September 11, 2008

Location: Ruttger’s Sugar Lake Lodge – Grand Rapids, MN

The meeting was called to order at 2:31 p.m. by President Jennifer Gryte.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes from the April 3, 2008 General Business Meeting were distributed prior to the meeting. David Tabert, Secretary, asked for and received a motion for approval. The motion was seconded and carried to approve the minutes as presented. David encouraged members to read the monthly Board minutes on the website to keep award of Board activities.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by President Jennifer Gryte in the absence of Treasurer Bonnie Barnhardt. The current checking balance is $15,341.69 and the CD balance is $47,103.17. Jennifer asked for and received a motion for approval. The motion was seconded and carried to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented.

Regional Directors Reports

Maritza DeJesus from Region 4 reported that she was not able to hold a spring event as originally planned. An after-work event is being planned for November or December. Beth Dittbenner from Region 6 reported that a meeting on Just Culture was held in March and that a luncheon event is being planned for St. Peter later this fall. Celeste Gardner from Region 3 reported that an organizational luncheon is being planned for October.

Compensation Committee

Dennis VanNorman thanked Jon Bergstrom and other members of the Salary Survey Committee for the work they had done during the past year. Dennis and Heather Lintner talked about some of the other surveys that are being done and that are available to HHRAM members.

Website Update

Jennifer Gryte reported that the board has approved an agreement with Maxwell SMB for the development of a new website for HHRAM.

ASHHRA Annual Conference

Jennifer Gryte announced that Karmen Reid will be the recipient of the Paul Guy Mentorship Award at the ASHHRA Conference. The award is given for outstanding mentorship.

Nominating Committee

David Tabert presented the report of the Nominating Committee. The Committee consisted of David Tabert, Karmen Reid, and Jennifer Gryte. The committee has nominated Sarah Fredrickson for President Elect, Jody Bjerke for Secretary, and Maritza DeJesus for Treasurer. David presented the backgrounds of each individual and had Sarah and Maritza address the group.

HHRAM Tax Filing

Jennifer Gryte informed the membership that because of the frequent change in the Treasurer position the filing of an income tax return for the years 2006 and 2007 for HHRAM has not been done. Jennifer and Bonnie Barnhardt have been working with Team to provide them with the necessary financial information so that the returns can be filed. Jennifer encouraged the membership to read the monthly minutes that are posted on the website to become aware of how the issue was resolved.

Spring 2009 Conference

Sarah Carlson, Spring Conference Coordinator, announced she is working on plans for the conference and would like a couple of volunteers to assist her.

Scholarship Award

Sarah Fredrickson, Scholarship Coordinator, announced that Kelly Weller of Tri-CountyHospital in Wadena has been selected as this years scholarship winner.

Outgoing Officer Awards

Teresa Jacobson presented outgoing officer awards to President Jennifer Gryte and Secretary David Tabert. Teresa announced that the award to Treasurer Bonnie Barnhardt will be sent to her as she was unable to attend the conference.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: David Tabert, Secretary