Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Arts/Cultural Services / Projects / None Applicable / 6 years after close of project (dependent on type of project as external funders may require information to be retained for a longer period of time) / Determined on Review by PRONI
Events & activities / None Applicable / 3 years / Determined on Review by PRONI
Partnerships – correspondence & minutes / None Applicable / 5 years / Determined on Review by PRONI
Working groups meetings files / None Applicable / 3 years / Destroy
General information / None Applicable / 5 years / Destroy
Arts database / None Applicable / Review annually to remove out dated information / Destroy
Arts and Cultural Development Strategy / None Applicable / 1 year after life of strategy ends / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Public Rights of Way / Register of Public Rights of Way / Access to the Countryside Order 1983 / Retained permanently / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Correspondence re Rights of Way / Access to the Countryside Order 1983 / 6 years / Destroy
Project Files on Public Rights of Way / Access to the Countryside Order 1983 / 6 years (review dependent on project) / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Audit (Internal and External) / Audit reports including the examination of long term contracts / The National Archives – Best practice guidelines / 6 years / Destroy
Report papers used in the course of a fraud investigation / The National Archives – Best practice guidelines / 6 years after legal proceedings have been completed / Destroy
Ordinary audit reports / The National Archives – Best practice guidelines / 3 years / Destroy
Terms of reference / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Programmes/plans/strategies / The National Archives – Best practice guidelines / 1 year after the last date of the plan / Destroy
Minutes of other meetings and other related papers / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Internal Audit guides / None Applicable / 1 year after the last operational date / Destroy
Departmental procedure manuals / None Applicable / 1 year after the last operational date / Destroy
Annual audit letters / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Local Government Audit Reports / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Biodiversity / Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (and associated projects) / Wildlife and Natural Environment(NI) Act 2011 / 6 years / Destroy
Grants/Funding Claims / None Applicable / See Finance section / See Finance section
Site designation and associated correspondence, reports, etc. / Nature conservation and amenity Lands(NI) Order 1985 / Retained permanently / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Building Control Applications / Approved building control applications / None Applicable / Permanent Retention by Council / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Dangerous Structures Legislation / Dangerous Structures Record Files / None Applicable / 20 years after structure made safe / Destroy
Legal Proceedings / Prosecutions – Non- compliance of legal responsibilities / None Applicable / 20 years after compliance / Destroy
Postal Naming and Numbering / Street Naming & Numbering. Land and Property Gazetteer / None Applicable / 20 years / Destroy
Property Certificates / Applications / None Applicable / 12 years / Destroy
Energy Performance and Building Regulations / Records and Associated Correspondence / None Applicable / 20 years after compliance / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Cemeteries / Counterfoils for issue of Grants of Right of Burial / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Register of Burials / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Maps and Plans / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Purchase of Plot Forms / None Applicable / 10 years / Destroy
Grave Opening Forms / None Applicable / 10 years / Destroy
Assignment Applications / None Applicable / 10 years / Destroy
Memorial Applications / None Applicable / 10 years / Destroy
Correspondence relating to burials and memorials in cemeteries. / None Applicable / 10 years / Destroy
Sub work area / Example of records / Statutory provision/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Community Centres / General correspondence / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Council reports / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Grant/Funding applications to the Council / None Applicable / 7 years from last payment / Destroy
Booking documentation / None Applicable / 3 years / Destroy
Information on upkeep of the building / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Legal documentation relating to the buildings and land surrounding the buildings / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
(Transfer to new owner on disposal)
Voluntary Bodies and Community Associations / Meetings – minutes and agenda / None Applicable / Review 6 years after date of meeting / Destroy
Seeding grants / None Applicable / 7 years from last payment / Destroy
Sub work area / Example of records / Statutory provision/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Project Initiatives / Application forms / None Applicable / 7 years
(May depend on body issuing funding if they stipulate timeframes for disposal) / Destroy
Letters of offer / None Applicable / 7 years / Destroy
Claims – for Programme Expenditure / None Applicable / 7 years from last payment / Destroy
Reports / None Applicable / 7 years / Destroy
Correspondence / None Applicable / 7 years / Destroy
Meetings – Minutes and Agenda / None Applicable / Review after 7 years / Destroy
Feasibility study - reports / National Archives recommendation / 10 years after issue
Records relating to major projects may be kept for second review (25 years) / Destroy
Applications for Funding / Grant/Funding applications to the Council / None Applicable / 7 years from last payment / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Strategies and Plans / Annual Report and Accounts / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Asset Register / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Arts Development Strategy / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Capital Development Plan / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Community Development/
Regeneration Plan / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Community Safety Strategy / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Corporate Plan / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Integrated Business Plans / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Departmental (Operational) Business Plans / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
District Policing Partnership Strategy / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Corporate Risk Register / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Departmental Risk Registers / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Economic Development Strategy / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Good Relations Strategy / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Waste Management Strategy / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality Register / Councillors’ Code of Conduct / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Policies / All Internal and External policies and supporting information such as research data and questionnaires / Various; specific to each policy / Version Controlled
Superseded version held for 3 years / Destroy
Standing Orders / Copy of Standing Orders / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Correspondence and related information / None Applicable / 6 Years / Destroy
Consultations Responded To / Letters and reports / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Bye-Laws / Correspondence and related information / None Applicable / 6 years from date of file closure / Destroy
Copies of Bye-Laws / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by Council
SECTION : Community Safety Partnership and District Policing Partnership
(To Be Superseded By Policing and Community Safety Partnership in 2012 - Subjectto Commencement Order)
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Meetings / Agendas
Officer Reports / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Minutes of DPP and CSP Meetings / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Public Meetings/PSNI Reports / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Questions received from the public (confidential) / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Standing Orders/ Legislation / DPP Reconstitution / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Strategies, Plans and Policies / Policies and Procedures / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Code of Practice on Functions and Responsibilities / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Strategies and Plans / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Local Policing Plans - Performance Indicators and Monitoring / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Consultations / Surveys/Consultations engaging Local Communities / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
SECTION : Community Safety Partnership and District Policing Partnership
(To Be Superseded By Policing and Community Safety Partnership in 2012 - Subjectto Commencement Order)
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Annual Reports / Annual Reports of DPP and CSP / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Financial Information / Accounts/Budgets / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Finance relating to funding for other groups / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Grants/Funding payments / None Applicable / 7 years / Destroy
Information Handling and Media / Press Releases and Publicity (including press cuttings) / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Disclosure Log of Requests for Information under the Freedom of Information Act / FOI Act 2000 / 6 years / Destroy
Data Protection Act – requests for data held on file / Data Protection Act 1998 / 6 years / Destroy
Equality / Equality Schemes and associated information / S75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Information on Members / Personal information on members of DPP and CSP – ie attendance records, training etc / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent preservation by the Council
Projects / Project initiatives, eg reports, correspondence, etc / None Applicable / 7 years / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Council and Committee Meetings / Council and Committee Minutes / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by PRONI
Formal Officer Reports to Council / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Council Agenda / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Draft minutes / None Applicable / Retain until minutes have been ratified / Destroy
Verbatim Transcripts of Discussions at Council and Committee meetings on Special or Contentious Issues / None Applicable / 6 years (review dependent on issue discussed) / Destroy
Briefing papers and other ad hoc Officer reports / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Record of attendance / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Action Sheets / None Applicable / 6 years / Destroy
Councillors Declaration of Acceptance of Office / Local Government Act (NI) 1972 / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Register - Disclosure of Councillors Pecuniary Interests / Local Government Act (NI) 1972 / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Councillors Code of Conduct / None Applicable / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Instructional Literature / Guide to decision making
Members Handbook
Councillor Induction/Training / None Applicable / 6 years (review and destroy out of date copies) / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Complaints / Complaints Policy & Procedures / None Applicable / Retain until superseded by new version (retain 1 copy for archive) / Destroy
Customer Complaints / The Limitation (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 / 6years following last action
Review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes. / Destroy
Complaints – (Commissioner for Complaints)Ombudsman / None Applicable / 6years following date of resolution of complaint
Review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes. / Destroy
Surveys and Consultations / Customer Satisfaction Surveys – individual responses / Data Protection Act 1998 / Completion of analysis of responses / Destroy
Customer Satisfaction Surveys – analysis / None Applicable / 6 years
Review for archival & re-use value. / Destroy
Consultation exercises issued by the Council and responses received / None Applicable / 6 years
Review for archival & re-use value. / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of Records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Economic Development Projects / Application Forms / None Applicable / 7 Years / Destroy
Project Reports / None Applicable / 7 Years / Destroy
General Information including correspondence / None Applicable / 7Years / Destroy
Internal/External Funding (including receipt of European Funding) / Application Forms / None Applicable / 7 Years
External Funding – return to funder / Internal Funding – Destroy
Letters of Offer / None Applicable / 7 Years
External Funding – return to funder / Internal Funding – Destroy
Project Reports / None Applicable / 7 Years
External Funding – return to funder / Internal Funding – Destroy
General Information including correspondence / None Applicable / 7Years / Destroy
Feasibility Studies / Reports / None Applicable / 7 Years / Destroy
Working Papers / None Applicable / 7 Years / Destroy
Correspondence / None Applicable / 7Years / Destroy
General Information / None Applicable / 7 Years / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of Records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Economic Development Meetings / Agenda
Background Papers / None Applicable / 7 Years / Destroy
Town/City Centre Management / Agenda / None Applicable / 7 Years / Destroy
Minutes / None Applicable / 7 Years / Determined on Review by PRONI
Correspondence / None Applicable / 7 Years / Destroy
Reports / None Applicable / 7 Years / Determined on Review by PRONI
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Nominations / Nomination papers, Candidates Consent Form / 12 months from the date of the election / Destroy
Statement of Persons Nominated / Rule 12 (5) and (6) Electoral law Act (NI) 1962 / Retain until after the results are declared at the next Local Government Election / Destroy
Election Agents / Declaration of Appointment of Election Agent. / 12 months from the date of the election / Destroy
Ballot Papers / Counted ballot papers, rejected ballot papers, unused ballot papers (both ordinary and tendered), spoilt ballot papers and used tendered ballot papers.
Ballot paper accounts, statements of rejected ballot papers and verification statements, completed corresponding number lists, statement as to postal ballot papers per DEA / Rule 60 Electoral Law Act (NI) 1962 / Twelve months / Destroy
Employment of staff / Certificate of Employment / Rule 60 Electoral Law
Act (NI) 1962 / Twelve months / Destroy
Staff Payments including Income Tax form / HMRC Rules and Regulations / Current year +7 prior years / Destroy
Candidates Expenses / List of Candidates Expenses / Section 52 (1) and (2) Electoral Law Act (NI) 1962 / Twelve months
(After 12 months destroy unless a candidate requests the documentation to be returned.) / Destroy
Electoral Registers / List of Marked Registers / Section 58 (1)(e) Local Election Rules Electoral Law Act 1962
Rule 60 Local Election Rules (as amended by Article 77(3) Local Elections Order (NI) 2010) / Twelve months from the date of the election. In the event of Multiple elections if a combined register is produced, the register is retained by the Area Electoral Office / Destroy
Register of Electors supplied to Council DRO for the purpose of election / Regulation 97of the Representation of the People Regulations 2008 / After Election.
(Local Authority is not permitted under law to retain copies other than for the purposes of the Election.) / Destroy
Count / Results per DEA / None / Permanent (for historical purposes). / Permanent Preservation by Council
Casual Vacancy by Co option / Correspondence between political party and Council re filling of casual vacancy / None / Retain until after the results are declared at the next Local Government Election and then confidentially destroy / Determined on Review by PRONI
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Emergency Planning and Business Continuity / Integrated Emergency Plan (includes Business Continuity Plans and Contacts Directories) / The Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 2005.
DOE Circular No (1) LG 07 06 / Permanent. These plans are version controlled and updated at least annually / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Circulars and Advice Notes on Emergency Planning and Business Continuity / The Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 2005.
DOE Circular No (1) LG 07 06 / 6 years / Destroy
Records on activities relating to all major incidents in the local community and post emergency debriefing / The Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 2005.
DOE Circular No (1) LG 07 06 / Permanent / Permanent Preservation by the Council
Records on activities on all minor incidents in the local community and debriefing / The Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 2005.
DOE Circular No (1) LG 07 06 / 6 years / Destroy
Minutes/Reports -Internal Crisis Management Team / The Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 2005.
DOE Circular No (1) LG 07 06 / 6 years / Destroy
Sub-work Area / Example of records / Statutory provisions/Authority / Retention Period / Action at end of administrative life of record
Food Control / Inspection records / S16 of the Food Standards Agency Framework Agreement / 6 years / Destroy
Food standard records / S16 of the Food Standards Agency Framework Agreement / 6 years / Destroy