Alpha Tire & Auto


TITLE/CODE: ML.4 Tech Oil Change Pathway DATE: ____09/18/2012_____

WHY? / Why am I documenting this procedure? / Make Every Car Count. The extra 10% is what will make us excel over our competition or just blend in.
WHO? / Who will ultimately be responsible for this procedure? / Shop Manager
Servce Technician
WHAT? / What are the key elements of this procedure? / FIVE Document Process
1. Work Order
2. PMI Form
3. Vehicle History
4. All Data Maintenance Schedule
HOW? / How is the procedure done? Step by Step. / 1)  Tech gets keys and starts FVI looking for that one most critical item?
2)  Start with in cab inspection of FVI.
3)  Drive into bay and complete in Cab inspection of FVI.
4)  Has the needed One item to show been found. Show Service writer and/or customer.
5)  Get Vin, mileage, engine size completed.
6)  Lift hood and perform under hood inspection of FVI.
7)  Has the needed One item to show been found? (ex filter, tire rotation, belt etc)
8)  Show Service writer and/or customer.
9)  Lift vehicle, drain oil into a drain pan. Complete under frame portion of FVI.
10) Has the needed One item to show been found. Show Service writer and/or customer.
11) If no item has been found then it means this car is in the same shape as the day it was made.
12) Go to back office, get oil filter, print oil change sticker, look up need oil type and amount, scheduled main needs and compare with maint history in rewriter. GET COMPLETE FVI TO SERVICE WRITER.
13) Give completed FVI to Service Writer.
14) Remove oil filter, Install drain plug, and oil filter. Recheck oil filter and drain plug.
15) Check tire Pressure and adjust. Lower Vehicle.
16) Added correct amount of oil and type.
17) Top off fluids.
18) Install Sticker.
19) Reset Maint ind Light.
20) Perform any additional services that were sold.