Art 213.01: Beginning Drawing crn:12780 Winter 2008
Instructor: Margaret Nowling
Office: Classroom Bldg. 110B
Office phone: 654-2244
Office Hours: Mon., Weds. 5-6 p.m. Tuesday 8-9 a.m.
or by appointment
Class meets: Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 am – 12:25 pm Class room: P.A. 105
This class requires a $35.00 course materials fee.
Catalog Course Description
Introduction to drawing and composition including drawing from still-lives, nature, man-made objects, the human figure.
A drawing can be used in several different ways. It can be a notation of something seen or imagined. It can be used as a study for another, usually more complex, work. A drawing can also be an end in itself, a finished work of art.
One of the most important uses for the act of drawing is as a tool for seeing. Many times we look at people, things, situations, without really seeing them as they are. One of the artist’s jobs is to communicate what we really see. Consequently, the emphasis in this course will be on realistic representation.
Goals of this course are:
The student will use, and learn to trust, his or her senses and to
convey that experience through the various media of drawing.
The student will use various wet and dry media, and become familiar
with their expressive qualities.
The student will learn to use principles of design in order to make an
effective composition.
The student will learn and use appropriate art elements, principles of design
& vocabulary
Other goals will be developed as the quarter progresses.
Attendance Expectations:
You darn well better come to class. I will take attendance at the beginning of each class. Your drawing and grade will suffer if you are not in class.
Art 213 Grading Criteria:
You will EARN your grade in this class.
Student will bring in 1 item per week to add to still life set-up.
Student will produce 16 sketchbook assignments, which will be
graded according to effort expended and whether or not
directions were followed.
Please date and label each sketchbook assignment according
to the assignment.
Student will produce 2 handmade books.
Student will compile a portfolio of best work produced from each
class meeting. This portfolio will show growth from the
beginning of the quarter as well as mastery of a variety of
media and will demonstrate student’s grasp of art elements
and principles of design. Sign, label according to
technique, and date each drawing, even those done on
newsprint, including warm-up gesture drawings.
Student will attend class as well as understand and use drawing related vocabulary.
The Art 213 course materials fee will be used to pay model fees and for materials and paper that would be difficult for you to find.
Student will be required to bring 1 item per week to add to the still life set-up. I will give direction on what type object to bring for specific set-ups. Hopefully, you will locate something that will be interesting to draw.
8 x 10 inch sketchbook, hardbound or spiral
18 x 24 inch drawing pad (not newsprint)
magic rub eraser, kneaded eraser
drawing pencils: 4h, 2h, f, hb, 2b, 4b, 6b
18” metal ruler
(pen handle and variety of nibs)
inexpensive paintbrushes
old toothbrush
exacto knife
pencil sharpener
glue stick
2 clips
a box of some sort for all this stuff. Bring everything every time.
Art 213 Syllabus:
January 3: Introduction to course. Quiz.
January 8: Intro. to seeing, line
January 10:Line, blind contour, emphasis & subordination
January 15: Drawing from life: proportional relationships (rectangle).
January 17: Figure and ground, value, tonal study. Charcoal, kneaded eraser
January 22:Self portrait. Bring a mirror. Colored paper, conte crayon.
Drawing from life: Ball point pen, razor point pen: hatching,
cross-hatching, scribbling.
Last day to withdraw from a class without a “W” being recorded.
January 24:Mixed media techniques and book-making
January 29: Perspective.
January 31: Perspective.
February 5: Midterm turn in book & 8 assignments;
vocabulary exam
February 7:Value: High key, middle key, low key.
February 12:Foreshortening, model, contrast for emphasis. Pen, stick,
and brush, ink, wash drawing
February14:Texture: collage and drawing from.
February 19:Last day to withdraw from classes for a serious & compelling reason.
Figure drawing.
February 21: Compositional balance. Figure drawing. Various media, mixed media.
February 26:SOCI week. Unity, repetition. Landscape, details
February 28: Depth. Atmospheric perspective
March 4: Expressive drawing.
March 6:Final book assigned.
March 11:Final book. Compile and turn in Portfolio today; Self evaluation; Vocabulary exam.
March :Final. Pick-up portfolio & book.
Please note: syllabus may be changed at instructor’s discretion.