Kutztown Rotary Bulletin

Kutztown Rotary Club, District 7430, Club 5433 - Organized April 1, 1926

Address: P.O. Box 127, Kutztown, PA 19530

Wed. @ 6:30 PM at Moselem Springs Inn – Rt 662 & Rt. 222 West of Kutztown

Our newsletter is distributed by email. Please give your e-mail address to Patt McCloskey or Steve Henning or send your e-mail address to .

You can also read new and past newsletters at http://home.earthlink.net/~rotarians .


There will not be a scavenger hunt on 11/9; a regular meeting will be held. On November 4, our exchange student Celso will be playing in his last football game for Kutztown High where all seniors on the team will be recognized.

Oct 12 – This evening we served dinner for approximately 75 adults and numerous children at Opportunity House, the homeless shelter in Reading. Thanks to Bill Bender, Patt McCloskey, Nancy Hildenbrand, Art Hahn and Barry Martin for serving the meal. Thanks also to the following for baking and preparing desserts; Ellen Bender, Lucille Walter, Jane Lantz, Debbie Barrell, Darlene Henning, Shirley Biehl, Jean Boyer, and Nancy Hildenbrand.

Oct 15 – Jim Springer, Steve Henning, Larry Biehl and a flock of KU Rotaract members met at Brenda Winkler’s estate to repair and load the panels and spot lights that will be used at the Flatworks Art Show on 10/21 – 1023.

Oct 19 – This evening we met at the Kutztown Airport to prepare for the Flatworks Art Show. We had a nice meal at TC’s following our work project.

Oct 21-23 – The Rotary Flatworks Art Show was held in the Kutztown Airport hangar. The weather was a bummer, the roof leaked, but the event was successful. Thanks to Jim Springer, project chairman, his able bodied assistant Steve Henning, the KU Rotaract students, and the Rotarians who helped.

Oct 26 – This evening our speaker was Berks County Commissioner Tom Gajewski, Sr. Commissioner Gajewski spoke about county property taxes and the increasing burden on senior citizens. The state dictates how counties may raise revenues and currently Berks County’s only major source of local revenue is property taxes. Currently the revenue increases by ½% to 1% per year. However, the budget increased 2.38% from 2004 to 2005. Approximately 80% of the county’s budget goes toward paying for Federal and State mandates.

There are several proposed options for property tax reform including a county sales tax, a county earned income tax, or a county personal income tax. Another option would be a reduction in spending which rarely occurs. The State Legislature must approve any county tax reform.

Commissioner Gajewski also spoke about a variety of issues including: improved budget practices, spending cuts, Regional policing, a community corrections facility, self health insurance, and local tax reform. Thanks to Commissioner Gajewski for his comments and information.

Guests included Jan Crooker, Kutztown Council Pres., Carl Mantz, Kutztown Councilman, and Ron Frey Fleetwood Rotarian. We also welcomed back Rotarian Jean Boyer; we missed you Jean.

Larry Biehl presented checks from the Rotary Foundation to Ellen Dreibelbis from the Brandywine Library and Carl Mantz representing the Louisa Gonser Library

Birthdays –

11/9 – Randy Leibensperger

11/24 – Don Buchman

Anniversaries –

Programs –

11/2 – Students of the month

11/9 – Pete Keegan

11/16 – Bob Hobaugh

11/23 – No meeting, Thanksgiving Eve

11/30 – Barry Martin

Board Meetings

Third Wed. of Month

Kutztown Rotary Club Officers

President / Patricia J. McCloskey / 610-683-6546
President Elect / Jim Springer / 610-682-7764 / B: 610-683-7011
Directors: / Amy Kohler Howard / 610-944-1715
Barry Martin / 610-683-8106 / B: 610-478-3147
Directors at Large: / William H. Bender / 610-987-3552
Margaret (Peg) Grossman / 484-646-9154
Corresponding Secretary / Jean Boyer / 610-683-3256
Club Secretary / Steve Henning / 610-987-6184
Treasurer / Dennis Lutz / 610-683-6026 / B: 610-926-8900
Bulletin Editor / Larry Biehl / 610-562-3374
Sergeant at Arms / Jim Baldwin / 610-683-3858 / B: 610-413-2898
Past President / Nancy Hildenbrand / 610-683-3526
Program Director / Jean Boyer / 610-683-3256
Patt McCloskey / Amy Kohler Howard / Jim Springer / Barry Martin
Program Coordinators
Jean Boyer
William Bender
Classification, Membership
and Orientation
William H. Bender
Larry Biehl
Nancy Hildenbrand
Club Bulletin
* Patt McCloskey
Stephen M. Henning
Jean Boyer
George S. Barrell / RuralUrban
* Robert Hobaugh
Larry Biehl
William H. Bender
Art Hahn
Jean Boyer
Camp Neidig
* Dean G. Wetzel
Isaac R. Evans
Youth / Student of the Month
Larry Biehl
Scholarship / Awards
* Amy Kohler Howard
Dr. Brenda Winkler / Golf Classic
Thomas Turner
Jim Springer
Dennis R. Lutz
Peter M Keegan
George S. Barrell
Larry Biehl
Dog Show
Nancy Hildenbrand
Dennis R. Lutz
Larry C. Biehl
Peter M. Keegan
Barry Martin
Public Relations
* Stephen M. Henning
Larry Biehl
Tom Turner
Daniel D. Breidegam
Peter Keegan
Ways & Means
George S. Barrell
William H. Bender
Dan Breidegam
Tom Turner / International Service
* Robert Hobaugh
Peter M. Keegan
Rotary Foundation
Larry Biehl
Youth Exchange
* George Barrell
Dennis Lutz
Rotary Programs
Board Meetings
Third Wed. of Month