Why Did African American Voters Support Republicans Prior to 1932?
Unit 3 Study Guide
- List the times when the two major parties realigned due to division. (Hint: there are 4 times)
- Why did African American voters support Republicans prior to 1932?
- How are the voter bases for Republicans and Democrats different today?
- What is the role of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
- What is a splinter party? Give some examples.
- What is the Democrat Party platform?
- What is the Republican Party platform?
- What is the role of local party organizations?
- Why do third parties do poorly in American national elections?
- What are superdelegates? When did they come about?
- What is an open primary? What is a closed primary?
- What is the first primary election that takes place in the United States during presidential elections?
- What is the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act?
- Explain how a debate can affect a candidate positively. Negatively.
- What is the most expensive type of campaign strategy in the United States?
- What are incumbents? What is the advantage of being an incumbent?
- How does a candidate win the presidential election? Hint: What political body is involved in the presidential election?
- What is front-loading in regards to elections?
- What type of interest groups do most Political Actions Committees (PACs) represent?
- How are interest groups regulated?
- Which interest group has the most influence? Which has the most members?
- What are purposive incentives? Material incentives?
- What is an amicus curiae brief? What is their purpose?
- What is grassroot lobbying?
- Name the reasons that interests groups have grown during the 20th century.
- What did Ralph Nader advocate regarding interest groups?
- What is access in regards to interest groups?
- Who influenced the first generation of newspapers in the United States?
- What was the significance of New York Times v United States?
- What is the role of media as a scorekeeper, watchdog, and gatekeeper?
- What are shield laws in regards to the press?
- What media entities are funded by Congress?
- What is yellow journalism?
- How has the media been criticized in the last 10 years?
- What is the significance of New York Times v Sullivan?
- What are linkage institutions?