National Women’s Register

Cheltenham and Charlton Kings Branch

Registered Charity No. 295198

Programme 2016

All events start at 8.00pm, unless otherwise stated.

Guests and visitors should pay £2 per meeting (at the discretion of the LO)

Everyone should leave a 50p for the hostess at each meeting

to cover refreshment costs.

Date / Event / Venue
Tues, 19th Jan / Book Group - The Children Act by Ian McEwan / Ruth Vidal
Wed, 27th Jan / Quiz and discussion on 2015 / Joanna Stock
Fri, 5th Feb / “Noises Off” by Michael Frayn. £12, 7.45pm, tell Hilary if you would like to come / Playhouse Theatre
Mon, 8th Feb / Discussion about flooding - Janet will lead / Janet Wood
Fri, 12th Feb / Coffee - 10.30am / Waterstones
Mon, 15th Feb / Bring & Share Lunch, come between 12.30 and 1pm with a contribution / Dorothy Marlow
Thurs, 25th Feb / Talk about your Childhood for a max of five mins (only one photo!) / Margaret Leach
Mon, 29th Feb / Afternoon Tea, 3.00pm / Morans, Bath Road
Wed,2nd March / Book group – Madrid in Winter by CJ Sansom / Sylvia Fry
Fri, 11th Mar / Coffee - 10.30am / Waterstones
Mon, 14th Mar / Reflections on the Queen’s Reign to mark her 90th Birthday / Angela Gatliff
Mon, 21st Mar / Afternoon Tea for Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal (30th Anniversary), 3 to 5pm. Please bring cake, eat cake and take home even more cake! / Margaret Leach
Wed, 6th Apr / Themed Evening on Germany, bring some finger food plus something to talk about, 7.30pm / Ros Terry
Fri, 8th Apr / Coffee - 10.30am / Waterstones
Mon 11th April / Book group – The Good Soldier by Ford Maddox-Ford / Angela Gatliff
Wed, 20th Apr / Talk on Hearing Dogs by John Palmer / Jenny Palmer
Mon, 25th Apr / Afternoon Tea, 3.00pm / Morans, Bath Road
Thurs, 12th May / Discussion on EU In / Out Referendum - bring an article to kick start the fisticuffs! / Sonia Harvey
Fri, 13th May / Coffee - 10.30am / Waterstones
Mon, 23rd May / Afternoon Tea, 3.00pm / Morans, Bath Road
Thurs 26th May / Book group – How It All Began by Penelope Lively / Doreen Kilbey
Wed, 8th June / Talk on Battle of Tewkesbury by Steve Goodchild / Jenni Chatham
Fri, 10th Jun / Coffee - 10.30am / Waterstones
Tues 21st June / Midsummer Walk, followed by a pub meal / Sylvia to arrange and give details nearer the time
Fri, 24th June / The Final Test - a bittersweet observation about marriage in middle-age. 7.45pm, £9. Tell Hilary by 24th May if you would like to come. / The Playhouse Theatre
Mon, 27th Jun / Afternoon Tea, 3.00pm / Morans, Bath Road
Thurs, 7th Jul / Guided Tour on the Hidden Gems of Gloucester (exc. the Cathedral), 2.30pm, £4 each. Please tell Hilary by 1st July if you would like to come / Gloucester Civic Trust, St Michael's Tower, The Cross, Gloucester GL1 1PA
Fri, 8th Jul / Coffee - 10.30am / Waterstones
Tues 12th July / Book group – Where'd you go Bernadette? By Maria Semple / Carys Luff
Tues, 19th Jul / Bring & Share Lunch, come between 12.30 and 1pm with a contribution / Ros Terry
Mon, 25th Jul / Afternoon Tea, 3.00pm / Morans, Bath Road
Wed, 27th Jul / Abstract Art, please bring an article, picture or artist to talk about / Gillian Clarke-Hill
Fri, 12th Aug / Coffee - 10.30am / Waterstones
Mon 15th Aug / Pimms Evening –bring finger food and stimulating topic of conversation. 7.00pm start / Catherine Winder
Mon, 22nd Aug / Afternoon Tea, 3.00pm / Morans, Bath Road
Wed 24th Aug / Book Group – Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa / Ruth Vidal
Thurs, 1st Sept / Tewkesbury Battle Walk, Guided Tour, £4, 7.30pm / The Crescent, Church Street, Tewkesbury
Fri, 9th, Sept / Coffee - 10.30am / Waterstones
Tues, 20th Sept / Talk – Our NHS Today and Tomorrow…… focusing on proposed NHS reforms / Sheila Derrick
Mon, 26th Sept / Afternoon Tea, 3.00pm / Morans, Bath Road

Local Organiser: Hilary Larsen Tel: 01242 693143 email:

Welfare Officer: Sylvia Fry Tel: 01242 239903 email:

Book Group: Ruth Vidal Tel 01242 233805 email: