PCC BIBCO RDA Online Training Plan
November 29, 2012
The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) invites active BIBCO institutions to follow this RDA “bridge” training plan for descriptive cataloging in the context of the PCC BIBCO Standard Record for textual monographs. RDA NACO training and record review to reach independence are pre-requisites.
PCC BIBCO RDA Course materials
The PCC has approved the use of online LC RDA training modules, as found on the Catalogers Learning Workshop, for use by PCC partners for descriptive training.
RDA: Module 1 -- Introduction to RDA; Identifying Manifestations and Items
RDA: Module 2 – Describing Carriers and Identifying Works
RDA: Module 3 – Identifying Expressions and Describing Content
RDA: Module 4 -- Relationships
RDA BIBCO Webinars
In support of the RDA descriptive training that BIBCO institutions complete using online LC Modules 1-4, the PCC Secretariat will offer live webinars. RDA BIBCO Webinars are question-and-answer sessions with experienced RDA catalogers. Initially, each of four webinars (approx. 90 minutes) will correspond to the content of the appropriate training Module and the PCC RDA BIBCO Standard Record (BSR). The initial plan is to offer four separate webinars to correspond to the appropriate module.
BIBCO institutions
· Arrange their own patterns for working through each of the four online LC RDA descriptive cataloging modules and related exercises
· Examine the RDA BIBCO Standard Record
· Register via SurveyMonkey for each live webinar offered through the PCC Secretariat
· Forward questions to the BIBCO Coordinator to be used in the RDA BIBCO Webinars they will attend
· Participate in live RDA BIBCO Webinars (or view recordings of these webinars)
· Undergo review by an RDA-trained PCC cataloger
· The PCC Secretariat will offer the series of live webinars in January and February, and on a monthly basis in 2013 as needed by the BIBCO community. Registration for the webinars will by via survey issued in the previous month.
· The PCC Secretariat expects to make webinar recordings available.
Things to consider
· Supervisors may wish to decide when each online module will be completed by the staff members in their institution.
· Catalogers may find it helpful to discuss the modules and their experiences in regular meetings on the local level.
· Participants may prefer to work in pairs and then have group sessions. People learn better when training together than in isolation.
· Self-tests at the end of the courses allow participants to measure comprehension.
· Participants will receive technical information about using the online learning platform in advance of the webinar.