STUDY GUIDE - S.W. 125B / STEWART Spring 2010

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.The lifespan development is separated in this text according to which of the following:

a. / Infancy and childhood/adolescence/young and middle adulthood/later adulthood
b. / Infancy/childhood and adolescence/young and middle adulthood/later adulthood
c. / Infancy/childhood and adolescence/young adulthood/middle and later adulthood
d. / Infancy and childhood/adolescence and young adulthood/middle and later adulthood

____2.A set of elements which are orderly and interrelated to make a functional whole is:

a. / Homeostasis
b. / A system
c. / A boundary
d. / A subsystem
e. / Equifinality

____3.The fact that there are many different means to the same end is referred to as:

a. / Differentiation
b. / Entropy
c. / Negative entropy
d. / Equifinality
e. / Homeostasis

____4.The example in the text of Fabianthe man with cerebral palsy who started selling his flowers in his front yardwas explaining how his standing in the community was diminished from the ____ perspective.

a. / Structural
b. / Human ecology
c. / Sociopsychological
d. / Social systems

____5.The social work role that involves resolving arguments or disagreements among micro, mezzo, or macro systems in disagreement is the:

a. / Enabler
b. / Mediator
c. / Integrator/coordinator
d. / Manager

____6.The ____ social work role involves giving information and teaching skills to client and other systems.

a. / Initiator
b. / Facilitator
c. / Educator
d. / Integrator/coordinator

____7.A(n) ____ is the person or persons who call attention to an issue.

a. / Mediator
b. / Negotiator
c. / Enabler
d. / Facilitator
e. / Initiator

____8.A(n) ____ directly represents, defends, intervenes, supports or recommends a course of action on behalf of one or more individuals, groups, or communities, with the goal of securing or retaining social justice.

a. / Advocate
b. / Enabler
c. / Broker
d. / Mediator
e. / Educator

____9.____ is an orientation or set of beliefs that holds one's own culture, ethnic or racial group, or nation is superior to others.

a. / Racism
b. / Ethnocentrism
c. / Prejudice
d. / Discrimination

____10.____ is an opinion about an individual, group, or phenomenon that is developed without proof or systematic evidence.

a. / Discrimination
b. / Prejudice
c. / Ethnocentrism
d. / Racism
e. / Race

____11.____ involves physical actions and unequal treatment of people because they belong to a category.

a. / Discrimination
b. / Prejudice
c. / Ethnocentrism
d. / Racism
e. / Race

____12.The ____, in both belief and practice, upholds American ideals of freedom and equality.

a. / Prejudiced nondiscriminator
b. / Unprejudiced nondiscriminator
c. / Unprejudiced discriminator
d. / Prejudiced discriminator

____13.The ____ feels hostile to other groups but recognizes that law and social pressures are opposed to overt discrimination.

a. / Prejudiced nondiscriminator
b. / Unprejudiced nondiscriminator
c. / Unprejudiced discriminator
d. / Prejudiced discriminator

____14.Which of the following is true regarding Arab Americans and American Muslims:

a. / Arab Americans comprise 5 percent of the American population
b. / The United States and the United Nations recognize 21 separate Arab nations
c. / Thirty-four to forty-two percent of Muslims in the United States are Arab
d. / Christianity and Islam are faiths that are very similar

____15.The following is true about "race":

a. / There are clearly delineating characteristics of any race
b. / Each racial group has unique and distinctive genes
c. / Race becomes a very dangerous myth when it is assumed that physical traits are linked with mental traits and cultural achievements
d. / The fact that some studies have found that African Americans tend to receive, on the average, somewhat lower scores on IQ tests unquestionably demonstrates that African Americans are biologically inferior in intelligence

____16.____ is the criminal thinking error in which the criminal, in order to maintain self-image, minimizes/denies injuring victims either by an immediate criminal act or its far reaching effects on the victims and others in society in order to maintain self-image.

a. / Victim stance
b. / Lack of trust
c. / Failure to consider injury to others
d. / Lack of empathy

____17.____ is the criminal thinking error in which the criminal can only maintain feelings of uniqueness by refusing to consider the experiences or feelings of others.

a. / Power thrust
b. / Ownership
c. / Lack of empathy
d. / Lack of trust

____18.Slaveholding is an illustration of the following criminal thinking error:

a. / Ownership
b. / Power thrust
c. / Closed channel thinking
d. / Good person self-image

____19.The following is true about slavery in this country:

a. / Slaves were not viewed as human beings, but as chattel to be bought and sold
b. / Marriages among slaves were not recognized by the law
c. / For a period of time it was illegal to teach African Americans to read or write
d. / All of the above

____20.The "Jim Crow" caste system:

a. / Advocated social equality
b. / Denied political and legal rights to African Americans
c. / Prescribed how African Americans were supposed to act in the presence of whites
d. / All of the above
e. / b and c only

____21.Rosa Park's act that sparked the civil rights movement happened on a bus in:

a. / Montgomery, Alabama
b. / Selma, Alabama
c. / Jackson, Mississippi
d. / Biloxi, Mississippi

____22.The following is true about school busing:

a. / Housing patterns in many metropolitan centers have led to "de facto" segregation
b. / School busing designed to achieve racial integration has increased "white flight" from neighborhoods where busing has been ordered
c. / School busing designed to achieve racial integration has intensified racial tensions in some communities
d. / All of the above
e. / None of the above

____23.All of the following are included in the National Association of Social Workers standards for cultural competence in social work practice except:

a. / Cross-cultural knowledge
b. / Self-awareness
c. / Cross-cultural leadership
d. / Adherence to the melting pot concept

____24.The ____ pattern of inter group relations views the future American society not as a modified England but rather as a totally new blend, both culturally and biologically, of all the various groups that inhabit the United States.

a. / Melting pot
b. / Cultural pluralism
c. / Anglo-conformity

____25.____ refers to the social and psychological characteristics associated with being female or male.

a. / Gender
b. / Sex
c. / Android
d. / Gender role

____26.____ refers to the biological distinction between being female and being male, usually categorized on the basis of the reproductive organs and genetic makeup.

a. / Sex
b. / Gender
c. / Androgyny
d. / Gender identity

____27.The ____ of gender looks at the structure of the gendered social order as a whole and at the processes that construct and maintain it.

a. / Sexual equality
b. / System theory
c. / Social construction
d. / Feminist perspective

____28.Before the women's movement which started in the late ____, the scoring of vocational tests was done with one answer key for females and one for males.

a. / 1920s
b. / 1940s
c. / 1960s
d. / 1980s

____29.A(n) ____ is a person born with fully formed ovaries and fully formed testes.

a. / Hermaphrodite
b. / Pseudohermaphrodite
c. / Intersex
d. / Both a and c
e. / Both b and c

____30.A person who has some mixture of male and female predisposition and configuration of reproductive structures are referred to as:

a. / Hermaphrodite
b. / Pseudohermaphrodite
c. / Intersex
d. / Both a and c
e. / Both b and c

____31.People who derive sexual gratification from dressing in the clothing of the opposite gender, and who are almost all heterosexual males, are called:

a. / Transvestites
b. / Transsexuals
c. / Drag queens
d. / Drag kings

____32.Traditional gender role stereotypes for women include being:

a. / Intelligent
b. / Nurturant
c. / Dependent
d. / All of the above
e. / b and c only

____33.African American females live an average of about ____ years longer than their male counterparts.

a. / 7
b. / 9
c. / 11
d. / 13

____34.Which of the following is true:

a. / Gender-role stereotypes in our society help men gain insight into their emotions and behavior
b. / Women risk greater health problems than men
c. / Women have higher death rates than men in most of the leading categories of death
d. / Men are more likely to use detrimental coping mechanisms

____35.On ability level, men are better than women in which of the following areas:

a. / Math tests
b. / Remembering things
c. / Intellectual ability
d. / None of the above

____36.The median income for women with a bachelor's degree or more is about ____ percent of what men with a college education or more earn.

a. / 43
b. / 53
c. / 63
d. / 73
e. / 83

____37.Sexual harassment may involve:

a. / Unwelcome sexual advances
b. / Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which results in an offensive or stifling work environment
c. / Requests for sexual favors
d. / All of the above
e. / a and c only

____38.Suggestions for confronting sexual harassment include:

a. / Confronting your harasser's behavior
b. / Documenting your situation
c. / Telling someone with decision-making power
d. / All of the above
e. / None of the above

____39.The use of sexist language may involve words such as:

a. / Chairman
b. / Ms.
c. / He
d. / All of the above
e. / a and c only

____40.Most rapists:

a. / Tend to come from passive, non-violent family environments
b. / Are not usually promiscuous
c. / Have a history of delinquency
d. / All of the above
e. / None of the above

____41.The second stage of the rape trauma syndrome is called the ____ phase.

a. / Acute
b. / Self assessment and survival
c. / Long-term reorganization and recovery
d. / Readjustment and relaxation

____42.The first step in counseling a rape survivor involves:

a. / Rebuilding the victim's trust in herself
b. / Providing immediate warmth and support
c. / Coping with her hatred for the rapist
d. / Rebuilding the victim's trust in herself and in others
e. / None of the above

____43.Of all women treated in hospital emergency rooms, ____ percent are there to receive treatment for injuries incurred during domestic violence incidents.

a. / 4 to 7
b. / 8 to 11
c. / 13 to 20
d. / 22 to 40
e. / 43 to 50

____44.The third phase of the battering cycle involves:

a. / Making up
b. / The building up of stress and tension
c. / The explosion
d. / Releasing tension
e. / Avoiding confrontation

____45.Which of the following is (are) a reason(s) why women stay in a battering environment:

a. / Fear of the abuser
b. / Love
c. / Guilt
d. / All of the above
e. / a and c only

____46.One in ____ women will develop breast cancer during her lifetime.

a. / 8
b. / 18
c. / 28
d. / 38

____47.Risk factors in getting breast cancer involve the following:

a. / Being underweight
b. / The younger you are, the greater your risk
c. / Having children increases your risk
d. / All of the above
e. / None of the above

____48.Surgically removing and examining a breast lump for cancer cells is called a:

a. / Needle aspiration
b. / Lumpectomy
c. / Surgical biopsy
d. / Partial mastectomy

____49.Breast self-examinations should be administered:

a. / Once a month
b. / Once every six months
c. / Once a year
d. / Once every two years

____50.All of the following are true about physical functioning for middle-aged people except:

a. / Most middle-aged people are in good health
b. / The gastrointestinal tract secretes fewer enzymes, which increases the chances of constipation and indigestion
c. / The diaphragm weakens, which results in an increase in the size of the chest
d. / Middle-aged people need less time than young adults to recoup strength after extended and strenuous activity

____51.The following is true about menopause:

a. / Menopause is caused by a decrease in the production of estrogen, which leads to a cessation of ovulation
b. / During menopause there is a reduction of activity of the ovaries
c. / During menopause the fallopian tubes become shorter and smaller
d. / All of the above are true

____52.The following is true about cultural differences in women's experience of menopause:

a. / Japanese women are more likely than Canadian women to experience hot flashes
b. / There is no difference between Japanese women and Canadian women in regard to menopause symptoms that are reported
c. / Different cultures apparently view menopause differently
d. / All of the above

____53.A possible symptom associated with menopause is:

a. / The hair on the scalp and external genitalia may become thinner
b. / The labia may lose their firmness
c. / The breasts may lose some of their firmness and become smaller
d. / Headaches may increase and insomnia may occur
e. / All of the above are true

____54.The following is true about osteoporosis:

a. / It is more common in men than women
b. / The disorder is not preventable
c. / It is a thinning and weakening of the bones
d. / The disorder is more common among nonsmokers

____55.The following is true about menopause:

a. / There is no clear-cut way to identify the exact time when menopause occurs
b. / Most authorities agree that the climacteric can be considered definite when there has been no menstrual period for one year
c. / Physical symptoms of menopause usually end when ovulation ceases
d. / All of the above are true

____56.Which of the following is (are) true:

a. / Middle age pregnancies do not present any additional health risks than pregnancies at a younger age
b. / The risk of Down Syndrome is greater with older parents
c. / Spontaneous abortions are more common in women who become pregnant before the age of forty years
d. / Younger women are more apt to have a prolonged labor than older women

____57.Which of the following is (are) true about male climacteric:

a. / Men lose the potential to reproduce
b. / Production of testosterone increases
c. / Some men have greater hormonal fluctuations
d. / All of the above
e. / None of the above

____58.A woman's sex drive reaches its peak in her:

a. / Late teens to early 20s
b. / Late 20s or early 30s
c. / Late 30s or early 40s
d. / Late 40s or early 50s

____59.The following is true about sex in marriage:

a. / There is no relationship between marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction
b. / For some unknown reason women are more likely to be orgasmic in unhappy marriages than in happy marriages
c. / A woman's sex drive reaches its peak at a younger age than is true for a man
d. / The frequency of marital coitus is highest when the individuals are in their twenties and thirties

____60.The highest percentage of frequency for men age 25 to 29 engaging in sexual intercourse has been found to be:

a. / 4 or more times a week
b. / 2 to 3 times a week
c. / A few times per month
d. / A few times per year

____61.____ is a rare form of skin cancer that is linked to some AIDS patients:

a. / Melanoma
b. / Cowper's anemia
c. / Kaposi's sarcoma
d. / Metabolic disease

____62.The continent that is currently being most impacted by AIDS is:

a. / North America
b. / Asia
c. / Africa
d. / South America

____63.Erikson theorized that after young people develop a sense of identity, they next face the psychosocial crisis of:

a. / Generativity versus stagnation
b. / Early adult transition
c. / Intimacy versus isolation
d. / Self awareness transition

____64.Erikson theorizes the following about generativity:

a. / Generativity involves a concern for and interest in establishing and guiding the next generation
b. / Generativity involves a commitment to improve the life conditions of future generations
c. / Generativity involves a commitment towards protecting and enhancing the conditions of one's society
d. / All of the above are true

____65.In Levinson's theories, "entering the adult world" occurs during the following transition:

a. / Early adult transition
b. / Entry life structure for early adulthood
c. / Culminating life structure for early adulthood
d. / Entry life structure for middle adulthood

____66.In Levinson's theories, "settling down" occurs during the following transition:

a. / Entry life structure for early adulthood
b. / Culminating life structure for early adulthood
c. / Mid-life transition
d. / Entry life structure for middle adulthood

____67.In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is the next highest after safety:

a. / Belongingness and love
b. / Self-actualization
c. / Self-esteem
d. / Physiological needs

____68.A person's sexual feelings can be signaled through gestures, and Scheflen states that ____ behavior is designed to send a message that the sender is attracted to the receiver.

a. / Romanticizing
b. / Coy
c. / Preening
d. / Primping

____69.In regard to physical appearance, studies have found the following:

a. / College professors tend to give higher grades to females who are physically attractive than those who are less attractive
b. / Attractive females can modify attitudes of male students more than less attractive females can
c. / Unattractive defendants are more likely to be judged guilty in courtrooms and more likely to receive longer sentences than attractive defendants
d. / All of the above are true

____70.Glasser believes we are driven by five basic, innate needs. All of the following are included except:

a. / Power
b. / Fun
c. / Choice
d. / Freedom

____71.The left brain:

a. / Ordinarily controls language and speech functions
b. / May be more centrally involved in creativity and musical abilities
c. / Control the movements of the left side of the body
d. / Is believed to control intuition and feelings

____72.The following is true about Rohypnol:

a. / It is a stimulant
b. / It often causes blackouts, with complete loss of memory
c. / It has become known as a date rape drug
d. / All of the above
e. / b and c only

____73.The following is (are) true:

a. / Tobacco smoking decreases the risks of strokes and heart disease
b. / Tobacco smoking by pregnant women may lead to miscarriages and premature births
c. / Nicotine can act as a depressant, a stimulant, or a tranquilizer
d. / All of the above
e. / b and c

____74.According to Wegscheider, the following is (are) typically believed by members of an alcoholic's family:

a. / Alcohol is not the cause of the problem
b. / The dependent person's alcohol use becomes the most important thing in the family's life
c. / Family members should not discuss the "problem" either within or outside of the family
d. / All of the above
e. / None of the above

____75.Which of the following is accurate regarding social system theories:

a. / Functionalists assert that most people obey the law because they believe the law is fair and just
b. / Functionalism theorists assert that social order is maintained by authority backed by the use of force
c. / Conflict theorists assert that most people in society share the same set of values and norms
d. / From the functionalist perspective, social change mainly involves reordering the distribution of scarce goods among groups

____76.The following is true about poverty:

a. / The infant mortality rate of the poor is almost double the rate of the affluent
b. / Children who are poor are less apt to drop out of school than rich children
c. / As compared to people who are wealthy, poor people are less apt to be arrested, indicted, and imprisoned
d. / Most people who are raised in poverty attain a substantially higher socioeconomic status than their parents had

____77.Aspects of the poverty cycle include:

a. / Marrying later in life
b. / Becoming a parent at an early age
c. / Poverty passed from one generation to another
d. / b and c only

____78.The following is true about the problem-solving approach to resolving conflict:

a. / The conflict is defined as a win-lose situation
b. / Each side seeks solutions to meet only its needs
c. / Each side attempts to force the other side into submission
d. / Each side honestly and openly communicates its goals, needs, and ideas

____79.The following is true about blended families: