Cogmed Research Project Exhibit
The purpose of this form is to outline the proposed Cogmed research study and to provide the necessary information for licensing and account set up. Please do your best to ensure that information noted here is as accurate as possible. Please be sure that the OFFICIAL Institution Name and Address are noted below
Special instructions and example text appears inREDto demonstrate what type information is required.
Institution (Full Name)Institution Address / Street
Postal Code
Principal Investigator / Title/Credentials
First Name
Last Name
Principal Investigator Contact (Mailing Address, Email, Phone)
*Please provide a CV for the Principal Investigator / Street
Postal Code
Research Project Title
Mini Literature Review
Please provide a brief overview of the extant literature for your population - providing rationale for your study including aims and hypothesis. (350 wordsmax)
Age Range (years):
Medication Schedule/Dosage/Type:
Socio-Economic Status
Randomization/ SampleSelection / How and from where will participants be recruited/ selected for study participation?
Will participants be randomly assigned to experimental groups? If so, with what method?
If any other control type besides the non-adaptive (placebo) Cogmed program, please describe in detail the comparison intervention, including the type of tasks included, the amount of time spent performing the intervention, the type of support surrounding the intervention, mode (e.g. computerized, paper-pencil, etc.). / What kind of control group will be employed in the research?
Blinding / Who will remain blind to participant group assignment?
Who will assess End-Users pre- and post-training? Will the assessor be blind to group assignment?
Participants/End-User IDs
See GREEN for example.
Each participant doing any Cogmed training requires an End-User ID to access the system. Participants in the adaptive training group require ONE Cogmed End-User ID
Participants in the non-adaptive training group require TWO Cogmed End-User IDs. One for the research to fulfil their role as a control participant and one for when the research is completed that provides them the opportunity to do adaptive training. / What will be the TOTAL number of participants in the entire study (including all experimental and control)?
N = 30
What will be the number of participants in EACH experimental group?
nAdaptiveCogmed = 10
nPlacebo (Non-adaptive) Cogmed = 10
n Passive = 10
What version of Cogmed will be used in the research?
(CogmedJM, Cogmed JM Placebo Level 1, Cogmed JM Placebo Level 2, Cogmed RM, Cogmed RM Placebo Level 2, Cogmed RM Placebo Level 3 Cogmed QM, Cogmed QM Placebo Level 2, Cogmed QM Placebo Level 3)
Cogmed RM
Cogmed RM Placebo Level 3
How many TOTAL Cogmed End-User IDs, including adaptive and non-adaptive (placebo) groups and including the number of End-User IDs that will account for attrition are required for the research?
10 Cogmed RM + 10 Cogmed RM Placebo Level 3 + 10 Cogmed RM (for the placebo group) + 6 for attrition = 36 Cogmed End-User IDs
Assessment Time Points
See GREEN for example. / At what times in the research will participants be assessed?
T1 = Baseline
T2 = 5 Week Post-Training
T3 = 6 Month Follow Up
Outcomes/ Assessments
See GREEN for example.
Please describe specifically what outcomes will be assessed, what measures will be used for that assessment, and the time point that the assessment will take place. / Outcome / Test-taker / Subtest (Battery) / Time Point
Academic / Mathematics / End-User / WORD (WIAT) / T1, T2, T3
Cognitive / WorkingMemory / End-User / LNS (WISC-IV) / T1,T2,T3
Behavioural / ExecutiveFunctions / Parent / BRIEF / T1,T2,T3
Imaging / BrainActivity / End-User / PET / T1, T2
Location & Technical Setup
See GREEN for example.
Cogmed requires internet access,the use of a PC or Mac computer or tablet, headphones, and an external mouse. A quietdistractionfreeenvironmentisalsohighlyrecommended. / Where and at what time of day will End-Users train? On what type of device will the End-User train?
End-Users will train at home in the afternoon after school on a laptop or desktop computer.
Training Aide: The individual who will be present with the End-User during each Cogmed training session. Does notneedtobetrainedbyCogmed. / Who will act as the End-User’s Training Aide?
The End-User’s parent will act as Training Aide.
Coach: The individual trained by Cogmed to orient the End-User to Cogmed, to monitor the End-User training data, to support them on a weekly basis through phone or email, and to debrief them after the training.
Up to 6 research staff members can be trained per research project via an online self-guided training. Full names and emails are required to setup each Coach in the online training system and for future communications. / Coach 1 / FirstLastName
Coach 2 / FirstLastName
Coach 3 / FirstLastName
Coach 4 / FirstLastName
Coach 5 / FirstLastName
Coach 6 / FirstLastName
Please provide the month/date/year (or estimated dates) at which time the following will be achieved: / Participant Training Start
Data Collection Complete
Data Analysis Complete
Conference Talk/PosterPresentation
Data Analysis
Please provide any details for how data analysis will be carried out.
Please provide any details about funding that has been provided for this study, including any granting foundations
Once completed, please return this form to Kathryn Ralph at
Please DO NOT PDF this form, as it will need to be inserted as part of the Research License Agreement.