Arizona Department of Child Safety


v ADOPT FINALIZED (ADOP) ---This reason is to be selected due to the finalization of an adoption.

v ADOPT SUB TERMI (ADTE) --- This reason is to be selected when adoption subsidy cases are closed.

v AGE OF MAJORITY (AGEO) --- This reason is to be selected when a child reaches the age of majority and is no longer receiving CPS services.

v ALLEGTN UNSUB (ALUN) --- This reason is selected when there is no longer a need for DCS involvement as the family’s safety and risk factors have been addressed and the allegation is unsubstantiated.

v CASE PLAN ACHIE (CASE) --- This reason is selected when the case plan has been successfully completed. The family’s safety and risk factors have been addressed and no further DCS intervention is warranted.

v CHILD MARRIED (MARR) --- This reason is selected when the child has married.

v CHILD NO LONGER H (CHNO) --- This reason is selected when a child victim is no longer in the home. There are no outstanding safety and risk factors which would warrant DCS intervention for any other child remaining in the home. This could be due to runaway status, child moving to a different parent, relative, or parent approved non-relative.

v CLIENT DEATH (CLIE) --- This reason is selected due to the death of the child and there are no other children in the home.

v COURT DISMISS (COUR) --- This reason is selected when the court dismisses the petition (or relieves DCS of involvement in the case).

v NO JURISDICTION (NJUR) --- This reason is selected when DCS does not have jurisdiction in the case. Examples would include sheltering a child who is the ward of a court of another state, or a tribal ward.

v OPENED IN ERROR (OPEN) --- This reason is selected when a case is opened in error.

v OPN/CLSE-REVIEW (OCRV) --- This reason is selected when a case is opened for review purposes only.

v RETURNED HOME (RTHM) --- This reason is selected when a child is returned home.

v TRANSFER CASE (TRAG) --- This reason is selected when a case is transferred to another Arizona program. Examples would include Independent Living and Adoption case transfers.

v TRANS TO TRIBE (TRIB) --- This reason is selected when jurisdiction and custody of a child is transferred to a tribe from CPS.

v UNABLE TO LOCATE (UNBL) --- This reason is selected when DCS is unable to locate the child victim and the child’s family.

v SVC DECLINED (VOFA) --- This reason is selected when a family declines to participate in services and there are no outstanding safety or risk factors which require DCS intervention.

Effective Date: June 25, 2014

Revision History: November 20, 2012