Annual Board Meeting June 8th, 2014
Sunday June 8th, 2014
- Call to Order: The Board of Directors for the Fargo Angels convened atMarlin’s Restaurant
- Opening Prayer: Derek Sunderland led our opening prayer.
- Roll Call: Board Members Present: Jerry Gores, Tonya Anderson, Nicole Hofer, Donn Bryant, Mark Olsonawski, Mike Gallagher, and Derek Sunderland
Late: Bruce Wieland
Absent: Dave Peterson
- Secretary Report: Bruce Wielandmoved to approve and Jerry Goresseconded the May/April 2014 meeting notes and the minutes were approved.
- Treasurer's Report: Jerry Gores gave an update on our financials and we are sitting okay but we are just breaking even. We need to look at other areas of fundraising.
- Committee Reports:
- Fundraising: Kara Careaga met with Teri Lantz regarding passing over the fundraising. Bruce Wieland suggested we look into applying for grants. Kara is going to talk to Don’s carwash. She is working with businesses to sponsor games or boards for the arena.
**Kara would like to get a list of all the families, so she can start the fund raising process. Send a list of past fund raising ideas we collected last year for ideas. Kara mentioned gaming possibilities. Bruce mentioned doing a second tournament for Squirts like 8 teams
- Concession – Dave said no updates
- Tournament – Donn didn’t have any updates other than the ad was placed.
- Coaching Committee – Bruce and Jerry are on the committee
- Hockey Development – No development updates
- Level Liaison Reports – No liaison updates
- Scheduling – We will vote next month on what the rules for parent coaches for mileage and hotel room costs. Also send around the scheduling guidelines to all the board members so they can see what rules Jon has when he does the schedules.
- Old Business
- Coaching Coordinator guidelines – Jerry is going to check on the actual payment, is it $3000 or $1500. CC role will need to visit with any coach, even volunteer coaches.
- Sunmart Arena (updates, fixes needed, etc.) Short term Vision… Oasak is trying to find monies for roof, and locker rooms. Derek met with Irv Inninger on ideas on how to raise money too. We are renters not owners of the building. We need to have other options. Jerry Gores, Joe Pytlik, Mark Olsonawski, Derek Sunderland, and Mike Gallagher are on the committee. We are going to give a plate of cookies and a gift card to the guy to the south of us for allowing us to use their parking lot. Send bill to Jerry Gores once completed.
- Strategic Planning Committee “Long Term Visions”
- Angels Website and email retention for future – Tonya email reminder about kids golf tournament.
- Refund Policy (Derek to formalize and finalize) Derek is going to put something together and we will vote on it next meeting.
- Parent Surveys from 2013/2014 season (Any final input/questions)we are addressing all the big issues. Please feel free to talk to parents and confidently know we are addressing those suggestions.
- New Business
- Kids Golf tourney update (help to spread word to current and new Angels)
- Adult Golf Tournament (Monday July 28th) Save the date to organization…Tonya to send email to organization,
- Roles needed to be filled (revisit outstanding opportunities for next season) Derek went through all outstanding roles.
- Additional- Take weekend off of tryouts for hunters first Saturday of November.
At the Ice Breaker we hand out a pin design form. Allow kids to create and be part of the process. Add the ‘no electronics’ in locker room before games and practice. Bring a box and they put the cell phones in and take when leave games.
We are going to set up our meetings at DMF for the third Sunday which July 20th for 6:00 PM
Adjournment: Mark Olsonawski motioned to adjourn and Donn Bryant seconded the motion and our meeting was adjourned at 8:12.