DUE: February 22, 2017





Wages: $8.15/hour

Hours per week: 13

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Serve as the administrator of SGA organizations.
  2. Serve as a member of the Student Body President’s Cabinet and Student Senate. Attendance is mandatory.
  3. Lead a workshop for Chartered Organization presidents at the beginning of the fall semester to inform them of pertinent SGA policies, procedures, and expectations.
  4. Work with the Vice President of Finance to distribute the Student Activity Fee to Chartered and Executive Organizations at the beginning of each semester; present proposed budget to Senate for approval.
  5. Continue to communicate pertinent information to Chartered Organization presidents throughout the year.
  6. Oversee organizations to ensure that each organization is acting in a consistent manner with SGA policies, procedures, and expectations, as stated in Section 8 of the Student Governance Manual. Place organizations that do not meet their stated obligations on probation or recommend their suspension to the Student Senate.
  7. Schedule one on one meeting with organization presidents and/or attend organization meetings to offer help and support when needed.
  8. Encourage organizations to work together when sponsoring events for the entire student body, and take the initiative to plan and organize such events.
  9. Continually monitor, record, and evaluate the progress and growth of all organizations.
  10. Serve as a student representative on Co-curricular Education (if unable to serve then another cabinet member must serve as a misplacement for the Vice President of Organizations).
  11. Serve as co-chair on the SGA Finance and Organizations Committee; assist in developing agendas and conducting committee business regarding financial operations of SGA organizations.
  12. Provide for a steady end-of-year transition for all SGA organizations by having each organization hold elections before the second week of April.
  13. Prepare an end-of-year report in the spring for the new Vice President of Organizations and the outgoing Student Body President.
  14. Attend leadership training and development sessions such as the Leadership Retreat (see Appendix C).

*See Section 4.1.6 of the SGA Governance Manual for a complete list of responsibilities for the VP of Organizations position.

Candidate Qualifications:

  • NOT be on academic, chapel, or disciplinary probation the semester before or semesters during term in office.
  • Be in at least second semester at Messiah College.
  • Intend to hold office for both fall and spring semesters of the 2017-18 academic year.


  • Below is the application to run for VICE PRESIDENT OF ORGANIZATIONS. Please answer all questions in neat, legible handwriting or electronic type.
  • In accordance with Section 5 of the SGA Governance Manual, the following timeline and procedures are to be followed for Student Body President’s Cabinet elections and nominations:
  • APPLICATIONS/RESUMES DUE: February 22, 2017; please submit electronic materials to and print materials to Suite 3050/Larsen 202.
  • Candidates for all other Cabinet positions will be notified of the names for President-elect and Vice President-elect within 24-hours polls closing March 9 at 9PM.
  • The President-, Vice President-elect and the Cabinet Nominations Panel will receive all applications for Chair of the Student Review Board, Vice President of Diversity Affairs, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Organizations, and Vice President of Communication within 48-hours of polls closing.
  • Interviews for the Chair of the Student Review Board, Vice President of Diversity Affairs, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Organizations, and Vice President of Communication candidates will take place with the Student Body President, President-elect, Vice President-elect, current office holder, and SGA Advisor and will be held from March 20 to March 24.
  • The Cabinet Nominations Panel will make their recommendations to Student Senate for approval on April 6, 2017.



Answers to these questions will be used by SGA for advertising the campaign; however, these questions are meant to help candidates reflect on their character, calling and competencies as they apply to leadership at Messiah. Candidates may choose to submit their answers in a separate document. Please keep answers to 200 words.

NAME: Click to Enter Text

YEAR: Click to Enter Text

MAJOR: Click to Enter Text

What experience and qualifications do you have that are relevant to the Vice President of Organizations position?

Click to Enter Text

What is your understanding of SGA’s role within Messiah College?

Click to Enter Text

What do you think is the most pressing problem facing the college and what solution do you recommend?

Click to Enter Text

Why is student involvement while in college important? How would you encourage extracurricular activities to your peers?

Click to Enter Text

Please attach your resume to this application.

