Good practice tutorial






CONTACT : Monsignori Pierluigi and Isabella Ceccarelly for Italian

Andrea Damis for English

Pierluigi Monsignori cell. +39 348 2869485

Isabella Ceccarelli cell. +39 346 0632204

Andrea Damis cell. +39 328 5771834



Plasticfood, created by Pierluigi Monsignori, born in 2010 as land art installation. It focuses on ecosustainability and global ecology because of its visual impact: waste material eco bales, weighting from 60 kg to 500kg, posed in different ordinary places, in the countryside like in the city. Waste reduction is a priority today. Packaging invasion, disposable culture and new lifestyles lead to increasing waste production.

Plasticfood wants to disseminate a simple message: reduce waste production, starting directly with people involving them through emotions. Land art installation allows to sea reactions of people living the installation, refusing the waste. People are bewildered finding what was in the trash until the day before and that they already forgot. Project wants to animate waste, not recycling it, but in the sense of not producing waste at all. Is awareness to responsable and respectful consumption .

  • Plastic Food è divenuta una campagna di comunicazione sociale ed ambientale per un mondo con meno rifiuti. Ha lo scopo di diffondere il messaggio in tutto il mondo.

From the main concept the earth is our house and we are responsable of it, the vision of a possible future, not very far, creates a strong impact, both visual and emotional and for it, bring to reflection. Our hose should be a place of beauty and art, that’s what plasticfood focuses on. Today society should face this reality that explains a possible future very close.

Infact we already created a plastic island on the ocean and seems to have an own life.

Plasticfood project is the leader project that exports and communicates the land art installation, and its social and ecological values, through actions and cooperation with different actors, since its beginning: schools, universities, enterprises, foundations, municipalities, museums.

  • The format works trough initiatives and information campaigns, lessons, meetings, work shop and info sessions. The project in flexible so to be capable to reach anyone.Plasticfood project pariticipates in many international projects for waste reduction and day dedicated to earth.
  • L'ecosostenibilità del nostro pianeta dipende solo da noi e da come riusciamo ad impostare in modo corretto la nostra quotidianità, soprattutto nei consumi, che sono il primo riflesso evidente del modo di vivere personale. Il comportamento assunto verso il consumismo stesso, nel corso del tempo, ha inequivocabilmente influito anche nella solidità e sui rapporti affettivi e sociali in generale.
  • Echosustainability of our planet depends on us and on how we set up our everyday life, specially in our consumption that are the first outcome of personal living.
  • Plastic Food Project wants to be an evident complaint. Since the beginning Plastic Food installations were many, in italian museums and abroad; in civic events involving universities, schools and private and public entities. Land art installation of plastic food was used in flash mobs and work shops as well.
  • Plastic food art installation is preceded by some group lessons for participants where is explained the social and ecological message. Then participants rework the messages in different forms and expressions.
  • Museo Pecci in Prato, Bruxelles, Perugia, Museo internazionale Luzzati di Genova, MAC in Bahia, Marocco, Praga, Londra.
  • Every year participates at international events for waste reduction, green events, involving students, teachers, general public.

Natural evolution of Plastic Food is the participation at the UUD european project under the Erasmus+ Programme.

The contribution of Plastic Food is to highlight the ability of creating civic events through art installation, in this case, through Plastic Food: art is capable of a universal language that brings the message to everybody. Trhough Plastic Food, social and ecological messages reach many people and lnks different countries’ politic to the citizenns’ good practice for waste reduction. For this reason Plastic Food in in the UUD project platform.


Plastic Food is a civic art installation because through art spreads a strong message like waste reduction.Since the beginning Plastic Food reached many people, working mainly with schools and new generetions; is with them that messages become behaviours.

Immediatly plastic food in Italy gave good results and participated to many events like EWWR/SERR which participates since 2010 and awarded plastic food in 2015. Constantly Plastic Food recives recognitions from institutions and critics as artistic installation and as waste reduction installation as well. This way art is for ecology, society, environmental communication. Use Plastic Food art installation to communicate waste reduction. Art is the universal and effective mean.

Videos :Tutorials from– learning to messaging in the public square and lecturing by the learners.

  • 1 contact with the school
  • 2 learning and acting
  • 3 Lecturing by learners


Videos :

  • Collettive d'arte
  • Collaboration

An explanation

Waste reduction is a priority today. Packaging invasion, disposable culture and lifestyle lead to an increasing waste production. Global consumption of plastic bags is 1 million each minute; a single European citizen uses 500 bags/year, an average of 25 minutes each one; 80% of plastic waste go to the sea; plastic waste in the sea come from feed industry; 80 million of tons can be found in the sea, representing 100 million of oil barrels.

Disposal created floating islands in the oceans, polluting and destroy natural habitat with desert islands; fishes eat plastic pieces and die or enter our feed chain.

A questo problema si aggiunge la questione delle difficoltà e dei costi crescenti sia per la stessa produzione che per lo smaltimento.

I problemi di gestione della produzione e dello smaltimento della plastica riguardano l'utilizzo di fonti energetiche e il relativo inquinamento atmosferico ed ambientale, con conseguenti danno alla salute umana, oltre che ai disastri ambientali ed ecologici: quali produzione di smog e gas effetto serra; inquinamento di fiumi, laghi e mari; impoverimento delle risorse marine e distruzione di interi Habitat; incidenza sulle malattie tumorali.

In addition, plastic management and disposal deal with energy sources use and the environmental pollution: like smog production, water pollution cancer incidence in human.

L’unica risposta è un’inversione di tendenza: ridurre all’origine la quantità di materiale di scarto, acquistando in maniera intelligente e mettendo in pratica alcuni semplici comportamenti nella nostra vita quotidiana. The only answer is a trend change: reduct the waste at its origin, buying in a smart way and putting into practice some simple behaviours in our everydaylife.



European Week Waste Reduction, Let's Cleau Up Europe, m'illumino di meno, Earth Day, Environment Global Day, International Festivals and much more.

Videos : European Week Waste Reduction Flash Mob 2014

Earth Day

Let's Clean Up Europe

M'Illumino di Meno


Kenitra Marocco

Environmental day Montone


Centro Culturale ed Artistico “PLASTIC FOOD PROJECT”

Via Giacomo Leopardi n.1, 06019 Umbertide – Pg - Italia - Codice Fiscale 90022580543