User Agreement
Motorola Solutions will only allow properly licensed software to be stored in or executed upon its computers. All users shall use software only in accordance with the license agreement. Each software license is presumed to be for a single copy, operating in a single computer unless the license agreement specifically states otherwise. Unless otherwise provided in the license any duplication of copyrighted software, except for backup and archival purposes, is a violation of the law.
Motorola Solutions’ policy is to protect sensitive, proprietary and critical electronic information, owned by Motorola Solutions or third party licensers, which could have a detrimental effect on Motorola Solutions or third party operations through misuse or disclosure. Protection of this information is vital to maintain our competitive edge and safeguard the company’s and employee’s futures.
Any unauthorized or willful violation of this policy by any individual may result in disciplinary action in accordance with Human Resource Policy No. 6, appropriate legal action, and/or enforcement of the Agreement signed pursuant to applicable law.
Each employee is required to sign this Motorola Solutions Software Licensing, Information Protection and Non-Disclosure Agreement (form No.3737-43 (c) R) prior to being allowed access to any Motorola Solutions computer system, device or software.
- I agree to use all software in accordance with specific license agreements.
- I agree to make no unauthorized copies of any software under any circumstances.
- I agree to give no software to any outsiders including clients, customers and others without specific authorization in the software license agreement.
- I agree to classify and protect sensitive information according to the Motorola Solutions information security classifications established by Motorola Solutions’ Information Protection Policy (iProtect).
- I agree to use Motorola Solutions’ computer resources and systems, including electronic mail, in accordance with Motorola Solutions’ Information Protection Policy (iProtect) (as it may be amended or replaced at the discretion of Motorola Solutions from time to time).
- I agree to run Motorola Solutions furnished virus detection software when instructed to do so and to use the security features on my computer to protect against viruses and other malicious software.
- I agree to secure my computer devices, through the use of Motorola Solutions furnished security software and/or devices to prevent unauthorized access and theft.
- I agree not to copy, disclose or use any confidential or proprietary information which is owned by or entrusted to Motorola Solutions, except to perform my job responsibilities.
- I agree to be accountable for all use of my individual use ID (computer account).
This agreement shall survive termination of my employment with Motorola Solutions and may not be modified or waived except by a further written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Motorola Solutions. It shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the province of my employment and the laws of Canada applicable therein and may be enforced in any manner permitted by law or in equity, including, but not limited to, specific performance and injunction. J’ai consenti à ce que le présent document soit rédigé en langue anglaise. I have agreed the present document be drafted in the English language.
I certify that I have read and understand the above provisions, and that by signing below I am agreeing to adhere to Motorola Solutions’ information security policies and any other similar document of which I have notice, and to comply with all their provisions.
Employee or Contract NameEmployee or Contract SignatureDate (mm/dd/yy)
Employee NumberE-Mail IDPhone Number
Authorization NameAuthorization SignatureDate (mm/dd/yy)
Department Number LocationSector/Group
Software Agreement Form 2002-10-22