Highly motivatedundergraduatestudentsare invitedto apply to work asresearchassistants at theInfantCognitionLabattheCenterforMindandBrain.Thank you for contacting us and for your interest in our lab!Here at the Infant Cognition Lab we are interested in understanding the infant's developing mind. Specifically, we are interested in the development of cognitive abilities including categorization, visual short term memory, and attention. If you would like to learn more about the specific studies that we conduct, visit our lab's website and read about our specific research interests as well as various publications of ours:

In terms of the application process, we ask that you fill out this application and return it to us as soon as possible with your name in the file name. We will review your application and we will contact you if we are interested in setting up an interview.Please also see the description of the position that we have available on our website. If you have any additional questions about the application process, the position requirements, or the lab in general, don’t hesitate to ask!





Doyouhave acar?

Doyouspeak anylanguageother than English?If so,what?

Are youwilling tooccasionallyrun experimentsonweekends?

Howdid youhear about our lab?

Yearin college:Approx# QuartersLeftatUCD:

Anticipateddateof graduation:


Overall GPA:MajorGPA:

Interestedin (check allthatapply):



Pleasecarefully answerquestionsbelow andattachadditionalpagesasnecessary.

1)Pleaselistthe human development,psychology,orcomputer sciencecoursesyouhave taken (and arecurrentlytaking) and thegradesyou receivedin eachcourse.

2)Besidesgainingfield experiencein research settings, expandonwhat compelsyouto applytothisparticular researchlaboratory?

3)Pleasedescribe previousresearch experience(includethe namesofprofessors/graduatestudentswithwhomyou worked):

4)As a researchassistant, there are manytasksthat requireskillina willingnesstopresent yourself andourlab professionallyand enthusiastically, e.g.callingparentsandinteractingwithchildren. Pleasedescribeanycommunicationsexperience,and yourabilitytoconfidentlyworkin environmentsthatrequirepublicinteraction.

5)Specifically,whatareyour academic and careergoals?What are yourareas ofinterest inpsychology?

6)List anyother skillsthat mightbe useful tothe laboratory(e.g.programming,MS Access,Matlab, etc):

7)If youhave apsychologyresearch paper writingsample available, please pasteintothisapplication here: