University of Pécs Medical School and the Faculty of Pharmacy present the 2017/2018 academic year Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies Scholarship

The aim of scholarship:

1.  Funded by the European Union with the goal of improving academic, language and cultural experiences in another program country’s higher educational institute for those students who have already obtained a high school diploma and are currently attending a higher education institution. The aim of study visit is to take part in a part-time study or write a thesis. The mobility can be realized in only those cases if the sending institution accepts the students’ foreign studies and counts them in their studies. Students who do their practices with taking into account the syllabus of the rotational year courses, at the same time, they have to do the examination at the UP MS that means the acceptance of credits, as well. The minimum stay of foreign study is 3 months (90 days).

Students who fulfil their studies abroad in the frame of the Erasmus+ Program:

·  Depending on study year/partner university you have to spend 3-5 months (students in their 6th year) /5 or 10 months (students in their 5th year)* abroad

·  you must be enrolled in the University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, for the period that you are spending in the receiving university;

·  you have to pay the normal tuition fee here in Pécs. In the receiving institution there is no tuition fee (though, there might be registration fee at some receiving universities);

·  you should be a Hungarian citizen, or should study at the University of Pécs Medical School or the Faculty of Pharmacy to get a degree;

·  you comply with the application requirements;

·  you can apply for more universities by ranking the places.

·  the successful applicant must take the on-line language test OLS (Online Linguistic Support) if the medium of instruction is not his/her mother tongue but one of the following: English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, or Dutch (more detailed information after the favourable evaluation of the application).

According to the rules/regulations of the Erasmus+ Programme each student can obtain Erasmus status for a maximum of 12 months per training level (study abroad and internship in total), thus if the student has already participated in Erasmus study abroad and/or internship, even if as a zero grant (LABEL) student, but has not used up the 12-month Erasmus period, he/she can apply again.

Students pursuing master level or doctoral studies who already were Erasmus students at their former training level(s) can also apply.

Students in the final year of their bachelor or master level studies who want to continue their studies should hand in their applications in September in the first semester of their master or doctoral studies.

Erasmus target universities:


Country / University / Number of students / Max. length of stay / Language
Austria / Medical University Vienna / 3 pers. / 3 / German
Austria / Medical University Innsbruck / 1 pers. / 5 / German
Czech Republic / Charles University, Prague – 1st Faculty / 1 pers. / 4 / English
Italy / University of Pavia / 2 pers. / 5 / Italian
Poland / Medical University of Lublin / 1 pers. / 5 / English
Poland / Jagiellonian University of Krakow / 2 pers. / 5 / English
Germany / Eberhard Karls University Tübingen / 4 pers. / 5 / German
Germany / Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz / 5 pers. / 5 / German
Germany / Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg / 1 pers. / 5 / German
Romania / Transilvania University of Brașov / 4 pers. / 5 / English/Hungarian


Czech Republic / University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno / 1 pers. / 5 / English
Croatia / University of Zagreb / 1 pers. / 5 / English
Poland / Medical University of Lublin / 2 pers. / 5 / English
Romania / University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tîrgu-Mureș / 1 pers. / 5 / English
Slovak Republic / Comenius University in Bratislava / 1 pers. / 5 / English/Slovekian


Romania / University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tîrgu-Mureș / 3 pers. / 5 / English
Turkey / Istanbul Aydin University / 2 pers. / 5 / English

Who can apply for the scholarship?

Terms and conditions:

·  student should be a Hungarian citizen, or should studiy at the University of Pécs Medical School or the Faculty of Pharmacy with a view to get a degree;


·  you must be enrolled in the University of Pécs, Medical School or the Faculty of Pharmacy for the period that you are spending in the receiving university;

·  you comply with the application requirements ;

·  you can apply for more universities by ranking the places.

The amount of the grant depends on the length of the study period (number of days) and on the host country. The following amounts of grant may presumably be awarded for the academic year 2017/2018 (1 month of mobility means 30 days).


Grants for academic year 2017/2018:

Host country / Student mobility for studies
Countries with high cost of living
(France (FR), Italy (IT), Great Britain (UK), Austria (AT), Finland (FI), Sweden (SE), Denmark (DK), Ireland (IE), Norway (NO), Liechtenstein (LI) / 500 € / month
Countries with medium cost of living
(Spain (ES), Germany (DE), Turkey (TR), The Netherlands (NL), Belgium (BE), Czech Republic (CZ), Portugal (PT), Greece (GR), Slovenia (SI), Croatia (HR), Luxemburg (LU), Cyprus (CY), Iceland (IS)) / 450 € / month
Countries with lower cost of living
(Poland (PL), Romania (RO), Lithuania (LT), Slovakia (SK), Latvia (LV), Estonia (EE), Malta (MT) / 400 € / month

All applicants are reminded that the grant will not fully cover the costs and expenses of the travel and the stay abroad so additional sources are needed. Successful applicants may have to contribute to these costs and expenses from their own sources in addition to any support the faculty might award.

Process of Academic Scholarship:

1.  Students need to have a written anticipatory permission from a tutor to complete the course.

2.  Scholarship may last max. 5 months (6th year students), or 10 months (5th year students)* depending on which year you are in.

3.  Besides good scholastic record, B2 level language knowledge is also a must. If you win a placement, you must take part in a language course or prove your knowledge at an exam. In case of Italy, Spain and France the host countries’ language knowledge is compulsory.

4.  Those who apply for a German speaking area have to take part in a language exam (written and oral) organized by the faculty Erasmus Office, this is an important condition of the application for German or Austrian Erasmus places.

5.  Those who take part in any academic or voluntary activity may have benefit at the main decision.

6.  Students must carry out their mobility activity in a Programme Country different from the country of the sending organisation and country of residence.

Deadline of submitting the application:

The application file must be submitted in person at the Faculty Erasmus Office to the Faculty Erasmus coordinator, Ms. Anet Tomózer (Main building, 1st floor).

Phone: 72/536-358

We cannot accept documentations that are incomplete, do not comply with requirements, handwritten or were handed in after deadline.

Please put your documents into a plastic file folder and email your application form in word format!

Deadline: 16th March, 2017 (Thursday) 12.00

Do not forget to hand in:

·  Application form (available at the webpage of International Relations Committee and enclosed to the Application Notice at the PTE-ÁOK homepage)

·  a copy of any official language certificates – (a high school certificate is not an official language certificate)

·  Professional CV (English or German language, depends on the host Country)

·  short, less than one page, motivation letter (in English or German or in the language of the host country)

·  list of all published or in press scientific publications, letters from conferences, list of posters and results, acknowledgments, accolades, etc…

·  the weighted academic average and corrected credit index of your last 3 semesters will be

requested from the Registrar’s Office by our Office.

Assessment of applications:

The applications will be judged by the International Relations Committee until 31 March, 2017. The final decision will be made by the vice-dean for education. The evaluation system can be on view at the faculty Erasmus Office’s website.

Those students who have never taken part in the program before enjoy priority at the evaluation of applications. Students who are not awarded a grant but are recommended by the institute/department responsible for the cooperation can participate even in the lack of a grant as self-funded students, so called label students, provided they can cover the costs of their travel and stay abroad from other sources.

Double financing of the particular costs and expenses is prohibited.

You can get more specific information from Ms Anett Tomózer Erasmus Coordinator of the Faculty.

*At the time of application.4th year students can apply only if they have already started to compare the curricula of the sending/host institutions with the help of our Office.