Access Procedures For Newry Albert Basin & Ship Canal
(Agreed by Council in June 2007, Until Further Notice)
Visitor Information
Albert Basin & Victoria Lock: Present Day
Newry Ship Canal is currently used solely by leisure craft and as a means of accessing Newry City from the Irish Sea via Carlingford Lough and passing through the commercial shipping port of Warrenpoint. It is entered on its seaward approach via Victoria Lock, which was automated in May 2007, thus greatly improving accessibility to the canal. (Please note that this is a Controlled Automation process, undertaken by a council employee, by booking in advance). A hydrographic survey has been completed on the approaches to Victoria Lock from Warrenpoint and the channel marked with a number of lighted navigational buoys and aids to enhance Navigation.
Newry Canal’s harbour area, the ‘Albert Basin’, provides a deep water Quay for visiting craft as well as a wildlife sanctuary for a range of wildfowl and other species. The “Basin” is situated in the heart of Newry’s vibrant retail centre in close proximity to the Buttercrane and Quays shopping centres. The area also offers the visitor a host of attractions including a variety of pubs, restaurants and many places of both historical and architectural interest (
The Albert Basin provides tie-up mooring facilities at bollards positioned in front of the Quays shopping centre, with an overall Quay length of Approx. 186 metres. Boat owners also have the option of tying up to vessels already alongside the quay. Electricity and water supply points are available along the quay, located on the wharf, but their use is subject to prior approval and a charge will apply.
Despite the width of the ‘Albert Basin’ with its Ship Turning Area:
· The maximum size of vessel that can enter Newry Ship Canal is 200 ft (60 metres) in length x 33 feet (10 metres) in width, to suit the size of the Lock chamber at Victoria Lock.
· Maximum Depth of Water (Draft) at the Albert Basin is 11ft (3.3 metres)
· There are no height restrictions for vessels, entering the Lock Chamber or the Albert Basin.
· A Maximum Speed of 4 knots should not be exceeded in the Ship Canal.
All vessels entering the Lock Chamber and Ship Canal, should have a Minimum of £2 million Public Liability Insurance.
Access to Victoria Lock is obviously Tidal. Those boats delayed on their prearranged journey to the Lock Chamber and who miss the tide, are asked to tie-up at Warrenpoint Breakwater and inform the council contact of their delay.
Booking of Berths
Advance bookings of at least 48 hours prior to arrival should be made with Newry Tourist Information Centre in Bagenal’s Castle, Newry.
The Tourism Office will in turn be able to provide you with a booking form and other useful documentation. The booking form should be completed, signed and returned to the Tourist Information Centre in Bagenal’s Castle, Newry.
Where weekend access is required, notice should be given during office hours, Monday to Friday to Newry & Mourne District Council by e-mail, fax or telephone.
Newry Tourist Information Centre, Bagenal’s Castle, Newry:
Tel: 028 3031 3170 or
Fax: 028 302 68833 or
E-mail: .
Berthing Charges: Short Term Peak season (1 May – 31 October)
The following short term berthing charges are to be applied:
Short Term BerthingTotal per metre (£)
Monthly / £27.30
Fortnightly / £16.39
Weekly / £9.81
Daily / £1.59
(During the 08/09 Season (1st April 08 – 31st March 09) - Vessels who plan to stay for a maximum of 3 nights - will not be charged, but will still be required to complete all the necessary pre-booking arrangements and confirmations.)
Berthing Charges: Long Term / Winter Berths
With a limit on the amount of space at the Albert Basin Quay, Long-term berthing will be limited and will be at the discretion of the Council.
The following long term berthing charges are to be applied:
Long Term / Winter Berths
Total per metre (£)Annual fee / £120.00
6 months / £85.00
5 months / £82.00
4 months / £65.00
3 months / £50.00
Payment can be made either on arrival or during your stay at the ‘Albert Basin’, or via a prior arrangement with a representative of the Council’s Tourism Office.
Newry Tourist Information Centre, Bagenal’s Castle, Newry:
Tel: 028 3031 3170 or
Fax: 028 302 68833 or
E-mail: .
Council can accept euro currency, but change will be given in sterling. Currency will be converted at the exchange rate at time of booking
General Marine Information
The Albert Basin is situated in the City of Newry. It is reached by passing through the Victoria Lock and Newry Ship Canal. Victoria Lock is situated on the Southern shore of the Newry River, just under 2 miles beyond the Port of Warrenpoint at the head of Carlingford Lough.
The Lock gates are operable 1 hour before to 1 hour after High water, but council limits their use to daylight hours.
Latitude and Longitude
The Victoria Lock is at position 54º 07´-35N 6º 18´ -2W, just upriver from the Port of Warrenpoint 54º 06´ N 6 º15 ´W.
The entry to Carlingford Lough should be commenced from Hellyhunter Buoy (South Cardinal) at 54º 00.35´ N 6 º02.06´ W (Q(6)+LFl W 15s)
Chart Information
British Admiralty Chart 2800 covers the entire area of Carlingford Lough and approaches. Currently the river leading up to Victoria Lock from Warrenpoint Harbour is not charted on BA2800, (In Process of being updated) but is well buoyed and lit, presenting little problem to any sailor with a basic knowledge of chart work and tides. (See attached Diagram One, which shows a broad outline of the new channel markers, and the approach to Victoria Lock. This should not be seen as a formal navigation chart)
Traffic Control & VHF
All vessels passing through Warrenpoint Harbour should call ‘Warrenpoint Harbour Radio’ on VHF channel 12 (24 hrs) at the following points,
Inward bound – No. 23 buoy
Outward bound – Upon Departing Victoria Lock Chamber, and entering the Newry River.
Vessels should not proceed past these points until given clearance by ‘Warrenpoint Harbour Radio’ and should comply with any further instruction from them.
Albert Basin/Newry Canal Approaches
The passage from Sea through Carlingford Lough is very straight forward, thanks to the well-buoyed and lit commercial shipping channels, but it is worth bearing in mind the strong currents, which run between Cranfield point and Greenore Point.
Carlingford Lough also has many active Shellfish beds and anchoring should be avoided when in such areas.
The approaches to Victoria Lock pass through the busy commercial port of Warrenpoint. There are regular ferry and cargo vessel movements several times a day in the vicinity of Warrenpoint and care should be taken to avoid all of these. The commercial shipping channel is very narrow and ships using it should never be impeded, in fact vessels are only allowed to navigate under power when in the channel past buoy 25. Calling ‘Warrenpoint Harbour Radio’ for clearance also allows commercial ships to hear your intentions.
The Newry River is generally fast flowing above Warrenpoint, the direction dependant on the state of the tide, but usually following the direction of the river. The direction and rate can be easily seen on the navigation buoys.
Victoria Lock and the Albert basin are under the control of Newry & Mourne District Council. Access through Victoria Lock is subject to at least 48 hours prior notice to the District Council, and normally during daylight hours only. There are plenty of small anchorages and some mooring pontoons within the Lough (Warrenpoint Pontoon at the Breakwater) where time can be spent until the Lock gates are opened. Arriving at No. 25 buoy around an hour before high water is ideal for inward bound vessels. (Do not attempt to progress beyond Narrow Water, if you have not pre-booked and certainly do not attempt to tie-up at the Lock Gates at low tide, given the underwater obstructions that could damage a boat)
Security of Boats at the Albert Basin
Please note the Quay is opposite the Quays Shopping Centre, who have their own CCTV and security staff, but the Albert Basin is an open quay, with unrestricted public access at all times.
Boat owners are responsible for their own security and Newry & Mourne District Council accepts no liability.
Where weekend access is required, notice should be given during office hours, Monday to Friday, to Newry & Mourne District Council by e-mail, fax or telephone as follows;
Newry Tourist Information Centre, Bagenal’s Castle, Newry:
Tel: 028 3031 3170 or
Fax: 028 302 68833
E-mail: .
Booking / Enquiry Form - Newry Albert Basin & Ship Canal
Please complete and sign the below form and return to: Newry Tourist Office
Bagenal’s Castle
Abbey Way
Newry Co. Down
Name: (BLOCK CAPITALS)Address:
Name of Boat:
Registered No:
Boat Dimensions: Length / (metres) / Draught: / (metres)
Planned Date of Entry:
Planned Date of Leaving:
Period of Stay: / (nights)
Do You Require Access to Water/Electric at the Albert Basin: (Yes / No)
Please provide evidence of £2 million Public Liability Insurance: (Yes / No)
(If so, please send through a copy along with this booking form)
Signature: / Date: