Greatness Tracker Instructions:

· Face to Face-the goal is to have 15 face to faces per week. Write the name of each person in the box. These can be with clients, potential clients, referral partners or potential referral partners.

· Break Breads-the goal is 5 per week. Write the name of each person in the box. This can be lunch, coffee, happy hour, etc.

· Great phone calls-the goal is 60 per week. Write the name of each person in the box. There are suggestions of who to call on the left

· Seminars attended-the goal is one or two seminars attended or held by you.

· Hour’s prospected-write in the total hours spent prospecting each day. Minimum of 21 per week. This is face to face time, prospecting phone calls, and 1hr for an application/buyer/listing appt.

· Thank you cards-the goal is 10 per week. Write the name of each person in the box. These are hand written, heart-felt thank you cards. Rick’s tip: put ten blank cards on your desk at the beginning of each week. Fill them out as you have a great phone call, impactful face to face, etc. Stay at the end of the week if they are not all filled out and finish.

· Leads-keep tally of the number of leads you get each day. The goal is 10 by the end of the week.

· Deals-keep tally of deals taken each day (applications). The goal is 3 by the end of the week.