Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center

United States Departments of

Agriculture Interior 32 Campus Drive #3168

Bureau of Land Management Missoula, MT 59812-3168

Fish & Wildlife Service Phone: (406) 243-4682

Forest Service FAX: (406) 243-4717

National Park Service

"Fostering interagency excellence in wilderness stewardship"

Date:February 16, 2017

To:BLM State Wilderness Coordinators

FWS Regional Wilderness Coordinators

FS Regional Wilderness Program Managers

NPS Wilderness Program Leads & Training Managers

From:Laura M. Rotegard, Acting Director, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center

Re:InteragencyRegional Wilderness Stewardship Training, Ukiah, CA
April 17-20, 2017

REPLY DUE EXTENDED to February 24, 2017

Dates: April 17-20, 2017

The Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center is offering the Interagency Regional Wilderness Stewardship Training Course in Ukiah, California, April 17-20, 2017. The course emphasis is on interpreting and applying the 1964 Wilderness Act, agency policy, and wilderness management principles to on-the-ground decisions.

Cost:There is no tuition for this session. Participants pay their own travel costs. Lodging will be made available at or below the per diem rate.

Target Audience:Mid-level and field-level decision-makers and key staff with wilderness stewardship responsibilities. This course is focused specifically on the stewardship of wilderness in thepacific west area, but many topics are generally applicable throughout the nation and participationisnot limited to those within thisarea.

Course Goal:Improve the participant’s ability to recognize and effectively address common wilderness stewardship issues through interpretation and application of the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Minimum Requirements Analysis process, and establishing connections with other wilderness professionals.

Course Description: This course focuses on the interpretation and application of the Wilderness Act of 1964, agency policy, and wilderness management principles. The overarching mandate to preserve wilderness character while providing for public use is emphasized, as is the application of the Minimum Requirements Analysis process. Participants will be able to: 1) interpret and discuss the Wilderness Act of 1964, agency policy, and wilderness values envisioned by Congress and wilderness leaders; 2) recognize the changing regional issues affecting wilderness management; 3) identify and apply wilderness law, agency policy, and management principles to specific management challenges; and 4) demonstrate commitment to excellent wilderness stewardship and sound decision-making. Learning is enhanced by a one-day field trip into a local wildland area and the opportunity to network with wilderness professionals from other land management agencies and partners.

Required Pre-Work:To reduce the length of the course and travel costs, completion of two online training modules will be required prior to the onsite session. Completion of these modules will take approximately 2-4 hours. Additional instructions will be included in the selection letter.

Reply Due Extended to February 24, 2017:Total course enrollment is limited, and each agency’s enrollment may be further limited to ensure adequate representation by all fouragencies. A selection letter will be sent to those accepted into the course after February 24th.

To Register:

For Department of Interior employees using DOI Learn please use the link provided below which will take you to the DOI Learn login screen and then directly to the scheduled class in the catalog. Follow the steps within DOI Learn to request enrollment. Be sure you have selected the Ukiah, California course. Once your supervisor approves, you will receive a notification email. Please click on the following link:DOILearn.Please be sure your supervisor approves and you are fully enrolled in the class.

For Department of Agriculture employees using AgLearn, click on the following link, log in, and search the course catalog for the keywords “regional wilderness”: AgLearn. Click on “View Course Dates” and click on “register” for the Ukiah, Californiasession. Submit your request and obtain approval to complete enrollment. Once your supervisor approves, you will receive a notification email.Please be sure your supervisor approves and you are fully enrolled in the class.

For applicantsoutside the Departments of Interior or Agriculture, contact Holly Metzger, 406-243-4682, to get an application form.

Questions aboutthe registration process should be directed to Holly Metzger at 406-243-4682. Questions about course content or logistics should be directed to the course coordinator,James Sippel, , 406-243-4625.

For information about other training opportunities offered by the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, visit:

/s/Laura M. Rotegard


Acting Director