As a user of this library, you can expect:

  1. To find a range of up-to-date resources for clinical, management and support staff.1We always welcome suggestions for new resources
  2. Library staff to be available to assist with your queries and / or to refer you elsewhere if they themselves cannot help
  3. The Library to obtain copies of items held in other libraries1
  4. To have journal article requests supplied within 48 hours OR to receive a clear explanation if supply takes longer
  5. To have requests and enquiries dealt with within 24 hours of receipt, or by an agreed date, and for us to keep you informed at every stage of the process
  6. To be informed, within a reasonable time, if there is to be a delay in service delivery
  7. To be able to have a search undertaken for you by a member of library staff2
  8. To receive the results of your search within a time frame agreed when the request is submitted. (Patient care searches within one working day.)
  9. To be able to book a training session to learn how to search for information (including electronic resources) and receive ongoing support to develop these skills
  10. The library environment to be conducive to study, reference and research
  11. If eligible, to have 24-hour access to the library
  12. To have 24-hour access to selected electronic resources within the library, at your workplace and at home and to be able to access content via fixed and mobile devices
  13. To be able to use our services without visiting the library by using the library website, contacting the library by phone or e-mail
  14. To be able to make suggestions, comments or complaints about the service and receive a prompt, courteous response when required
  15. To find information about library services, opening hours and how to contact library staff, clearly displayed in the library and on the library website
  16. To find details of our charges for overdues, printing and photocopying clearly displayed both in the library and on the website
  17. To find clear signage in the library and guidance on how to locate material in the collections
  18. To receive a sympathetic response to any special needs.

1 Except placement students, who should use the services of their home university.

2 Undergraduate students are expected to undertake their own searches. Help is available if require

(01473) 702544/702545 (ext. 1544/1545

As a customer of the Ipswich Hospital we ask you;

  • To treat library staff with respect
  • To treat library resources and facilities with respect
  • To abide by the library regulations outlined on the library membership form
  • To renew or return items on or before the date they are due
  • To let us know when you change job or change any of your contact details
  • To return any items that are on loan to you when you leave your job
  • To comply with the Trust’s Internet, Intranet and email policy whilst using computers in the libraries. (See the Trust Intranet for details)
  • To comply with the Copyright Act when making copies on library photocopiers or requesting photocopies from library staff. (See the posters next to the photocopiers for details)
  • To show consideration for other readers who may be studying
  • To use your mobile phone in the library with discretion
  • To place rubbish in the bins provided, or take it with you
  • Not to leave personal items unattended in the library

If you would like to know more about standards or have any concerns or compliments, please contact:

Gary Wynne, Library Manager

Ipswich Hospital Library & Learning Resources

Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust

01473 702545/1545

Revised and updated April 2017