Prospectus 2016-2017

Ashdon Community Primary School

Bartlow Road, Ashdon, Essex CB10 2HB

Tel: 01799 584219




From the Head Teacher

Dear Parent / Carer,

Thank you for your interest in Ashdon Primary School.

I am very proud to be the Head Teacher of the school and very lucky to lead such a committed group of staff. Our shared aim is to provide an excellent all round education for the pupils, concentrating on progress rather than simply test results and focussing upon the needs of each individual child within the context of a whole class.

We strongly believe that the social and emotional health of the children is as important as their academic ability, and we strive to ensure that we provide support and guidance for all the children in these areas, as well as providing them with a stimulating and challenging curriculum.

At Ashdon, we take great pride in the relationships the children develop and the friendships they forge. It is rare in other schools to see the older and younger children mixing so confidently and caringly as they do here, and it is genuinely something we cherish.Our older children mentor and support the younger ones which helps the social and emotional development of all.

The staff work hard to develop good relationships with parents and carers and if at any time you are worried about anything or require information, please don’t hesitate to come and talk to us.

There are members of staff in the playground both before and after school to whom you can speak if you have a concern. The class teachers are available after school most evenings and I am also often available during the first part of each morning.

We are also keen to welcome parents into school to share the children’s achievements. On most Fridays, we have a sharing assembly from 9:20-10:00am which parents can join after dropping their children in the playground. The children present some of their work and we celebrate their achievements in both school and external activities.

During the year there are a number of other events to which you will be invited, such as Harvest Festival, the Christmas and Summer School Productions and Sports Day and we look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to these events.

We also welcome parents who have time to come into school to hear children read, assist on school trips or support after school clubs and particular curriculum events, so if you feel you could offer some support please speak to your child’s Class Teacher or the Office.

If you would like to visit the school and see the children and staff at work, please let me know.

Gary Brown

Head Teacher

Our Vision Statement

Ashdon School is a caring community. We recognise and celebrate that everyone is an individual and we value and respect them as such.

We aim to provide an enriched curriculum and environment that excites and stimulates our children in their learning and challenges them in their thinking. Through our teaching and the experiences that we offer, we provide our children with every opportunity to be who they want to be in their future.

As a community, we welcome the work and support of our families, other professionals and services so that we can nurture and educate our children in a rounded way, ensuring a combination of academic, social and emotional learning. We enable our pupils to be confident, independent, happy and successful young people, prepared and ready to embark upon the next stage of their learning journey.

Ashdon School challenges our children, celebrates our children and cares for our children.

Our resources and organisation

We serve the villages of Ashdon and Hadstock.

We have four classrooms, a Library and music room and a Learning Zone with over 20 computers which are used by each class; every class has its own workstation with 2 computers linked to the internet. We also have an assembly hall, a dining area with a modern kitchen, office accommodation, Staff Room and resource areas.

There is an attractive grassed playing area, a tarmac playing area, a ‘Trim Trail’ and a Willow Maze, a quiet play area, a multi-use games area (MUGA) and a large sports field. The MUGA allows the children to have access to all weather surface on which to play sport.

The Reception class room has its own outdoor play area which allows all of our younger children to access a purpose built space at all times.

The staff, children, parents and governors take pride in providing a friendly and caring environment for all pupils. We are fortunate in receiving considerable support from parents at all stages of their children’s time at Ashdon School. Many work voluntarily in our classrooms in addition to traditional PTA involvement.

We belong to a cluster group of Small Schools including Debden, Great Sampford and Radwinter which allows us to share visiting theatre groups and artists and participate in inter-school sports.

Our year groups and classes

The children are arranged in classes according to age, with more than one year group in most classes as shown below:


Class / Year Group / Teacher
1 / Reception / Miss Tamsin Foote
2 / Year 1 & 2 / Mr Gary Towers
3 / Year 3 & 4 / Mrs RosJarmainMrs Samantha Heard
4 / Year 5 & 6 / Mrs Liz Lunn & MrJohn Howett

The Class Teacher is responsible for the children's work, although children may work with another adult/teacher.

In all classes, children will either work as a class, as a group or an individual. All age groups mix frequently during playtimes, at clubs and meal times.

Our admission criteria

Our Standard Number to admit is 15 in each year group and we must comply with the Key Stage 1 maximum class size of 30.

In line with LEA regulations, there is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admissions area. In the event of oversubscription, places are allocated using the following criteria:

  1. Looked after children
  2. Children living in the priority admissions area with a sibling attending the school
  3. Other children in the priority admissions area
  4. Children living outside the priority admissions area with a sibling attending the school
  5. Remaining applicants.

Secondary school admission

We are one of the catchment schools for Saffron Walden County High School and a Partner Primary School to Linton Village College, where we send a number of children each year.

Parents are sent information about, and application forms for, the available County secondary schools in the Autumn Term before their child leaves.

We maintain good relationships with the local secondary schools and are able to help create a smooth transition for our pupils.

Our Early Years’ entry plan

We invite our Reception joiners to come to three ‘open house’ afternoons in the Summer Term before they start school to give them the chance to get to know Miss Foote, our Reception Class Teacher, and the layout of the room and the school. These afternoons also give them the chance to start building relationships with their future class mates.

Entry is staggered over the first few weeks of term dependent on the age of the child. A part-time option is available, please speak to the Reception Class Teacher.

The policy of Essex Local Education Authority is to admit children at the beginning of the term during which they become five, ‘the rising fives’.

The Governing body has been granted permission by the Education Authority to admit children younger than ‘rising fives’. Children join the Reception class during the Autumn term and progress from part-time to full time during this term by mutual agreement between Staff and parents. The time-scale depends upon the individual needs of the child.

If your child is very young for their year there is always the option for the start date to be deferred to later in the term.

There is before and after school care provision available at the school. Breakfast Club runs from 8-9;00 am each morning, with the after-school club starting at 3;30 and running until 6pm.
For more information, please contact the School Office or visit the School Website –

Our Curriculum

We provide a purposeful, inter-related, well-designed curriculum which encourages children in their attitudes, efforts and relationships. Careful planning and preparation is made for each of the:

Core subjects – English, Mathematics, Science, Information and Computer Technology(ICT) and Religious Education (RE).

Foundation subjects – Design & Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, PE, French.

Reception follow a separate Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.

A rolling programme of work is split into the phases of Foundation & Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. This programme is flexible enough to respond to the varying range of ability, needs and opportunities of each child in our care, to help raisepupils’ expectations, confidence and self-esteem. It also enables us to cover all the necessary work in a cross curricular way in our mixed age classes and for children and teachers to work in teams.

The Foundation subjects and REare introduced as part of each topic, so that the work is linked in a natural and progressive way; topics are planned through the whole school to create a balance between the variety of subject areas and continuity of learning. Literacy and Numeracy are also linked into topic work as appropriate.

Cross curricular themes for all pupils include: personal, social and health education (PSHE);industry/enterprise links; multicultural aspects of life. Daily Collective Worship also focuses on specific areas of Religious Education.

Children's progress in all subjects is assessed, recorded and monitored. Staff complete an annual report for each child during the Summer Term with a page for parents and children to add their comments.

Each child’s progress is discussed with parents at our termly consultation evenings.

At the end of the Foundation Stage and Year 2, the children’s attainment is recorded by staff and then submitted to give a national perspective.

Pupils in Year 6 undertake a set of written papers in May (SATs) which are sent for external marking and the results published.

Reading at expected level or above / Writing at expected level or above / Maths at expected level or above / Science at expected level or above / No. of Pupils
2013 / 89% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 18
2014 / 93% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 15
2015 / 93% / 93% / 93% / 93% / 14
2016 / 92% / 85% / 100% / 100% / 14

Children working at the nationally expected level at the end of Year 6 should achieve Level 4, with higher achievers reaching Level 5.

The Core subjects


Up to one hour each day is devoted to Literacy activities throughout the School. The children are taught to use speech to express their thoughts clearly and accurately and are encouraged to learn to value the ability to listen carefully and attentively.
Reading is given high priority with direct teaching and guided groups in class. To support individual reading there is a graded scheme at the early stages which broadens into a variety of progressive bands of suitable reading material and a wide selection of more advanced books. Children are encouraged to take books home to practise and consolidate their reading skills.
Children write in a variety of forms and genres, including creative and factual writing, reports, instructional texts, poetry and persuasive accounts.
Spelling is taught using a variety of strategies. The Cambridge ‘Pen Pals’ scheme is used to teach both the mechanics of handwriting and appropriate speed and style for different purposes.


Mathematics is also taught throughout the school. A daily Mathematics lesson, of between 45 minutes and 1 hour, is held in all classes. Children are encouraged to talk about their maths using appropriate vocabulary and explain their methods. The development of mental mathematic strategies is an important part of this. We aim to teach children the importance of maths in all aspects of their work and its practical applications in everyday life. We supplement mathematical work with games and other resources to help children find pleasure in the subject and to reinforce the important concepts and skills.


The children are taught a variety of scientific facts and methods of enquiry through topic work. They are encouraged to read, investigate, experiment and record their findings in order to develop the skills of predicting, setting up fair tests and obtaining evidence from their own observations.

Information and Computer Technology

We aim to prepare children for the challenges of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. ICT is used to enhance the children's learning, and to communicate and present information in a variety of ways. The Learning Zone is used by each class, which has its own workstation with 2 computers linked to the internet. Our Internet Access Policy provides guidelines for safe use of the Internet and unsuitable material is blocked by our Service Provider.

Religious Education

Religious education is taught through the ‘Religious Education in Essex’ syllabus. This promotes a multicultural approach, exploring all aspects of the many different religions throughout the world. The objectives are to encourage careful thinking and develop and refine skills, values and attitudes. Parents have the right to withdraw children from religious education and collective worship should they wish, although we hope this decision would be made in discussion with the Head Teacher.

The Foundation subjects

History and Geography

History and Geography are taught through topic work. Children begin by studying the familiar and extending their learning to develop a wider appreciation of the world in which they live. To broaden their experiences, the children often have the opportunity to visit events and places of interest. Years 5 and 6 are offered an extended residential trip to study a contrasting location.

Art and Design

We encourage appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts and children are given opportunities to explore all aspects of art and design. They are taught to use different materials and encouraged to developtheir creativity and imagination in communicating through visual media. We explore the work of artists, craftspeople and designers to learn about the diverse roles and functions of art and design in society.


Music is taught throughout the school through topic work and specific lessons. All children are taught to read music and are encouraged to explore rhythm and melody. There are class and whole school singing lessons and we have an active and enthusiastic choir. All children have the opportunity to participate in a musical production during the year.

Design Technology

Design technology is taught through the three elements of design, making and evaluating. We present the idea that there are many solutions to a design problem with aesthetic, economic and safety issues taken into consideration.

Physical Education

Each class has weekly PE sessions totalling at least 90 minutes. All children are taught the skills necessary for agility, control, balance, co-ordination, strength and creativity. The PE curriculum includes dance, games, gymnastics, athletics and swimming activities. We encourage children to adopt positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles.
Children in Years 3 and 4 have a weekly tutored swimming session with the objective of every child being able to swim at least 25m on their front and back by the time they leave our school. Children who are unable to complete their 25m target continue to swim in Year 5 and 6.
We belong to the Schools Sports Partnership and take part in their sporting events so children have the chance to strive for both personal and team successes. We participate in friendly matches and competitions with local schools and children canjoin a variety of extra-curricular sporting activities.


Children have specific lessons in French, and are also exposed to French vocabulary during the course of the day. Lessons are taught by a qualified teacher who is French.

Social and emotional development

At Ashdon School, we regard the social and emotional development of the children as, at least, as important as their academic development, if not more so.

The school has a number of members of staff who are trained learning mentors, and they have a dedicated time where they can work with children who staff and parents feel may benefit from additional support. The learning mentors can also be utilised in an emergency at any time during the school week should the need arise.

KS1 and Reception children also have a daily snack time at which issues relating to social and emotional development are discussed.