(Approved by Board 6/21/12; revised by Governance Committee7/26/ & Exec Com 8/13/12 and 9/11/12)
Agree on Board expectations, evaluation and structure:
- Develop and/or affirm standards for individual member participation*in a 1-pager and add it to existing Board governance documents
- Develop and/or affirm standards for collective Board performance**in a 1-pager and addit to existing Board governance documents
- Review existing Board and Committee structure and job descriptionin governance documents to assess beneficial changes as the new strategic plan is executed, and how streamlining structure and responsibilities could increase Board engagement and organizational efficiencies
- EvaluateBoard member effectiveness annually through individual assessment, utilizing new standards developed; utilize results in next year’s Board workplan development
- Evaluate Board effectiveness annually through collective assessment, utilizing new standards developed; utilize results in next year’s Board workplan development
Governance Committee recommendationsBoard decision
Governance Committee recommendations Exec Com Board decision
Each Board member does self-assessment at Board mtg.
Board as a whole conducts assessment /
- August Governance Committee meeting 9/20 Board meeting
- August Governance Committee meeting 9/20 Board meeting
- August Governance Committee meeting 9/11 Exec Com meeting 9/20 Board meeting
- March, April and May, 2013
- Annual meeting, May, 2013
PrepareandnominateBoard member and officers’ slates, including needs assessment ofBoard composition relative to implementing thestrategic plan / Governance Committee / For decision at May annual meeting, and periodically throughout the year to fill vacancies
Organizational on-boarding of prospective new members / Governance in conjunction with staff / Periodically, as needed throughout the year
Organizational orientation of newly elected Board members / Staff, with Chair of the Board / Prior to May annual meeting, and as needed periodically
Annual approval of budget and regular monitoring of finances / Board as a whole, led by Treasurer / Budget approval in January; review at regularly-scheduled meetings
Elect Board members and officers / Board / May and as needed for vacancies
Planning & Direction-Setting
Education and discussion of strategic issues to support planning and execution of strategic direction. / Internal & external resourcesFull Board / At regularly-scheduled meetings as required
Annual review and refreshment of strategic plan and regular monitoring / Board (with staff reflections periodically feeding into Exec Com for discussion and tee-up for Board meetings) / May and as needed throughout the year
Annual review and approval of operating plan and regular monitoring / Full Board, presented by staff / January or February
Annual acceptance of development plan and regular monitoring of performance / Full Board, presented by staff / Approval in January; review at regularly scheduled meetings
Monitoring (Evaluation/Organizational Assessment)
Agreement with staff on KRMs, monitoring mechanisms, targets, and specific intervals for measurement / Staff proposal KRA’s 1 – 2 vetted by Policy Committee; KRA’s 3 – 5 vetted by Strategic Planning CommitteeFull Board discussion & approval / September, with consideration of revisions to KRMs as needed
Regular monitoring of strategic plan results / Full Board, supported by staff reporting / Regularly scheduled meetings
Audit review / Full Board / April
Code of Conduct compliance of staff and Board members / Filled out individually by each person staff collection and assessment Exec Com review if conflicts of interest arise / May, and as new staff and Board members added
Executive Director performance review / Feedback from full Board review conducted by Chair and/or Exec Com / April – June
Raise visibility of and advocate for children’s issues / Full Board / On-going
Focused outreach to list of people influential over areas prioritized as most important by the strategic plan: political, collaboration and funding decisions / Full Board, presented by staff / Priorities determined in regularly scheduled meetings; outreach done in between
Talking points, backgroundinformation and skills training needed to conveycurrent (organization) messages to target audiences, build relationshipswith key people, support annual development goals, etc. / Full Board participation; presented by internal or external experts / In regular meetings as required
Meeting Preparation
Stay knowledgeable and current about the organization’s programs, events, issue positions, reports, etc. using information sent out at, before and between regular Board meetings / Individual Board members on an on-going basis, consistent with plan and staff request. / Ongoing per annual plan
Ask questions of staff or Board leaders as needed / Individual Board members on an ongoing basis / Ongoing
Leverage relationships with individuals in key groups (business, faith community, government, organizations with collaboration potential, funders/donors) to assist in areas such as board recruitment, funding or advocacy / Individual board members on an on-going basis, consistent with plan and staff request. / Ongoing per annual plan
Personally donate according to ability
Advise and assist staff in development and implementation of plans, (including the Board’s own member-to-member fundraising campaign) / Individual participation in task force or committee, as individuals providing advice & consultation, or as active participants in fund -raising / As requested
Committee Service
Serve on standing, advisory and ad hoc committees & task forces to assist in development and support implementation of plans in areas such as policy, branding and events; e.g., Children’s Sabbath, open house or holiday party. / Individual participation in task forces or committees / As requested
Consultation & Advice to Staff
Provide information, advice and counsel to staff / Individual board members / As requested