/ M-ERA.NET Call 2017

M-ERA.NET Call 2017

Annex 1 to the Full-Proposal:

Partner Profiles and CVs

Project Acronym:

Project Coordinator:

(Organisation and Country):

Each partner is requested to contact the respective national/regional funding organisation before submission

This part of the Full-Proposal has no page limitation.

Refer to Guide for Proposers when filling out this form.

To be submitted by the Project Coordinator only.

Minimum font size is 11 pt.

8. Profiles of consortium members

Describe each partner team in the project and their qualification in the field of proposal, including their past experiences and expertise (last 5 years). Please provide a qualification profile (condensed CVs or presentation) of the involved personnel.

Partner 1 (Coordinator):

Role in the project:

Team qualification in the field of proposal:

CV’s of Key Persons involved in the activities of the project

The CV will present the main expertise in the field related to the scope of the project

1st Key Person

First Name: / Surname:
Title: / E-mail[1]:
Phone[2]: / Fax:
Organisational web page of key person [3]: / http:
Personal web page[4]: / http:

A.  Relevant activities:

Relevant activities in the field of thematic area:

Relevant activities in the field of the project:

B.  Scientific activities:

Relevant publications in the field of thematic area (maximum 5):

Relevant projects in the field of thematic area (maximum 5):

Relevant applied activities (for companies, e.g. product, processes etc.):

2nd Key Person

First Name: / Surname:
Title: / E-mail[5]:
Phone[6]: / Fax:
Organisational web page of key person [7]: / http:
Personal web page[8]: / http:

A.  Relevant activities:

Relevant activities in the field of thematic area:

Relevant activities in the field of the project:

B.  Scientific activities:

Relevant publications in the field of thematic area (maximum 5):

Relevant projects in the field of thematic area (maximum 5):

Relevant applied activities (for companies, e.g. product, processes etc.):

Note: Duplicate the above tables for each partner and renumber accordingly.

Partner 2:

Role in the project:

Team qualification in the field of proposal:

CV’s of Key Persons involved in the activities of the project

The CV will present the main expertise in the field related to the scope of the project

1st Key Person

First Name: / Surname:
Title: / E-mail[9]:
Phone[10]: / Fax:
Organisational web page of key person [11]: / http:
Personal web page[12]: / http:

A.  Relevant activities:

Relevant activities in the field of thematic area:

Relevant activities in the field of the project:

B.  Scientific activities:

Relevant publications in the field of thematic area (maximum 5):

Relevant projects in the field of thematic area (maximum 5):

Relevant applied activities (for companies e.g. product, processes, etc.):

2nd Key Person

First Name: / Surname:
Title: / E-mail[13]:
Phone[14]: / Fax:
Organizational web page of key person [15]: / http:
Personal web page[16]: / http:

A.  Relevant activities:

Relevant activities in the field of thematic area:

Relevant activities in the field of the project:

B.  Scientific activities:

Relevant publications in the field of thematic area (maximum 5):

Relevant projects in the field of thematic area (maximum 5):

Relevant applied activities (for companies e.g. product, processes, etc.):

Note: Provide the above information for all consortium members.

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[1] Organisational e-mail ...@<partner1>

[2] International format

[3] Official web page of key person in the organisation

[4] Personal web page, if applicable

[5] Organisational e-mail ...@<partner1>

[6] International format

[7] Official web page of key person in the organisation

[8] Personal web page, if applicable

[9] Organisational e-mail ...@<partner1>

[10] International format

[11] Official web page of key person in the organisation

[12] Personal web page, if applicable

[13] Organisational e-mail ...@<partner1>

[14] International format

[15] Official web page of key person in the organisation

[16] Personal web page, if applicable