AP USH Retake: Period 5: 1844-1877

All work must be completed in a timely basis. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Summative Retake

When: JANUARY 20 3:30-4:30, last day of the semester for retakes

A new MC & DBQ

Have ALL practice work and THOROUGH additional work ready to be checked by JANUARY 20th. NO EXCEPTIONS

How to

  1. Thorough Completion of Practice Work & Weekly Assessments
  • Period 5Amsco Chapters Outlined
  • All weekly assessments completed
  • Period 5 Framework
  1. Additional Practice:
  • Multiple choice &/ or DBQ
  • Period 5 Term identifications(found on pg.2): (a) Provide a summary of each term in 2-3 SENTENCESand (b) the terms significance in ANOTHER SENTENCE, with (c) the page number listed from AMSCO and/or YAWP. These ids must be thorough and Handwritten. If they are not thorough, they will not be accepted.
  1. Advice
  • Review the completed practice work. You want to significantly improve your score on the Retake.
  • Tutoring is available.
  • Videos: John Green Crash Course & practice online quizzes

Have all work ready practice work and additional work ready to be checked by JANUARY 20.

Period 5 Content Terms

For each, write a 2-3 sentence definition, and then a sentence on what the significance of the term is - why it matters in its context and/or in American history. Make sure to have page number from Foner or Amsco, YAWP (specify which). These terms must be HANDWRITTEN. SO EACH TERMS MUST BE EXPLAINED IN 2-3 SENTENCES THAT IDENTIFY THE TERM AND EXPLAIN THE SIGNIFICANCE. THERE ARE 42 TERMS.

1. Webster-Ashburton Treaty

2. John O’Sullivan/Manifest Destiny

3. Oregon Trail/”54 40 or Fight”

  • How Oregon dispute settled

4. Treaty Fort Laramie/Reservation System

5. Texas Revolution/Annexation

  • Why’d Americans settle in Texas?
  • “Remember the Alamo”
  • Lone Star Republic

6. James K. Polk/”Dark Horse”

  • Tarriff Reduction
  • Independent Treasury
  • Oregon
  • California/New Mexico

7. Mexican-American War – causes

  • Slidell’s rejection
  • Civil Disobedience
  • Lincoln’s Spot resolution – American blood on American soil?

8. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – effects

9. Wilmot Proviso

10. Popular Sovereignty

11. Free-Soil Coalition (Free-Soil Party)

12. California Gold Rush/Forty-Niners

  • Effect on statehood

13. Compromise of 1850 (all provisions)

  • Fugitive Slave Act

14. Uncle Tom’s Cabin/Harriet Beecher Stowe

15. Commodore Matthew Perry

16. Gadsen Purchase

17. Kansas Nebraska Act

  • Formation of Republican Party
  • “Bleeding Kansas”
  • Lecompton Constitution (p. 632)

18. John Brown

  • Pottawatomie Massacre (p. 626)
  • Harper’s Ferry (p. 637)

19. Brooks-Sumner Incident

20. Republican Platform (p. 629,640, 641)

21. Democratic Platform

22. Dred Scott Decision

23. Lincoln Douglas Debates

  • Freeport Doctrine
  • House Divided Speech

24. Strengths/Weaknesses of North/South

25. Anaconda Plan

26. Conscription

  • Positives/negatives in North and South

27. Antietam/Emancipation Proclamation

  • Reason(s) for Emancipation

28. Social/Econ/Political Effects of War

  • Role of African Americans
  • Role of women
  • Financing the war
  • Suspending Habeus Corpus

29. Battle of Gettysburg/Gettysburg Address

30. Sherman’s March/Total War

31. 13th Amendment

32. The Freedman’s Bureau

33. Proclamation of Amnesty (10% Plan)

34. Radical Republicans/Wade Davis Bill

35. Black Codes

36. Civil Rights Act/14th Amendment

37. Recon Acts of 1867 (Military Recon)

38. 15th Amendment

39. Sharecropping

40. Carpetbaggers and Scalawags

41. KKK

42. Compromise of 1877

  • Hayes/Tilden
  • “Waving the Bloody Shirt”
  • “Home rule