APM Training Provider Accreditation
Application formfor accreditation/reaccreditation
Part IGeneral Information
Part IICourses Leading to IC/APMP/Risk Qualifications
Part IIIPractitioner Qualification Assessment Centres
Appendix AEvidence Matrices (to be completed for courses leading to IC/APMP/Risk)
Appendix BImportant Information for Accredited Providers
Appendix CSelf-Invigilation Standards and Invigilator Agreement Forms
Appendix DPractitioner Qualification Guidance and Regulations for APM Approved Assessment Centres
Part Iis to be completed for all applications.
Part IIis to be completed for applications leading to IC, APMP and Risk qualifications, together with the relevant evidence matrix from Appendix A.
Part IIIis to be completed for an application to become an Approved Practitioner Qualification Assessment Centre.
AP ACCREDITATION APPLICATION /PART I: General Information | to be completed for all applications /
1Contact details
1.1Name of organisation and contact details
Tel / Email
1.2Name of parent organisation (if applicable)
Tel / Email
1.3Name of the person who will act as the main contact throughout the accreditation process
NameJob Title
Tel / Email
1.4Name of person who will act as examination administration contact once accredited
NameJob title
Tel / Email
1.5Name of business development contact
NameJob title
Tel / Email
1.6Marketing contact
NameJob title
Tel / Email
1.7Name of financial contact (accounts payable)
NameJob title
Tel / Email
2Your organisation
2.1How many years has the organisation been in existence?
2.2What is the total number of staff employed by the organisation?
2.3Please indicate the proportion of staff dedicated to support, management, training and development (to include contractors and associates) for the proposed activities
2.4Please supply an organisation chart for those involved in the delivery of APM accredited activities
2.5How will you ensure that all staff understand and act accordingly with regard to your Accredited Provider status, relationship with APM and its products and services?
2.6What percentage of your organisation’s business is concerned with project management training and development?
2.7If your organisation is accredited to run courses or deliver qualifications for other bodies, please provide detail here
3Quality assurance
3.1What external certifications do you have? (e.g. ISO 9001)
3.2How do you ensure quality of the APM accredited activities?
3.3How will you recruit, induct, train and maintain staff involved in the delivery of APM accredited work?
4Resources, health and safety
4.1Please show how you are resourced and comply with all current legislation around all health and safety and disability regulations and requirements
5Please indicate below which activities are to be assessed in this application
5.1Course(s) leading to Introductory Certificate/APMP/Risk 1 or 2
Please complete PART II5.2Practitioner Qualification Assessment Centre
Please complete PART III6Please supply any other information you feel may be relevant to your accreditation application
DeclarationOn behalf of, I apply for accredited status for delivery of the course(s)/activity as described in this application. If our application is successful, we agree to comply with the requirements as set out in APM’s document “Important Information for Accredited Providers” (Appendix B to this document).
AP application v4Copyright APM 2013 ©
AP application v4Copyright APM 2013 ©
Date:Please return to:
Accreditation Department, Association for Project Management
Ibis House, Regent Park
Summerleys Road
Princes Risborough
HP27 9LE
Tel:0845 4581944
Please enclose payment for the initial fee or an official purchase order with your application form and materials for assessment. An Assessor will be assigned to your application on receipt of payment. Please note this is a non-refundable fee.
PART II: Courses leading to APM qualifications | excluding Practitioner Qualification /
1Your courses
1.1What courses are to be assessed in this application?
Introductory Certificate
(Initial application/Reaccreditation?)
Delete as appropriate /
APMP for registered
PRINCE2®[1] Practitioners
(Initial application/
/Project Risk Management 1
(Initial application/Reaccreditation?) /
Project Risk Management 2
(Initial application/Reaccreditation?)
1.2If you are applying to deliver a training course for APMP recognising the prior learning of the PRINCE2®Practitioner qualification, please confirm that you will obtain documentary evidence of a candidate’s eligibility to access this prior learning route
1.3Describe how the proposed course(s) will be delivered
1.4Approximately how many APM accredited events do you intend to run throughout the year and how many participants for each type of event?
1.5Please indicate the proportion of these events to be delivered 'in house' and to be offered to the general public
1.6If you intend delivering courses outside the UK please indicate which courses and where (NOTE: restrictions on the re-sale of APM’s IPMA aligned qualifications apply – see Application Guidance Notes)
1.7Please indicate how you will publicise these events and provide a copy of any publicity material or relevant internet links
1.8What advice and support will you provide to participants before, during and after the course for which you are seeking accreditation?
1.9How do you ensure candidates are suitably prepared for the examination process?
2Delivery personnel
2.1Please provide a list of trainers with APM membership number and qualifications (if held), as well as any other project management qualifications held, where applicable
Name / APM membership no. / APM qualifications / Other project management qualifications (eg registered PRINCE2®Practitioner)2.2Please attach CVs for each of the above
2.3Please indicate which examinations you would like to self-invigilate (go to section 3 if not wishing to self-invigilate)
Introductory Certificate
/Project Risk Management 1
/Project Risk Management 2
Please sign and return the Self-invigilation Standards document included in Appendix C to this application form.
Please give details of all employees/associates who will act as self-invigilators
Name / APM membership No.(if applicable) / Address / Tel/emailA signed Self-Invigilator Agreement form for each proposed invigilator should be returned with this application (See Appendix C)
3.1How do you develop and update materials in the provision of your services?
3.2Who owns copyright of the materials being accredited?
3.3Please detail below the materials you will be submitting with this application for each course to be accredited
3.4How do you ensure comprehensive coverage of the syllabus during the course?
3.5An evidence matrix must be completed for each course identified in section 1 above – please see Appendix A and confirm below that the relevant matrices have been completed and attached to this application
Introductory Certificate
APMP for registered
PRINCE2® Practitioners
/Project Risk Management 1
/Project Risk Management 2
AP ACCREDITATION APPLICATION /PART III: Practitioner Qualification Assessment Centre only /
1Your events
1.1Approximately how many APM Approved PQ Assessment Centres do you intend to run throughout the year with how many participants per event?
1.2Please indicate the proportion of these events to be delivered 'in-house' and to be offered to the general public
1.3Do you intend delivering PQ Assessment Centres outside the UK and if so, where? (NOTE: restrictions on the re-sale of APM’s IPMA aligned qualifications apply – see Application Guidance Notes)
1.4Please indicate how you will publicise these events and provide a copy of any publicity material or relevant internet links
1.5What advice and support will you provide to participants before, during and after the Assessment Centre?
2Delivery personnel
2.1Please provide a list of PQ Assessors to be employed by you in the delivery of the Assessment Centres, with APM membership number
Name / APM membership no.3Guidance and regulations for APM Approved Assessment Centres
Please confirm below on behalf of your organisation that you have received, read and agree to abide by the Guidance and Regulations for APM Approved Assessment Centres (Version 2, October 2006), Practitioner Qualification Candidate Guidance Notes (Version 2, October 2006), Information on running Assessment Centres with less than 6 candidates (9 October 2007). These documents will be used by us in organising and running Practitioner Qualification events until informed otherwise by APM.
AP application v4Copyright APM 2013 ©
[1] PRINCE2® is a Registered Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited