Wappingers Central School District

Foreign Language Department

Course Syllabus

Course Name / French 3
Course Code / L133
Duration / Full Year
Grade / 10-12
Credit / 1.0
Rank / 1.00
Prerequisite / Must have passed French 2 or the equivalent.
Assessment / All students in this course take the exam in the foreign language in June. The final exam for the course counts as 20% of the final course average. Students must pass this course and the exam in order to qualify for an Advanced Regents Diploma.
Textbook / Amsco French Two Years (Amsco, 1998)
D’Accord 2 (Vista Higher Learning, 2015) - Textbook
D’Accord 2 - Workbook and Audio Activities
Areas of Study / This is the final course preparing students for NYS Education Department’s Checkpoint B proficiency, which will fulfill one of the requirements for an Advanced Regents Diploma. Topics, functions and situations remain the same as in the previous levels, but are approached in a broader and deeper manner. Expanding vocabulary and an increasing understanding of more complicated verb forms and grammatical concepts allow the students to communicate more effectively and understand the target language in authentic situations.
Réprise Culture les vacances scolaires
avoir expressions francophone world
être expressions geography of France
adjective agreement
ce, cet, cette, ces
mon, ma, mes, etc.
regular verbs
spelling changing verbs
aller, prendre, faire, boire
futur proche
direct & indirect object pronouns
past tense (passé composé & imparfait)
Unité Préliminaire Culture
House and Chores lodging in France
savoir v connaître la Nouvelle-Orléans
passé composé v imparfait le Château Frontenac
Unité 1 Culture
Food/Mealtaking French meals
venir French cheese
passé récent le Guide Michelin
vouloir, pouvoir, devoir la Bourgogne
double object pronouns
Unité 2 Culture
Health/Daily Routine Marie Curie
reflexive verbs l’Occitane
reflexive verbs in the past tense Social Security
y la Suisse
Unité 3 Culture
Technology/Cars Ariane
prepositions + infinitives French cars
reciprocal verbs la Belgique
ouvrir, offrir, couvrir, souffrir
le future
le conditionnel
Unité 4 Culture
Shopping/Directions/Bank/Post Office villes et villages
voir, apercevoir, recevoir, croire Québec
negative expressions les petites commerces
futur simple
Unité 5 Culture
Professions/Jobs/Cell Phones les artisans
futur simple les syndicats
si le téléphone
quand/lorsque le Maghreb
dès que/aussitôt que La Fontaine
interrogative lequel
relative pronouns
Unité 6 Culture
Nature/Environment Madagascar
comparison of nouns National Parks
superlative of nouns Western & Central Africa
subjunctive Le Petit Prince
demonstrative pronouns
Unité 7 Culture
Arts Antilles
subjunctive French Polynesia
possessive pronouns le Cirque du Soleil
Haitian painting
For Information / For a complete review of the NYS Learning Standards for Languages Other Than English (LOTE), see:
For a complete core curriculum for LOTE, (especially pp. 12 – 19), see:

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