practice teaches that by establishing a firm inner self, each individual will not be shaken by the difficulties of circumstances. We aim to cultivate a network of friendship to support and encourage our fellow students to enjoy a fulfilling and happy lives filled with hope for the future. The SGI Buddhist organization is one of the largest buddhist organizations in the world. There are members in 192 countries, so it encompasses all diversities and cultures . With the increase in student enrollment here at NAU and a greater increase in student diversity on campus, we believe that a buddhist student organization would (which currently there is not a buddhist organization) would be incredibly valuable. Last year there were two student abroad students, one from India, and another from Korea who reached out to us. This gave them the opportunity to feel like a part of the NAU community in a country where they had not visited in the past. So, if we could provide a club we welcome all students, but we can also be the first group that new buddhist students can be a part of and part of the NAU community. I would like to end with a quote, “today, many are concerned by what they perceive as the growing danger of division around the world. For that very reason, let’s work even harder to reach out with dialogue based on respect for others, transcending all differences,”. Through dialogue that seeks to unite people as global citizens, which is the hallmark of SGI Buddhist. Let us build rainbow bridges of peace and co-existence that will make the future of our world better. Our current club members include students from the biology department, criminal justice and criminology, anthropology, theater and music. Our advisor is Dr. Ahluwalia from the history department.

Item E- SB 29-66: NAU Club Baseball Team

Speaker: We’re comprised of about twenty-five student athletes who love the game of baseball, came up here, and there’s no D1 team (?). So to have this opportunity to still play the game we love and represent our school is great. So this year, we have five road trips. The first is to Phoenix, then Mesquite, Nevada, San jose, California, San Diego, California, and then Phoenix again. We have two home series against University of San Diego and the University of Arizona. So with all of this traveling, including hotels, gas, equipment it equates to about $13,000 in total expenses this year. We get our income from team fees and fundraising, but we have about $2,400 for the budget we can receive from asnau. The students, friends, and family really enjoy our team and we like to have a lot of students at our games and I think it’s a good time, so thank you for your consideration.

Item F- SB 29-67: Black Student Union

Speaker: I’m the public relations officer for Black Student Union, as well as the co-chair for the Black History Month. The BSU has been around for about 20 years now here at NAU. We promote cultural and social sessions for our members who show up to our meetings every other Wednesday, and we’re pretty much active all year-round. The BSU wants to host a Black Renaissance which pulls inspiration from the Harlem Renaissance, which was a very important moment in history for the black community. It brought a lot of art, education, literature, and music. I was told by IMS will pay for anything that we needed, but our big thing right now is Sudexo funding for the catering for the event, and ASNAU would reimburse that. The total amount given was $2,314.

Item G- SB 29-68: Northern Arizona Unaccompanied

Speaker: We are a competitive mixed acapella group here on campus. This year we made it to the first round of the International Championship for Collegiate Acapella competition. So if you’ve seen the movie Pitch Perfect, it’s a real competition. The second round is in Texas, and so we’re asking funding for our flight and housing, which totals to about $2,600. We’ll be representing NAU and hopefully have a chance to move on to the semi-finals in Los Angeles.

Item H- SB 29-69: Stella Carr

Speaker: I’m requesting funding for a conference that I’ll be attending next month in Washington, D.C.. It’s called J-Street Conference, which is an organization that has chapters all across America, on-campuses and off-campuses. They discuss a two-state solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict. As somebody that is a Jew in America, I found that this would be a really interesting conference to attend and to bring back information to students here because it isn’t an issue that is typically discussed on our campus, at least in the circle that I’m aware of. They also reach out to me to see if it’s something that I would want to bring or encourage students here at NAU to start a chapter here so that more students could learn more about this issue. So I’m requesting funding for the flight, lodging, registration, and ground transportation.

Senator Brown: I know there was a question of flights leaving two days in advance before the conference.

Speaker: I talked to Kali and Vanessa and they said the flight wasn’t an issue, they just can’t pay for the lodging of two. The requested amount would still be pretty similar, I just wouldn’t max out the requested amount of money.

Chair L’Ecuyer: Is there a budget attached to this? It’s just subtracting that hostile amount on there. After looking at the flight amounts, it ended up being cheaper flying that day instead of the day before the conference.

Voting Period:

Item A- Club Recognition: Food Recovery Network

First: Senator Overturf

Second: Senator Claus

Discussion: None

All in Favor: Unanimous

Pass/Fail: Pass

Item B- Club Recognition: Mu Epsilon Theta Sorority – Epsilon Chapter

First: Senator Brown

Second: Senator Carpenter

Discussion: None

All in Favor: Unanimous

Pass/Fail: Pass

Item C- Club Recognition: Phi Alpha Theta

First: Senator O’Reilly

Second: Senator Claus

Discussion: None

All in Favor: Unanimous

Pass/Fail: Pass

Item D- Club Recognition: SGI Buddhist

First: Senator Overturf

Second: Senator Martinez

Discussion: None

All in Favor: Unanimous

Pass/Fail: Pass

Item E- SB 29-66: NAU Club Baseball Team

First: Senator O’Reilly

Second: Senator Overturf


Kristine: Aren’t club baseball currently in the student organization until they get an advisor to be active?

Chair L’Ecuyer: Is that because they need an advisor to become active again?

Kristine: Yes.

Speaker: we just got an advisor.

Kristine: Okay, but I have to go through my email as it was sent two hours before the meeting.

Chair L’Ecuyer: So maybe table it until next week? We can’t fund an inactive club.

Motion to Table: Senator Anderson

Second: Senator O’Reilly

All in Favor: Unanimous

Pass/Fail: Pass

Item F- SB 29-67: Black Student Union

First: Senator Brown

Second: Senator Martinez

Discussion: None

All in Favor: Unanimous

Pass/Fail: Pass

Item G- SB 29-68: Northern Arizona Unaccompanied

First: Senator Overturf

Second: Senator Nielson

Discussion: None

All in Favor: Unanimous

Pass/Fail: Pass

Item H- SB 29-69: Stella Carr

First: Senator Martinez

Second: Senator Claus


Cindy: So I don’t know if you want to pass this, and then check, or table it, and have it checked. But both Kristine and I can’t remember the provision for the state of Israel said in regards to specific issues, but it may be that you’ll pass it and then can’t get it to the office. But we remember a specific provision coming out of December, and we just don’t remember what the content of that is. So you may pass it, and not be able to fund it, or table it and check on that provision until next meeting.

Chair L’Ecuyer: Okay. So either we table it, and we can check and come back next week. Or we can pass it and then it may not be funded.

Senator Anderson: Should we just table it because Stella’s going to be here next week?

Speaker: I can’t make it next week.

Chair L’Ecuyer: Is everyone comfortable with that? Can I get a senator to motion to table SB 29-69?

First: Senator Overtuf

Second: Senator Brown

All in Favor: Unanimous

Pass/Fail: Pass

Executive Reports

a.  President- Vanessa Pomeroy

Welcome back from break. Sorry I’m a little jumbled, we got caught in our class, so I don’t have a concise list of reports. For starters I know some of you have received emails from reporters, as always just make sure to forward them to me. If you want to answer any questions as an individual, you’re more than welcome to, but anything on behalf of ASNAU will be forwarded to me. From the poll we took about SB 10-61 (?), I’m going to talk about a few points first and then ask everyone to re-read because there’s a few misconceptions when some individuals were reading the bill. I just want everyone to take another fresh look at it, as well as I think it’s important for all of us to know and know about the happenings going on in the state legislature so we could inform the student body as well. Basically, the bill is proposing (and to clarify, this is not a bill proposed by a board, but a senate) a 2% cap on tuition and fees for all three in-state universities each year. So when tuition proposals come around, they will not be able to exceed that. But please read the bill all the way through and then we can continue a discussion on it. We have our Human Trafficking Awareness Week this week, and we are really hoping that everyone attends here today. There’s a great speaker here on campus, and it’s so important for us to support our organization. It’s at 6:30 p.m. in the Cline Auditorium. It’s been a great week, and I’m really proud of them, especially with all their effort to this cause with the weather. I will be called to disclose who we will be appointing for the vice-president of government affairs tomorrow, and then we will move forward with our senate appointments after that. So all of those vacancies will be filled quite quickly. We have Mental Health Awareness Week coming up as well. We basically have everyone here who had a day and took ownership over, so I’ll let them talk more about their own specific events during their section for their reports. I’m so incredibly proud of everyone who is on our committee, you’ve all done a phenomenal job, and I’m really glad that ASNAU gets to kick it off this weekend. It’ll be so impactful and I think it’s a great message to be going on around campus. Just a quick overview before I let everyone go into more details, Monday will be more of a stress relief day, Tuesday will be anxiety, depression, and PTSD, Wednesday is eating disorders, and Thursday is suicide prevention. So we have different events on that. I’ll speak more on the suicide prevention, as we’re going to table on north and south campus right outside. So like on the pedways on north, and then on south it’d be the large quad area. We’ll have some hot chocolate at each station and we will be passing out golden pines. They may not be golden, depending on if we get the spray cans or not, but we have pinecones that we will be passing out. We’re attaching notes of positivity and possible resources on them as well. We are also going to reach out to a couple of organizations on campus for us to coordinate with. We also have ribbons, where we’re going to hopefully tie them to trees and then write little notes on there. Anything that anyone would want, like if it’s in memory of someone or if they just wanted to write a message. Anything that would be meaningful for them. Anyone from the Mental Health Committee, can you please meet me and stay after senate so we can talk about a few things that we still need to get rolling. Matt can we also meet with you after senate really quickly too, we have a little project with legislation we were hoping to follow up with you on that. That is the conclusion of my report. Thank you.