Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES)
05’ International Symposium on Technology and Methodology of Auto Digital Product Design and Development; Second China International Symposium on Auto Bodywork Development and Die Manufacturing Technology
Date:April 24-25, 2005
Supporters:Institute of Mechanics, China
BeijingNationalCenter for Technology Transfer of CAS
Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
Zhangshu Science & Technology Fund
Sponsors:Group Technology Sub-Society of CMES
TJ Innova Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.
Organizer:Novate ManufacturingTechnologyDevelopmentCenter
Consultants:Institute of Mechanics, China
Department of Automotive Engineering, TsinghuaUniversity
College of Automobile Engineering, JilinUniversity
College of Mechanical & Automotive Engineer, HunanUniversity
Automobile Bodywork Laboratory, ShanghaiJiaotongUniversity
College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'anJiaotongUniversity
College of Automobile, TongjiUniversity
Auto Institute, WuhanUniversity of Technology
Media:China Automotive News, Shanghai Automobile News, China Industry News, AutoWeek,
You are welcome to participate in the two symposiums on auto product all-digital design development technology & procedure, and auto bodywork development and die manufacturing technology.
Auto Product All-Digital Design and Development Technology refers to the technology using computer software, hardware and networking environment to help product design, i.e. simulating product design, analysis, assembling and manufacturing with the aid of networking and computer via product data model. The use of digital design development technology can greatly improve development abilities of automobile products, shorten the period of product design, reduce development costs, materialize optimal design and inter-firm cooperation, enable the company to organize global design and manufacturing resources to develop new product within the shortest time and truly improve the automaker's competitiveness.
Automobile bodywork and die manufacturing technology directly influence the development and manufacturing period and is a token of the automaker and even a country's automobile industry. In recent years, the rapid development of Chinese automobile industry spurs growth of automobile bodywork and die industry. This provides vast market for automobile die industry, which is dubbed "mother of the automobile industry." China's automobile die industry is facing unprecedented opportunity.
The two symposiums, which are to be held on April 24, 2005 in Shanghai at the request of automakers, auto parts manufacturers, die manufacturers and some institutions of higher learning, will discuss domestic automakers' solutions to demands of low cost, high quality, speed and versatility in design and development, aim to meet the challenges to China's automobile industry by intense international competition, facilitate the establishment of product innovation and autonomous development system, expand the application of advanced manufacturing technology in automobile products, bodywork development and die manufacturing.
I. Topics of interest
- Automobile design development trends at home and abroad
- Automobile all-digital design method and procedure and lifecycle management
- Automobile molding technology & method, design of molding effect drawing
- Manufacturing technology of clay model for automobile molding
- Automobile design experience and project management
- Design and manufacture of automobile parts and components
- The developments of bodywork manufacture and die industry and technology in the world
- The present situation and trends of China's bodywork development & design and die manufacturing technology
- The current situation and characteristics of China's automobile die manufacturing technology
- Applications of composite material in automobile bodywork development
- Applications of automobile covering panel die stamping technology and die design theory in automobile bodywork manufacturing
- Applications of digital design and manufacturing technology in automobile die development
- Applications of RE/RP/RT in bodywork development
- Applications of CAD/CAE/CAM, CIMS in automobile product and bodywork development
- Applications of virtue reality technology, reverse engineering and finite element analysis in automobile product development and bodywork manufacture.
- Automobile bodywork manufacturing quality control and applications
- Visiting
II. Participants
Automakers' technology centers, bodywork design departments, technology & material departments at home and abroad; automobile parts and die manufacturers' R&D stuff; teachers and researchers at mechanical or automobile engineering institutions; automobile design businesses and software developers.
III. Forms of the meetings
1)The meeting will invite experts from America, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Institute of Mechanics (ChineseAcademy of Sciences), China Molding Society, China Automobile Engineering Society, TsinghuaUniversity, ShanghaiJiaotongUniversity and other institutions to make keynote speeches and reports.
2)The meeting will invite leaders of automakers and mold manufacturers to make speeches; well-known software developers to make technical analysis.
3)The organizer will hold a small-scale exhibition about body development and mould manufacturing. Participants are welcome to post their materials by express to the organizer before April 1, 2005.
4)The proceedings of the meeting will have "Auto College Profile" column and "New Product, New Technology" column. Institutions are welcome to email their information to before April 1, 2005.
IV. Papers for this meeting
The meeting organizer will publish an anthology entitled "Modern Automobile Product Development and Manufacturing". You are welcome to contribute papers and the outstanding ones will be read on the meeting and awarded certificates.
The papers submitted should concern topics mentioned above and contain no more than 6,000 words, and be emailed to before April 1, 2005.
The papers should use MS word format, A4, double column, and page margins on all sides should be 30mm.
Title: 2# black, centered
Name of Author(s):5#, a line below the title (a space line between), centered.
Affiliation(s), address: 5#, a line below the name of the author(s)
Abstract and keywords: 10 points, a line below the affiliation(s).
Body: 5#; Headers should adopt numerals such as “1”、“1.1”、“1.1.1”
References listed below the body: 10 points
The first author's brief introduction and address (less than 100 words, 10 points)
No page number.
V. Meeting materials
1. The Guide for international meeting on automobile product development
2. An anthology "Modern Automobile Product Development and Manufacturing
3. Reports and keynote speeches of this meeting (1 CD)
4. Digital Manufacture (2 CDs)
5. Virtue reality technology demonstration (1 CD)
6. Automobile testing technology and mould manufacture (1 CD)
7. Participants' address book
8. Professional journals and certificates for excellent papers
9. Research reports and other materials
VI. Registration Fees and Accommodation
- The registration fee for business representatives is RMB 1,800 yuan per person.
- The registration fee for representatives from research institutes and colleges is 1,300 yuan per person.
- The registration fee for Doctoral and Master students is 1,000 yuan per person.
- The sponsorship, supporting fees are subject to negotiation and requested to submit when registering.
- The above fees do NOT include transportation fees and accommodation.
- The meeting is organized by NovateManufacturingTechnologyDevelopmentCenterand will provide invoice for all participants.
7. Contact us
★ All participants are requested to
1) Email your paper and keynote speech to before April 1 2005.
2) Fax the receipt to the symposium organizer before April 20, 2005
3) Inform the symposium organizer about your flight or train to the meeting venue before April 22, 2005.
★Group Technology Sub-Society of CMES:
Address: No. 38, Baiwanzhuang ZiQu, Room 203, Xicheng District, Beijing 100037 P.R.China
Tel:0086-10-88370588 13910205016 Fax:0086-10-68312210
Contact:WANG Jihong SUN Hongxian
★TJ Innova Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.:
Address: No. 325, Yun Qiao Road, Jinqiao Processing Area, Pudong District, Shanghai201206 P.R.China
Tel: 0086-21-58999809-8076 Fax:0086-21-58545789
Contact: LI Xiang FANG Qing
Group Technology Sub-Society of CMES
TJ Innova Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.
Postal code / Tel / Fax
URL / E-mail
participants / Name / Gender / Title / Mobile
Paper title
Keynote speech / Topic of speech
Speaker / Title
Time / minutes / Equipment required
Promotion at meeting / □ product showcase □ speech □ hand-outs
Ticketing service / □ yes
□ no / Return date destination flight
Return date destination steamer/train ticket
Accommodation to be booked / □ single room □ double room
Arrival time of flight / flight: arrival time:
Arrival time of train / Train: arrival time:
★ Please fax the receipt to 0086-10-68312210 before March 21, 2005
★ or email:
★ The registration form can be downloaded from