Minutes of Meeting
Central School PTA Executive Board
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, Noon
Child Study Room
Attendees: Mary Brennan, VP Communications
Kristin Carpenter, VP Faculty/Community Outreach
Anne Cox, Parent Services Chairperson
Maria Franzese, VP Fundraising
Martha Friedland, Co-President
Angela Holton, Secretary
Kim Huang, VP School Services
Romy Kirwin, Co-President
Frankie Lanausse, Faculty/Community Outreach Chairperson
Melissa Perez, incoming Treasurer (2014-15)
Liam Robb O’Hagan, Programs Chairperson
Miran Robarts, Treasurer
Lisa Silva, Fundraising Chairperson
Krista Williams, VP Programs
Ms. Dinelli, Grade 2 Teacher
Ms. Wollner, Grade 2 Teacher
Carol Priore, Principal
Apologies: Cathy Bizzard, School Services Chairperson
Liz Leifert, Communications Chairperson
Ms. Moyles, Grade 1 Teacher
Virginia Picciotto-Marsella,VP Parent Services
Pam Kernie, SEPTA Rep
Joanne Hindley, Assistant Principal
Minutes : A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes of the Central School PTA Executive Board meeting on February 12, 2014, March 12, 2014, and April 9, 2014.
Principal’s Update:
Assistant Principal: Ms. Priore reported that Joanne Hindley has screened a number of candidates for the Assistant Principal position. A building-based committee comprised of teachers, an aide and a parent representative are now preparing to interview the candidates. The goal is to fill the position by mid-June.
Teacher Assignments for the Fall: The list of grades that teachers will be assigned to in the fall will be published in the last Central Calling of this school year. The assignments may change based on changes in student enrollment. Current enrollment information indicates there will be three kindergarten classes.
Kindergarten Orientation: Kindergarten orientation took place recently, in the new format where parents rotate through the different kindergarten classrooms to receive information on the various aspects of kindergarten curriculum.
Risers: Ms. Priore has earmarked Stop & Shop A+ Program funds to cover a portion of the cost of the new risers.
PT Council (Romy): There were two meetings in May.
May 5 Meeting Highlights: Proposed budget came in under the tax cap; residents are urged to vote for the budget, and to register to vote if they have not done so; several district teachers are receiving tenure, including Central’s Ms. Scharfstein; Pam Buchmueller was installed as the new PT Council co-president; the SEPTA event featuring Sharon Draper, author of Out of My Mind, will take place May 28; the school directory disk will be ready in July; the budget includes the Capstone project for fifth graders and first graders, which is an 8-week inquiry-based learning endeavor involving an independent research project.
May 16 Meeting Highlights: The opt-out for the state math test was less than for the ELA; implementation of an Open Door clinic, similar to what currently exists in Port Chester, has been tabled for now; Representative George Latimer spoke, confirming that the MUFSD did receive state aid, and also stated he feels the data collected for In Bloom should stay at the district level, rather than the state level; all PTAs may need to charge tax again at their book fairs, regardless of whether they use All Book as the vendor, which consigns the books to the PTA.
Calendar Meeting: The calendar meeting for next year is Friday, May 30. Romy has already worked on a preliminary calendar with Ms. Priore and Ms. Hindley.
Nominating Committee: The positions listed below still need to be filled.
· 3rd position for After-School Clubs
· Silent Auction team
· Sign-Up Parties
· Literary Magazine – need a 2nd and 3rd person to work with Val Soto.
Ms. Dinelli and Ms. Wollner will return in the fall as teacher representatives on Central PTA’s Exec Board.
Fundraising Update: Maria reported that the PTA will roll out a coupon book in the fall that will provide coupons for local and regional stores and services. The coupon book will be sold for $25 to families. The PTA will get half of that and the coupon company will get half. Teachers who help Maria with numbering the books for each child will get a free coupon book. Each child will receive a coupon book to take home in his/her backpack, with a note informing the parents that they can pay $25 for the book, or if not interested, can simply return it in the backpack to school. It was suggested that a coupon book be in the teacher’s hands at Back To School Night so the teachers can discuss it with the parents at that time.
Inner Resilience: Thirty-five of Central’s teachers have confirmed their interest in participating in the Inner Resilience (“IR”) program. Teachers’ IR meetings will take place on Wednesdays after school. There will be a new page on the district’s web site devoted to wellness and mindfulness, which is a joint project across all six schools.
After-School Clubs: After-School Clubs (“ASC”) will not be offered in the spring next school year because the same logistical difficulties encountered this spring (proximity to state test dates; Circus Arts running at the same time) will occur next year as well.
Yearbook Update: Liam reported that the teachers have approved their proof pages for the yearbook. The second round of proofing will take place shortly and Liam requests the Exec Board’s assistance with this. Liam also suggested that because the Fifth Grade field trip takes place so late this year (after the yearbook printing deadline), those pages of the yearbook normally dedicated to the trip should be replaced with something else.
Playground Update: Frankie reported that the price tag of the playground design approved at the last Exec Meeting (i.e., the design excluding the blue spinning equipment) was $53,000, but that he was able to negotiate a final price of $46,000. Installation will cost an additional $15,000. Therefore, total cost of equipment and installation for the new front playground is $61,000. Miran confirmed that there are sufficient funds to cover that cost. Once ordered, the equipment will arrive in four weeks. The installation company can install in late June or in August.
Budget: There have been several instances this year of committees not adhering to their budgets and requesting additional funds. The VPs and Chairpersons need to re-emphasize with committee members that they must work within the parameters of their budgets.
International Picnic / Heritage Cookbook: There is interest in publishing a heritage cookbook of recipes contributed by Central families. This is an excellent idea and has been tied in with the promotion of this year’s International Picnic. Unfortunately, printing costs are not within this year’s International Picnic budget. The International Picnic budget is $250 and is allotted to paying the DJ. The cookbook will be published next year. The cookbook/picnic committee needs to be informed that vendors cannot place ads in a PTA publication. However, vendors can submit a recipe that will say “contributed by” their company or restaurant. The format of the International Picnic might change next year. If so, the International Picnic committee should submit a new budget for next year reflecting any additional expenses (e.g., printing costs for flyers and recipe book). The heritage cookbook might also fall under the Cultural Arts budget line. This should be discussed with committee members and explored further.
Installation of 2014-15 Central PTA Exec Board: The handover meeting will take place Tuesday, May 27 at 9:15am in the Child Study Room. The current Exec Board is asked to bring any materials that need to be turned over to next year’s Exec Board.
Rye YMCA Recess Coordinator: Romy reported that the Rye YMCA has offered to provide three days of recess game coordination to Central if we increase our contract from one day per week to two days – i.e., Rye Y will provide a third day for free. Currently, Central PTA pays for one day per week, at $1200 per year. This year, the Rye Y games coordinator is at Central on Wednesdays. The aides are supportive of the program because it helps occupy a certain number of children. Romy will look into the exact financial terms of adding a second day. It was suggested that this program be promoted more so that Central parents are aware this is a service that the PTA is paying for and coordinating.
Treasurer Report:
General: The transition between outgoing Treasurer Miran Robarts and incoming Treasurer Melissa Perez is going on currently. This would be a good time for any suggestions for changes to any Treasurer systems to be made. Miran suggests that next year each committee or group using PayPal be in charge of generating their own button and password and tracking their income. Also, Consumer Fundraising needs constant promotion and innovative ways of getting people to change their habits to incorporate the programs into their lives. For example, Amazon Smile needs to be bookmarked on people’s computers rather than Amazon. Enrollment in the Stop n Shop A+ Program is excellent but must be re-done each year. Boxtops made $600 this year, and hopefully some of Lauren Corrigan’s ideas for further promoting this program can be modified as necessary for implementation at Central. Amazon Smile and Good Search need to be promoted more. The bubbles nametag program is perfect for this time of year as families get ready for sleep-away camp. Further promotion of it may be necessary.
Balance on hand as of last report (March 12, 2014) –
$46,090.40 in Business Checking
$20,457.19 in Money Market
Balance on hand as of today (May 21, 2014) –
$93,942.99 in Business Checking
$20,462.32 in Money Market
Receipts for the period from March 12, 2014 to May 21, 2014 were from PNO, Consumer Fundraising (Box Tops), Theater Arts and Playground Donation.
Disbursements for the period from March 12, 2014 to May 21, 2014 were for UPS Store (copying), Jenny Greco fund, Grants, ASC, Building Bridges, Faculty Hospitality, NYSPTA Insurance, 5th Grade Funds, School Supplies (flyers), PNO, Wellness and Principal’s Fund.
Meeting adjourned at 1:53 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Angela Holton.
Next meeting is September 2014.