Agency: / Emergency Services Agency / Position Title: / Clinician, Communications Centre
Branch: / ACT Ambulance Service
Section: / Operations / Classification: / ICP2
EVA. No. / Version 0.3 / February 2011
Our Vision: A safe, fair and peaceful community, where legal and human rights are protected by the justice system.
Department / Agency / Branch / Section / Organisational ChartJustice and Community Safety
/Emergency Services Agency (ESA)
/ ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) / Reporting RelationshipsThe activities and services that we deliver or contribute to, are fundamental to the maintenance of the rule of law, our Westminster style of democratic government and the appreciation of principles of fairness, equity and tolerance in the relationship between the government and our community.
Our vision is achieved through providing high quality legal, law-related and regulatory services. Together, our services are directed towards outcomes that:
- Protect the rights, safety and property of citizens;
- Deliver a justice system that protects the community, supports victims, treats accused and convicted persons fairly and provides offenders with the opportunity for reintegration
- Promote a fair, equitable, inclusive and democratic society.
The ESA aims to be the trusted agency for emergency management in the ACT.
The Emergency Services Agency undertakes to:
provide emergency services 24 hours per day every day of the year;
provide its services efficiently and effectively within resource allocations;
ensure that compliance activity meets legislative standards on all occasions;
use best practice in the provision of assistance for emergencies and the conduct of community education and awareness programs; and
train and equip our people to maintain readiness and deliver emergency services to meet agreed standards and benchmarks.
Further information can be obtained on the ESA website: / The ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) is responsible for providing emergency and non-emergency ambulance services to the ACT community.
ACTAS also provides Intensive Care Paramedics to and conducts the day-to-day management of, the Snowy Hydro SouthCare helicopter.
Snowy Hydro SouthCare is a joint initiative of the governments of New South Wales and the ACT, and provides aeromedical rescue and retrieval services to the ACT and south-eastern New South Wales.
Further information can be obtained on the ACTAS website
/ Chief Officer
Deputy Chief Officer
General Manager Operations
Operations ManagerCommunications/NEPT
Duties / Responsibilities
Under direction of the Operations Manager Communications/NEPT:- Provide clinical oversight into decisions of resource allocation and dispatch
- Provide clinical support and direction to dispatchers, particularly in cases where:
- demand exceeds available resourcing; and/or
- review of the most appropriate clinical resource to be allocated to an incident/response is warranted.
- Provide secondary triage and referral advice.
- Support call takers in collection of relevant information and the provision of pre-arrival advice.
- Liaise with medical personnel on the care and transport of patients, especially complex retrievals.
- Provide clinical advice to ACTAS operational personnel as required
- Provide on-going advice and reassessment to callers until ambulance resources arrive or hand over to alternative health care pathway occurs.
- Contribute to clinical quality assurance through the provision of frontline audit, live feedback and developmentofCommunications Centre staff
- Perform ICP role when rostered to operational duties.
- Perform any duties as directed and consistent with relevant legislation.
- Maintain records in accordance with the Territory Records Act, 2002.
Competency Areas / Selection Criteria (and examples)
/ A response should be made to each individual Selection Criteria. Applicants should address all the numbered selection criteria and provide supporting evidence against mandatory qualifications. Please limit your response to one A4 page (maximum) against each of the selection criteria.Working with Others / Teams
/- Provide leadership
- Facilitate commitment to objectives and required standards;
- Contribute to the development of a cooperative, high performance work group;
- Give and receive feedback on performance;
- Support and participate in development activities;
- Provide leadership, direction and guidance in the workgroup.
Client / Customer Service
/- Develop client services
- Analyse client needs;
- Review client service;
- Promote client service;
- Develop and enhance client service.
Communication /
- Use complex workplace communication strategies and refine complex workplace documents
- Prepare for complex communication;
- Analyse and respond to opinions;
- Present a convincing argument;
- Develop a range of communication strategies;
- Critically analyse information;
- Compose /refine complex documents;
/- Identify and treat risks
- Establish the risk context;
- Identify risks;
- Analyse risks;
- Evaluate risks;
- Treat risks.
Legislation & Compliance
/- Promote compliance with legislation in the public service
- Model and encourage compliance with legislative requirements;
- Monitor compliance with legislative requirements.
Fair & Safe Workplace Practises
/- Promote diversity, promote the values and ethos of the public service and implement workplace safety procedures and programs
- Provide diversity input to strategies, polices and plans;
- Attract, develop and promote a diverse workforce;
- Monitor diversity outcomes;
- Provide ethical leadership;
- Balance competing public interests;
- Establish and monitor processes and practices that encourage integrity;
- Provide workplace safety information to the workgroup;
- Implement and monitor participative arrangements for workplace safety;
- Identify hazards and assess risks; [This section below needs to be clearly identified as a different competency to # 4 above]
- Implement and report on procedures for controlling risks;
- Implement procedures for dealing with hazardous events;
- Implement procedures for maintaining workplace safety records.
Mandatory qualifications / ICP with current Authority to Practice
Minimum of 5 years experience post qualification
Desirable qualifications / Evidence of further clinical study and development
Other Requirements / Successful applicants not currently employed by ACTAS will be required to undergo a criminal record check.
Current Class C Drivers Licence
This package may be subject to change each recruitment process.