USY Board Bonding

Written for Sacramento USY by Ari Polsky

Some programs adapted from Far West Madrichim Encampment, NOAM Course Hadracha, and Adat Ari El USY Board Bonding.

Model Leader

Time: 45 Minutes

Goal: For USYers to learn about leadership and get the gears turning on what they should be.

Materials: markers, butcher paper

15 Minutes: Trace an outline of one person, and with the other members of the group, list all the traits and characteristics you expect in a good leader, in the location you would use it (arms- strong arms, to carry siddurim)

25 minutes: Present the drawings and outlines, and discuss the importance of different characteristics,

Kitchen Utensil: 45 Minutes

Goal: to show USYers the importance of working in groups, and how tasks are easier and more ideas flow with more people

Materials: marker, scratch paper

1)Bring a few random kitchen utensils whose function the USYers may not know. Ask each person individually, to write down everything you could possibly use it for in seven minutes. Partner up, pick another utensil, do the same for seven minutes, add another partner again, until group is one large unit-.

2)Reflect: how was it listing on your own, did the ideas flow well?

  1. Was it easier with more people? Why or why not?
  2. Was it more creative or less creative with more people?


Toilet Paper Program

Goal: to teach flexibility in programming

Materials: three roles of toilet paper, pen, writing paper

Give each group of USYers a roll of toilet paper, and have them write up a whole program based around the toilet paper. (20 mins)

Share and evaluate each others programs (20mins)


Goal: USYers should continue thinking like leaders, and learn how to weigh the consequences and benefits of their decisions.

Split USYers into two groups, pro and con, and hand out scenarios. Have them create lists of reasons why or why not these scenarios should or shouldn’t be supported and implemented

2. Services at the synagogue should begin with Mincha or Maariv

3. To attend regional weekends, USYers must attend services at least once a month.

4. USY board members are expected to attend services at least twice a month.

5. To be in USY at MLC, your family must be a full member of the synagogue

6. Being a member of USY means you are only a member of USY, and no other Jewish youth groups (scouts, school organizations okay)


Board Contract

Goal: to create a set of rules and expectations that are realistic, that the board can follow and self govern

  1. For ten minutes individually, list all of your expectations of yourself and your fellow board members, as well as consequences for not following
  2. PART II (30-45 mins) Regroup, share three each.
  3. Pick the most important and brainstorm a full board contract
  4. Sign and post board contract.

Games/hang out/decorate Youth Lounge

Day Two-- Board meeting

Board meeting agenda

1)Summer Check in

2)Yes and/ yes but, procedure, note taking.

3)Goals sharing, and how to execute them. (two each, position specific)


  1. calendaring- Shabbat dinners and board meetings ITN
  2. calendaring- general programs
  3. calendaring- RRT (rabbi) garage sale

5)Freshman rep applications

6)Chapter GB idea….

Master materiels list:

1)toilet paper

2)butcher paper


4)scratch paper





2)big booty






3. Icebreaker Bang

Everyone stands in a circle and someone calls out name and that person ducks and the two people on either side have to yell BANG at the other and who ever is banged dies and is the next person to call a name out

Ages: All

Length: 15-20 minutes

Size of group: Small to Medium sized groups

4. M and M game

Everyone takes three m and ms and has to tell a story about themselves to everyone depending on the color (i.e Red = embarrassing, Blue = sad, etc)

Supplies: M and Ms (OR Mike and Ikes if after a meat meal)

Ages: All

Length: 15-20 minutes