Application for Travel Award

Curry Programs in Clinical and School Psychology

Curry Programs in Clinical and School Psychology will provide partial funding for travel to a national professional conference to a limited number of students. Selection of awards is based on the quality of the student research and the importance of attendance at the conference to the student’s program of study. These funds can be applied to the conference, hotel, and/or registration. Interested students must apply for funds well in advance of the conference, preferably as soon as you know that you will be attending the conference. Applications for these funds will be handled on a rolling basis, and presented at the next available faculty meeting. Students will be informed of the status of their request after review by the faculty. While the faculty hopes to continue this program, we are offering it on a year by year basis. Please note that this travel funding is effected through reimbursement of expenses after the conference, and that students will need to retain the relevant receipts.

Student Name:

Date of Application:

Name of Conference:

Dates of Conference:

Are you presenting at this conference: Yes No

If yes, is your presentation: Poster Paper Participation on Panel

Other If other, please describe:

Name of paper/poster/panel:

Are there any special circumstances involved in your participation at this conference that you would like the faculty to consider? If so, describe.

Estimate your total hotel expenses:

Estimate your total airfare:

If you are driving, how many miles:

Registration fee for conference (please use student rate where available):

How will this experience enhance your training and professional goals?

Please attach a copy of the presentation proposal that was submitted to the conference you wish to attend. If you did not write a proposal, please provide a brief (no more than 2 pages) summary of your intended presentation. Give Ron Reeve hard copies of both this application and your proposal, and e-mail both to him at .