Impact Circle Meeting

February 12, 2016

1:30 p.m.

Joy Tabernacle Church


Members Present: Gary Ashley (UM-Flint Staff), Annette Patterson (UM-Flint Staff), Thomas Henthorn (UM-Flint), Bethany Collins (BNCP), Tracy Wacker (UM-Flint), Todd Womack (UM-Flint), Geri Clark (BNCP), Anastasius Brown (URC), Pastor Robert McCathern (URC) and DeWaun Robinson (URC).

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 1:37 p.m.

Members introduced themselves to the group. Minutes from previous meeting were reviewed and submitted.

Gary Ashley discussed the creation of the Google drive account which will be used to upload documents from the Impact Circle activities. Minutes as well as additional information has been uploaded into the account. Members who have provided Gmail addresses can provide updates on goals and activities using the documents that have been uploaded. The framework chart has been uploaded so that members can enter information as work occurs.

Gary Ashley provided a brief update on the meeting with the Provost. The meeting is still being planned and the Provost could possibly attend the next Impact Circle Meeting in March. This would allow for a larger space for the meeting which would allow more community members to attend. Details will be provided as soon as they are available.

Tracy Wacker discussed the planning for the park. Three phases are planned for improvements:

  1. Raised beds will be located close to the parking lot. This will allow the beds to be handicap accessible for the community. There will be a bench on the outside of the raised beds. There will be rain barrels to assist with the watering of the beds. It is still necessary to determine what distance from the parking lot is allowed. The basketball court resurfacing is still being planned and there will be a city-wide effort to replace the poles/rims.
  2. Creation of a greenspace/wetlands which will include trails, trees and hedges for the open space at the park.
  3. Urban savanna forest planned which will include planting of native trees and wild flowers. The DNR has grants available that can be used for the forest. The City of Flint will need to apply for funds. It is anticipated that once maps are created, the community can be invited to provide input and have a community planned event introducing the plans for the park. The Health Department could also attend this event. Discussion ensued regarding the need to maintain the park. It was suggested that people could volunteer at the park in exchange for caring for the beds. It was recommended discussing with the Land Bank possible properties and homes in the area that could also be converted.

Two groups were formed to review progress of each goal for URC and BNCP. Each month the group will include action items for members to follow up on to keep the goals and work moving in a forward manner.

URC group work:

The URC group reviewed the framework goals to provide updates on the progress and needs of each goal. They discussed the mural project needs which included $35,000. The goal for completion is September 2016. Pastor McCathern indicated he would follow up with the Ruth Mott Foundation grant request. A decision regarding funding should be sometime in March 2016. The group discussed the use of space (i.e. farmers market stall) which is planned using Kresge grant funds. DeWaun Robinson volunteered to follow up with an update on when this decision might be made.

Goal #2 needs include identifying someone to complete the environmental assessment and the mechanical/structural support report. Thomas Henthorn volunteered to find someone to complete this historic structure support item. The group discussed the fall 2016 grant cycle which creates a vision for what the center should be. Thomas Henthorn, Victoria Morckel and Todd Womack will be working on this item.

Goal #3 (Five year neighborhood development plan) was not discussed as the group is still waiting on the City regarding zoning.

BNCP group work:

The goals were reviewed by the group with discussion that included items for follow up prior to the next meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 12th at 1:30 p.m. Hasselbring Community Center may be able to host the next meeting.

H:\Outreach\Impact Circle\Impact Circle Minutes February 12 2016.docx