As you are part of the newly elected federal government of 2015, we would strongly urge you to make eradication of child poverty a greater priority in budget allocations and program emphasis. Specifically, we are asking that you implement a comprehensive plan to eliminate child poverty in Canada.
As members of the United Church of Canada, we are alarmed at the high rate of child poverty in this affluent country, especially among racialized and Aboriginal populations. Across the country and across our church, the effects of poverty are plain to see; food banks continue to proliferate; homeless persons beg on our city streets; out-of-the-cold programs are overflowing; many racialized Indigenous live in conditions unimaginable for a wealthy country like ours.
As a Christian, we believe that all people have the right to be treated with justice, love, and respect. We also believe that it is the right of all people to have adequate access to the resources necessary for a full life, including adequate security provisions and the ability to participate in the life of their community. Children, especially, are the most vulnerable in our society and yet hold the most promise as future citizens, workers, and family members. As a resource rich nation, Canada has an obligation to care for all people, ensuring their basic needs are met.
UNICEF’s Report Card 11; Measuring Child Poverty put Canada 17th of 29 industrialized nations with a 14 percent rate of child poverty. This is a sad reality when so much emphasis in our country has been put on “economic growth”. We therefore urge you to protect and further the gains made against child poverty by:
Establishing measurable and attainable goals to reduce child poverty
Raising the maximum federal child tax benefit (including the supplement for low-income families) to $5,600 per child for low-income families
Increasing child welfare support given to Indigenous people to balance that given to others; Child welfare support to First Nations agencies is 22% less per capita
Initiating and investing in an affordable, accessible, quality childcare system as a way to support low-income families
Increasing federal subsidies for affordable housing
We would encourage your government to act before the costs of child poverty become more of a social and economic drain than they already are. An investment in children is a financially, educationally, and socially sound investment by society.
Yours sincerely
Tamarack Presbytery
Of the United Church of Canada