Annual Assessment Formfor HMIS
(Required byHUDfor eachclient at annual assessment)
Refer to the2014HUD HMIS Data Standardson the NH-HMIS website at for an explanation of the data elements in this form.
Annualassessment –Is a specialized subsetofthe‘update’ collectionpoint.Theannual assessmentmustberecordedno morethan 30days beforeoraftertheanniversaryof the client’sProject EntryDate,regardlessof thedateofthemostrecent ‘update’or ‘annual assessment’, if any[annually].Informationmustbeaccurateasof the InformationDate.
For HUD-funded programsand HUDreportingpurposes,theimplementationof ‘annual assessment’asadata collection stage byvendorsismandatory; thedatacollection stage mustnotbeinferred fromthe InformationDate, althoughthefieldmusthaveanInformationDaterecordedwith it. Inorder tobeconsidered reportabletoHUD as an annual assessment,datamustbestoredwith a DataCollectionStageof ‘annual assessment.’
Theremust beonlyone recordfor eachdataelementannually withaData CollectionStage recorded as ‘annual assessment’associated with any given clientand projectentryIDwithin the 60-dayperiodsurroundingtheanniversaryoftheclient’sProject EntryDate.Regardless of whetherthe responseshavechanged sinceprojectentryorthe previous annual assessment,anewrecordmustbecreatedforeach subsequent annual assessment such that it ispossible toviewa history,bydate,ofthevaluesfor eachdataelement.
Data Collection and HMIS Instruction Tips:- Complete the annual updates, before your program’s APR is due.
- Only record if the answer has changed since last update.
- Always set the Entry Data Type to “HUD”.
- In ServicePoint, confirm backdate matches project entry date.
- When a child turns 18 during a project stay, the child’s intake assessment must be updated to includeresponses only required for adults, e.g. disabling condition.
- Do NOT enter “Client doesn’t know” or “Client refused” unless the client tells you they do not know or they refuse to answer.
- Use this form to make updates to client’s information for their annual update.
- Annual assessment updates (see definition above) are required.
Date Form Completed: __ __/ __ __/ ______
Case Manager’s Name: ______/ Client’s ID #: ______
Updates to information No updates to information
Section 1: Client Profile (in ServicePoint use Entry/Exit Tab)
Client’s First, Middle,Last Name,Suffix:______Client’s Location: (chooseone HUD-assigned CoC Code) / NH-500 (Balance of State/Concord)
NH-501 (Manchester)
NH-502 (Nashua)
Section 2: Income Updates (in ServicePoint use Entry/Exit Tab)
HMIS Instructions:- *Info/Project Date: If income source and amount was present at program entry, use program entry date.
- If NEW income source or amount, use actual start date or other date before the end of the report period.
- If income amount for a source has changed, in SP, record end date for the old amount one day before the start date of the new amount. Add new income record for that source.
- “Receiving income source” is always “yes,” even if the amount/source ends.
- Ask client whether they receive income from EACH source listed rather than asking them to state the sources of income they receive.
Incomefromanysource? NoYesClient doesn’tknowClient refused Data not collected
(if yes, Information/Project Date*) ____/____/______
MonthlyIncome(cash) Source:
EarnedIncome (i.e., employment income)$
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)$
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)$
VA Service-ConnectedDisabilityCompensation$
VA Non-Service-ConnectedDisabilityPension$
Worker’scompensation$ / TANF$
Pensionor retirement income from former job$
Othersource (specify)$
Receiving Income Source NoYes Data not collected
Monthly Income Start Date: ___/___/______Monthly Income End Date: ___/___/______
Monthly Income Total $______
2a. Cash income sources recorded at entry that have since ENDED or changed: List below with end dates:
Income Source 1 (enter source from list above) / End date / Income Source 2 (enter source from list above) / End date / Income Source 3 (enter #source from list above) / End date/ / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / /
Section 3: Non-Cash Benefits Updates (in ServicePoint use Entry/Exit Tab)
- Ask client whether they receive benefits from EACH source listed rather than asking them to state the sources of income they receive.
- “Receiving income source” is always “yes,” even if the amount/source ends.
Non-Cashbenefitfromanysource?NoYesClient doesn’tknowClient refused Data not collected
(if yes, Information/Project Date) ____/____/______
MonthlyNon-CashBenefit Source:
SupplementalNutritionAssistProgram(SNAP/FoodStamps) $
OtherTANF-fundedservices$ / Section8,publichousingorrentalassistance $
Receiving Benefit? NoYes Data not collected
Non-CashMonthly Start Date: ___/___/______Non-CashMonthly End Date: ___/___/______
Non-CashMonthly Total $______
3a. Non-cash benefits recorded at entry or at updates that have since ENDEDor changed: List below with end dates:
Income Source 1 (enter source from list above) / End date / Income Source 2 (enter source from list above) / End date / Income Source 3 (enter #source from list above) / End date/ / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / /
Section 4:Health Insurance Updates (In ServicePoint use Entry/Exit Tab)
Data collection and HMIS instructions:- Use this table to record new insurance not recorded previously, or if an answer has changed since the last update.
- Health insurance must be recorded in HMIS as an annual assessment, even is there is no change.
- Updates are required for persons aging into adulthood.
Covered by health insurance?NoYesClient doesn’tknowClient refused Data not collected
(if yes, Information/ Project Entry Date) ______/______/______
Health Insurance Source:
(if yes, indicate all sources that apply)
(if no, enter one of the following reasons on the line provided):
Applied; pendingApplied; not eligible Client did not apply Insurance type N/A for this client Client doesn’t know Client refused
Reason Start Date End Date
NoYesMEDICAID ______/ / / /
NoYesMEDICARE______/ / / /
NoYesState Children’s Health Insurance Program ______/ / / /
NoYesVeteran’s Administration (VA) Medical Services______/ / / /
NoYesEmployer-Provided Health Insurance______/ / / /
NoYesHealth Insurance obtained through COBRA______/ / / /
NoYesPrivate pay health insurance______/ / / /
NoYesState Health Insurance for Adults______/ / / /
This form can be found on the NH-HMIS website at
1/2015 HUD CoC APR TH PH ESAnnual Assessment Form Page 1 of 4
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)