Lake Jackson Soccer Club June 2009 Meeting Minutes
Monday June 1, 2009
Jasmine Hall
Attendees: Gran Betts, Noel Contardi, Cheryl Cooley, Phil Cooley, Amy Cross, Larry Foley, Paul Gillis, Wally Gregory, Susan Jurecka, Kathy Krupp, Mark Kuettel, David Latta, Kelly Rathbun, Eric Ripplinger, Matt Turk, Dan White
Guests: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by LJSC President Dan White. The minutes of the May meeting were unanimously approved as corrected based on a motion by Matt Turk and a second by Noel Contardi.
Officer Reports:
President’s Report (Dan White): In preparation for the City of Enchantment tournament, Dan is working with GotSoccer to determine whether the system will be able to accept credit card payments. Wally noted that Albion could not make credit card transactions work in the system either.
LJSC will receive $25,000 from the City of LJ Parks Board funding process. This will be used to install new ball fences, kick walls, and dirt storage areas. The possibility of a Canna Lane field turnaround is still in question due to lack of clarity on property ownership. It will cost approximately $10,000 for each set of fences and kick walls. We will also need a sprinkler system estimate for Dunbar. Resurfacing the Dunbar parking lot should be in the Roads budget for this year. The Dunbar enhancement plan looks promising. The field locations will still be OK. The Parks Board funding is approved in August and allocated in October. We will need to review the detailed layout with the City of LJ prior to installation of the fencing.
We are still looking for a Competitive Teams manager for the LJSC Board.
Boy’s VP (Noel Contardi): Skills assessment is June 2 and June 9 starting at 5:30 pm at MacLean pavilion. Registration can be done starting at 6:00 pm. Registration is required for all players; last fall, this spring or this fall registrations are accepted. Play up forms are not required for skills assessment participation. Amy Cross will assist with skills assessment. Scott Drabeck will be the U-7/U-8 Boys Age Group Coordinator. Registration counts so far indicate that there will be 4 teams of U-9 Boys players. There will also be some new U-11 through U-14 players who will participate in a separate skills assessment. There are only 2 new U-10 players. Players who do not want to return to their previous team should attend the skills assessment. There is a Div II Boys team that may not have enough players. Noel will discuss options with the coach. There is another team that needs an assistant coach who can take over when the original coach is deployed. There should be enough U-10 players for 4 teams.
Girl’s VP (Eric Ripplinger): There could be 28 U-9 girls at skills assessments. Eric sent a note to the coaches to check on players that haven’t registered yet. This is 17 fewer girls than last season. He has four volunteers to coach.
Treasurers Report (Larry Foley): As of 5/31/2009, the LJSC account balances are:
- Money Market:$25,564.26
- CD: $35,077.90
- TDECU Checking: $32,654.99
Deposits for registration occur daily.
Field Manager’s Report (Mark Kuettel): Scott & Co. was contacted about mowing Dunbar. Still need to permanently install goals. Work days can be scheduled for the end of June and the end of July. Mark is getting the cost estimates for the ball fences. The school board will need to review a proposal for parking lot modifications on Canna Lane. Lonnie will get budget numbers from a contractor. The MacLean fields have been fertilized. We will not fertilize the Dunbar fields as they look OK.
Registrar’s Report (Matt Turk): We are a little light on recreational registration but Division II registrations are higher. Matt is expecting about 100 more U-6 players to register. Matt can pull data for the Age Group Coordinators. Eric asked Matt to provide a spreadsheet with all the registered players listed. During the on line registration process, players may check that they want to play up. Matt then sends an e-mail back to the individual with a link and instructions for completing the online play up form.
Coaches will register through Affinity at a later date. Matt reviewed the registration and team formation schedule to emphasize the importance of sticking to the plan. 104 people indicated interest in coaching or being an assistant coach. The U-6 registration deadline is July 31.
In Division II spring play, the Force the Impact competed at the Director’s Cup State Level. Paul needs a contact to determine to how assign referees in GotSoccer.
Equipment Manager’s Report: (Garrett Brown – new appointment): Balls were ordered, but Dan doesn’t have a status report on delivery.
Past President’s Report (Kevin Romero): none
Director of Coaching (DOC – Wally Gregory): There are several coaches clinics scheduled, pending STYSA approval:
U-10 through U-12 in Brazoria, Saturday August 1
U-10 through U-12 in Lake Jackson, Sunday August 23
U-6 through U-8 in Lake Jackson Sunday September 13
Matt will provide a list of last year’s U-6 coaches who must complete training this year.
Old Business:The AT&T information provided at the last meeting was incorrect so no action has been taken. The virtual phone line will not work with Unified Messaging. It requires Call Notes. A single mail box for field status information is imperative. The Club could save money by reducing the number of mailboxes. Dan will contact AT&T again.
New Business: We need to review the City of Enchantment tournament planning spreadsheet and solicit volunteers. Wally suggested that we outsource the T-shirt sales. Dan will forward that information.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Krupp
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