DETAILS / Nominee (Individual) / Proposer(if different from nominee) / Supporter
Contact Email
Job Role
Employment Status / Full-time/part-time/not employed*
Please print clearly below the nominee’s name and title as they should appear on the Award certificate
Title / NamePlease Confirm:
i) Nominee notified and agreed to be nominated? Yes/No*
ii) a) Nominee was employed by Anglia Ruskin University from
1 February 2014 to 31 January 2015 inclusive Yes/No*
b) Nominee has completed and attached a statement demonstrating a
sustained working relationship with Anglia Ruskin University between
1 February 2014 to 31 January 2015 inclusive and which is expected
to be ongoing Yes/No*
iii) Supporting statement completed and attached? Yes/No*
iv) Has the activity described in this nomination been supported by
any other University funding? Yes/No*
If so, please give details as an addendum to your application.
* Please delete as applicable.
Date of Submission:
There are two closing dates.
One by which your Dean of Faculty / Director of Service must receive your application for approval: 5.00 pm on 15th April 2016
and the other for final submission to Anglia Learning and Teaching:
5.00 pm on 22nd April 2016.
Email: Please email your nomination, statement of support and confirmation of the approval of the Dean/Director of Service to Anglia Learning and Teaching ().
For further information, please see our website:, or contact Dr Jaki Lilly, , ext 2783.
Eligibility Criteria
1: Nominated individuals must meet one of the eligibility criteria below:
§ Those employed by Anglia Ruskin University must have been employed for the full year preceding the date of the call for nominations. For this cycle of Awards, nominees must have been employed by us for the period 1 February 2015 to 31 January 2016 inclusive.
§ Those working within our community, but not employed by Anglia Ruskin, must demonstrate a sustained working relationship with us for the year prior to the date of the call for nominations (for this call, between 1 February 2015 to 31 January 2016 inclusive) and must demonstrate that this working relationship is ongoing and will continue for the foreseeable future.
2: An Award can be made to individuals, or to teams. Each individual in a team nomination must meet one of the eligibility criteria described above.
3: The activity for which an individual or team is nominated for a VC Award must not have been supported by any other form of University funding. Eligible activities must be recent (within the last year) and/or sustained over a number of years.
4: An individual or team may be nominated once only within each Award cycle. There will be a two-year time limit on making a new nomination for those who have gained an Award.
(Nominations will not be accepted without the permission of the nominees, a supporting statement from a relevant line manager/group and the approval of the Dean of Faculty or Director of Service or their nominee. See Award Guidance for further information.)
Details of Nomination:
(The entire nomination statement must be no more than 500 words – one side of single-spaced A4.)
Section 1: Details of the nominated activity
(What you did.)
Section 2: Justification for being ‘excellent’
(Why what you did can be considered excellent, ambitious, imaginative and collaborative.)
Section 3: Impact of the activity on our ambitions
(What difference has what you did made to our progress towards achieving our ambitions for excellence?)
(You may attach up to 3 sides of A4 which give evidence of impact and excellence, such as data and graphs, NSS/Module Evaluation score improvements; quotations and citations from others etc.)
Supporting Statement:
(The entire supporting statement must be no more than 500 words – one side of single-spaced A4.) The primary purpose of the supporting statement is to ‘Verify, Validate and Extend’ the nomination.
Verify: Firstly, given the nominee’s role, can they be confident that the evidence in this nomination can have been produced by this particular nominee;
Validate: Given the evidence presented, does this evidence truly support a claim for excellence by this nominee;
Extend: What further evidence of the excellence of the ambition, imagination, and collaboration of this nominee can they add to the nomination.
Section 1: Verification and Validation
Section 2: Extension
I confirm that the activity described, and the individual in this nomination, is eligible to be nominated for a Vice Chancellor’s Award.
Print Name: Role: Dean of Faculty/Director of Service*
* Please delete/amend as appropriate.
Statement demonstrating a sustained working relationship with Anglia Ruskin University between 1 February 2015 to 31 January 2016 inclusive, which is expected to be ongoing:
(The statement must be no more than 500 words – one side of single-spaced A4. To be completed by a nominated individual who is not employed by our University.)
0116 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Awards
Outstanding Contributions to Our Ambitions