P.0. Box 7035
Covington, Washington 98042
Office (253) 631-9892 * Fax (253) 630-0988



Your request will not require a sample if:

·  Using a building material that has been pre-approved.

·  Re-painting your house the same color.

·  Include all drawings needed to define your project (a fence for example) and complete list of all materials.

Please fill out this form as completely as possible. This will expedite your approval. Return to the Winterwood Estates HOA office via drop box at the office, mail, or fax. Make sure to include the first two (2) pages and/or any additional pages that pertain to your project(s).

Your request will require a sample if:

·  Chosen a non-approved material or color. Be prepared to bring a physical sample of material and manufacturer’s specifications, indicating that the materials performance is equal to, or exceeds the Covenants criteria to an ACC meeting (or by making other arrangements with a member of the ACC). No exceptions.

If you have any questions, contact the Winterwood Estates ACC by sending an e-mail message to the ACC on the Homeowner’s Association e-mail address: . Please indicate “ACC Request” on the e-mail subject line!


Date of Request/Submission: ______

Please Note: The ACC Committee meets on the last Tuesday of each month. Allow enough time for the approval process before beginning the project. In case of an emergency, let the ACC know all pertinent information, including the supporting documentation so it can be placed in your file. The ACC attempts to review requests all month long.

Period (days or start/end dates) required to complete project: ______

If a project cannot be completed within a reasonable period of time, the project will be rejected. Likewise, if a project is not completed within the period specified, approval will be withdrawn, unless arrangements are made with the ACC to extend the project completion date, prior to the end of the specified completion period.

Your Information:

Name: ______

Address: ______

Kent, Washington 98042

Phone Number: (_____)______

E-Mail Address: ______

DIVISION # ______LOT # ______

ACC to fill out the following:

Date: ______/______/______

Your project plan for ______has been:

APPROVED. Please complete within ______days.

CONDITIONALLY APPROVED. Please complete within ______days.

Conditions to complete project:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______


Plan for your project disapproved on for the following reasons:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

PROJECT: Exterior Stains or Paint

New color of house ______

New color of trim ______

My house and trim will be the same color.

(This will expedite approval.)

·  If you are changing colors or have chosen a non-approved material, be prepared to bring a physical sample to the ACC of the material and manufactures specifications, indicating that the materials performance is equal to or exceeds the covenants criteria.

There can be no exceptions.



PROJECT: Fence Construction

To help you plan your fence project, please read the following from the Covenants:

VIII.6 Fencing

·  No fence, wall or hedge shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot nearer to any street than the actual front building setback line, except that nothing shall prevent the erection of a necessary retaining wall, the top of which does not extend more than two feet above the finished grade at the back of said wall.

·  Variances may be granted only by the Board of Directors.

·  No barbed wire fences shall be erected on any lot, nor shall horses be enclosed only
by electric fences. However, electrified wood or woven fences are encouraged, provided they are approved by the Architectural Control Committee prior to installation or construction.

·  NOTE:

The set back line is the front edge of the house, however, chain link fence has to be behind the set back line, which means at the rear edge of the house. Wooden fence can start at the front set back line.


Indicate locations on Plot Map. Show location of all buildings.

Type of Fence; Description: ______

Height ______Color______

Material Type ______

Attach sketch or specification sheet, as needed.

NOTE: Most (not all) Plot Maps are available from the HOA files in the HOA office.

PROJECT: Tree Removal

To help you plan your tree cutting, please review the following from the Covenants:

VIII.10 Tree Removal

·  Removal of trees and shrubs and clearing of any lot shall have the prior approval of the Architectural Control Committee.

On Plot Map, indicate the location of the trees to be cut and trees remaining. Indicate location of all buildings.

Reason for removal:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Attach sketch or as needed.

NOTE: Most (not all) Plot Maps are available from the HOA files in the HOA office.

PROJECT: Structure Modification / Addition /

Building Exterior

To help you plan your project and to prevent any delay in the approval of your project, please read the following from the Covenants:

This information can be found at http://winterwoodhoa.com/. For assistance, please contact a board member.

·  VIII.4 Building Exteriors

·  VIII.5 Roofing Materials

·  VIII.7 Other Building Requirements

·  VIII.9 Screening

Attach drawings, pictures or specification sheets as needed.

NOTE: Most (not all) Plot Maps are available from the HOA files in the HOA office.

Type: Deck Shed Barn Screening Mailbox

Other: (describe) ______

Builder's Name: ______

Builder's Address: ______

Phone ______/______/______Contractor’s License #: ______

Square Footage: ______Siding Material from approved list? YES NO

Roofing Material from approved list? YES NO

If you have answered NO to any of the above, be prepared to bring to the ACC a physical sample

of material and manufacturer’s specifications, indicating proof that the material’s performance is equal to, or exceeds the Covenants criteria. There can be no exceptions.

Name of Roofing Material: ______

Anodized Windows? YES NO

If NO: Describe Type/Material of window frame:



·  If you need assistance getting copies of the Covenants or any other information, check the Winterwood Estates HOA website, or contact a board member.

·  If your project is a structure modification/addition/building exterior, be sure to include drawings, if needed. No work sheet is supplied.

·  Attach any additional information you feel will assist the ACC members in their decision. Any decision can be appealed by contacting a member of the ACC. If you have any questions, please contact the WEHOA office, or a member of the ACC. Your presence at the scheduled ACC meeting is not required, but may be helpful if there are questions on your plans. We will be glad to help. You will receive notice of approval/disapproval within 30 days.

It is each individual homeowner’s requirement to check with King County for current code and zoning requirements for your project:

Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES)

Website: www.kingcounty.gov/property/permits/info

Permit Information (206) 296-6600

Contractors may be checked at this State of Washington web page:



*ACCForm.doc 2/12/2011