(ACEC DNR Committee)
August 8, 2016
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PROJECT: / ACEC IDNR Committee MeetingDATE: / August 8, 2016, 12:00-1:30pm at BF&S office
I. List of Attendees (attached)
a. Mr. Neal Bennett called the meeting to order at approximately 12pm
b. Minutes recorded by Ms. Summer O’Brien
II. ACEC Mission Statement
III. ACEC upcoming events
IV. Discussion of DNR Committee purpose
V. Meeting minutes from November 10, 2015
VI. Update from Subcommittees
a. Floodplain Modeling Guidelines
i. Chair: Siavash Beik
ii. Guidelines updated and published except Chapter 7, which is pending completion
b. Mitigation
i. Chair: Neal Bennett
ii. Mitigation Matrix – no update needed for now
iii. In-Lieu Fee program – delayed, possibly rolled out in January 2017.
1. Prequal with IDOA for consultants/contractors
2. Fee schedule available online
3. Instrument under revision based on IRT comments
VII. DNR Discussion Topics and 2016-2017 Priorities/Goals
a. Low Head Dam removal
i. Modeling requirements
ii. Regulatory pathway
b. DNR vs INDOT Hydraulic Model reviews; inconsistencies on MOU
c. SHPO requirements for railroad corridors; project area determination
d. Stream Flow tool; feedback
e. In-Lieu Fee; continue updates
f. Mussels; mitigation guidance, earlier discovery
g. DNR training schedule; planning