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11 MAY 2011
D A Ashley, F Button, M Cowan, K F Emsall, P V Goggins, T W Hone,
D E Lloyd (Chairman),S J Pile, J M Pitman, S Quilty, R M Roberts (Vice-Chairman),
R A C Thake, R G Tindall
Upon consideration of the agenda for the Policy and ResourcesCabinet Panel meeting on 11 May 2011as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below:
Note: No conflicts of interest were declared by any member of the Panel in relation to the matters on which conclusions were reached at this meeting.
1.1 / The minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2011 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
2.1 / There were no public petitions.
[Officer Contact: Claire Cook, Assistant Director (Finance)]
3.1 / The Panel received an update on the status of the Best Practice Accounting Project.
3.2 / Members heard that significant progress had been made since the last update to the Panel: work package 7 (‘Introduction of componentisation and other changes to capital valuation and accounting’) is now complete, and work package 6 (IFRS re-statements) is almost complete, pending incorporation of final adjustments following audit testing. The Panel heard that in order to meet deadlines and maintain the project’s status a number of staff had worked throughout the recent bank holiday weekends, and their contribution in so doing was recognised by Members.
3.3 / It was noted that the overall status of the Project remains at ‘amber’, and the Panel heard that it will remain so until IFRS re-statement work is fully complete; however, the Panel heard that work to achieve the deadline of 14 June for the production of the draft Statement of Accounts for 2010/11 remains on target, and officers continue to expect this deadline to be met.
3.4 / The Panel also heard that a recent assessment of the readiness of the Council for IFRS by PwC had resulted in no recommendations for action above the work already being done: the Council will also be providing information on its work on embedded leases to PwC, to assist PwC in its work with other authorities.
The Panel:
3.5 / noted the current status of the Best Practice Accounting Project, and expressed appreciation for the significant contribution by officers of working throughout the recent bank holiday weekends in order to ensure project deadlines were met.
[Officer Contact: Stewart Martin, Herts Local Programme Manager]
4.1 / The Panel received a report which provided an overview of the Hertfordshire Local programme, and which outlined the initiatives currently in progress across Hertfordshire County Council’s services which are in keeping with the Big Society and Localism agendas. The Panel also heard about the ways in which the success of the programme will be measured and monitored.
4.2 / The Panel welcomed the work which had been undertaken to date, as outlined in the report. Support was particularly expressed for the Highways Locality Budget initiative, and in response to Member questions it was clarified that it is hoped that the budget for this scheme will be rolled-out from April 2012. It was highlighted that a consultative process would need to begin at the end of November 2011 in order for budget decisions to be able to be made in January 2012, and that a co-operative approach would be needed with District Councils in terms of ascertaining those schemes which District Councils would like implemented. A review will be carried out in September of the effectiveness of the initiative so far.
4.3 / It was noted that new initiatives (for example Locality Budgets) have, and continue to,raise the awareness of the County Councillor role, and the opportunities for improved public awareness and participation presented by the initiatives outlined in the report were welcomed.
The Panel:
4.4 / noted the report, and welcomed the work undertaken to date.
[Officer Contact: Guy Pratt, Assistant Director Community Protection]
5.1 / The Panel received a report which provided an update on the use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act over the fourth quarter, January to March 2011.
5.2 / Members heard that 9 directed surveillance authorisations had been granted over the period, all of which had been targeted operations. There had been no breaches in procedures.
5.3 / It was also noted that there had been 2 applications for communications data, covering 7 data items. The Panel heard that a single application may cover a number of data items– for examplemultiple mobile phones, landlines, etc.
The Panel:
5.4 / noted the report, and was satisfied that the powers provided for under the Act had been used in a proportionate way over the period;
5.5 / agreed that future updates should include additional information on outcomes. / Assistant Director Community Protection
[Officer Contact: Neil Hayes, Head of Economic Development]
6.1 / The Panel received a report which provided an update on the current state of the Hertfordshire economy and other related economic matters.
6.2 / In terms of the claimant count, it was noted that this currently stands at 2.5% of the working age population, and has remained broadly static over approximately the last six months.
6.3 / In relation to Enterprise Zones, the Panel heard that it is the Hertfordshire LEP’s intention to submit an expression of interest indicating two preferred locations for an Enterprise Zone:Gunnelswood Road, Stevanage and Maylands Hemel Hempstead. Enterprise Zone status could bring a range of benefits to businesses in the proposed areas –including tax breaks, retention of business rates, reduced planning restrictions, and ability to implement superfast broadband. Following a selection process and decision from the LEP Board, a final submission from the single preferred location would be submitted at the end of June. In terms of funding bids it was noted that fundingis currently mainly directed at areas experiencing large public sector job losses, making Hertfordshire less likely to be successful in its submissions. However, it was highlighted that declining to submit a bid on the assumption that it would be unsuccessful could lead to the impression that the funding is not required.
6.4 / In relation to Hertfordshire Works, the Panel noted the proposals for transition of Hertfordshire Works structures into the Hertfordshire LEP, and the approach was supported. It was noted that a substantive Hertfordshire LEP Board is expected to be in place by October / November 2011, with a substantive Chairman in place from March 2012. A stakeholder event is to be held on the 8 July. An update was also given on bids to the LEP Capacity Fund, to the Regional Growth Fund and to Broadband Digital UK.
The Panel:
6.5 / noted the economic development update.
7. /
[Officer Contact: Dick Bowler, Estate Manager]7.1 / The Panel received a report which proposed a revised strategy for the relocation of Central Library Services, to enable the release of the proposed Residual Waste Treatment Facility site at New Barnfield Centre, Travellers Lane, Hatfield. The Panel agreed that the information contained within the associated report on Part II of the agenda did not require discussion and consequently the item was taken within the Part I (public) agenda.
7.2 / The Panel heard that the proposal comprises:separating the Central Reference Library from the other parts of the Central Resources Library, and potentially co-locating this in the existing Welwyn Garden City Library at Campus West; locating headquarters and central staff to County Hall; and locating the other Central Library Services, along with the remainder of the Central Resources Library, in a suitable commercial warehouse. These arrangements would then enable the eventual disposal of a site at Broadwater Road Welwyn Garden City which had been previously acquired to enable the provision of a new purpose built facility for the Central Library Services.
7.3 / It was noted that some references in the report to ‘Central Resources Library’ should read ‘Central Reference Library’.
7.4 / In debate the proposals were supported, although it was highlighted that the opening hours at Campus West are different to those at New Barnfield: consequently it was recommended that the requirement for public access be considered as part of the feasibility work. It was also highlighted that care will need to be taken to ensure thatwarehousing facilities offer appropriate conditions for storage. The benefits of the Campus West site in terms of location and transport accessibility were noted. It was also noted that a report outlining the detailed arrangements would be considered at the Community Safety and Culture Cabinet Panel in due course.
The Panel recommended to Cabinet that:
7.5 / subject to the completion of appropriate feasibility work, including the requirement for public access, the Central Reference Library and Welwyn Garden City branch library is merged within the existing accommodation at Campus West;
7.6 / should this occur, the remaining Central Library Services functions of: Schools Library Service; County Art Collection; Distribution and Technical Support; Mobile Library Services plus the remainder of the Central Resources Library book collections be accommodated within appropriate warehouse and distribution premises to be leased in the open market on competitive terms;
7.7 / if the Central Reference Library and branch library merger cannot be completed prior to the Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Project requiring vacation of New Barnfield, that an interim solution for the provision of Central Reference Library services be considered pending completion of the move and if necessary some additional short term storage accommodation be leased on competitive terms;
7.8 / alternative temporary library arrangements are procured in Welwyn Garden City for the duration of the re-fitting and refurbishment works at Campus West; and
7.9 / alternative options are reviewed for the Broadwater Road site in order to maximise its value in the context of the proposed redevelopment of lands on the west side of Broadwater Road and other Hertfordshire County Council service requirements, and with a view to that site being disposed.
Kathryn Pettitt
Chief Legal Officer
110511 Minutes