Woodhouse Players

Committee Agenda

Date: 14/10/2015

Apologies received – Steve Cahill-Hayes

Item 1 – Approving last minutes

Item 2 – Matters arising from last meeting

Item 3 – Feedback from Chamber Piece

Item 4 – Show update: 5 Women

Item 5 – Show update: Sleeping Beauty

Item 6 - Treasurer’s Report


Woodhouse Players

Committee Minutes

Date: 14/10/2015

Present at meeting:

Apologies – Apologues were received from Steve Cahill Hayes

Item 1 – Approving last minutes

Minutes were approved

Item 2 – Matters arising from last meeting

SF to circulate design document

SCH to organise PAT Testing

Item 3 – Chamber Piece Feedback

-VB received 7 pieces of feedback from a potential of 17 people.

-The majority of feedback was positive

-Feedback mentioned that the rehearsal period was productive with a positive atmosphere

-The fight calls and warm-ups got lost during performance weeks

-Feedback mentioned the stress of having cast members being shaky on lines, but no suggestions were put forward as to how we can improve on this as a group.

Item 4 – 5 Women show update

-CL confident that the show is in a good position to be in one week before curtain up.

-Cast are a bit under confident on lines

-Some major set items still need to be built (door frame, flats to be canvassed)

-Publicity needs a push as ticket sales are low. Action: CL to ask Jackie to nudge Gill to do a push on Facebook.

-Committee are concerned that there is not currently a Stage Managers for the shows. Committee gave suggestions as to who would be good to ask last-minute.

Item 5 – Panto show update

-Liz Braithwaite sent an update of the show. The show is now cast and in rehearsals with one roll still needing to be filled.

-The poster has not been designed yet. Action: VB to remind LB to do this as soon as possible.

-Action: Kimber to be panto committee liaison with Cathy’s assistance.

Item 6 – Treasurer’s Report

-Based on current funds and a decision made earlier in the year, the group will purchase one batten light costing approximately £350.

-Due to previous problems, we will order the light with plenty of time before the Panto lighting rig – if it is not done in time, we will wait until after panto so as not to impact on the tech rehearsal.

-Action: VB, Jackie Withnail, Gill Taylor and CL to go to bank to change signitaries and address of the account.CL to organise.

Item 7 – AOB

-The group has had a number of 1930s style Men’s suits/costumes donated to the group if they are collected. Action: CL to liaise with VB and collect.

-Play choosing has been postponed to November 3rd. Action: SF to see if SCH can host.

-Jess Irwin to be invited to next committee meeting to discuss marketing and funding

-Air spray is required to clean the lighting desk. We also need a better box and dust proof cover. Action: KW to investigate.

-SF to think of ideas for a Xmas fundraiser/social event

Next meeting: 26th November – Hosted by VB.