Animal Descriptions Game

Animal Descriptions Game

Question Cards for Autumn Vocabulary Game

What small animal hides acorns and chestnuts for the winter?
Answer: squirrel / / What color are pumpkins in autumn?
Answer: orange /
What large brown or black animal catches salmon in the rivers?
Answer: bear / / What color are acorns in autumn?
Answer: brown /
What fish comes back from the ocean and swims up the rivers to lay eggs?
Answer: salmon / / What color are apples in autumn?
Answer: red or green /
What bird do North Americans eat on thanksgiving?
Answer: turkey / / What color is corn in autumn?
Answer: yellow /
What large black bird steals the farmer's corn?
Answer: crow / / What color are maple leaves in autumn?
Answer: red (usually) /
What small brown bird steals the farmer's crops?
Answer: sparrow / / What color are ginkgo leaves in autumn?
Answer: yellow /
What forest animal has antlers?
Answer: deer (also elk or moose) / / What color is hay?
Answer: yellow (also brown or golden) /
What birds fly south for the winter in a V?
Answer: geese / / What color are crows?
Answer: black /
What small flying animal do you see on Halloween?
Answer: bat / / What color are chestnuts in autumn?
Answer: brown (the prickly burr is green) /

© 2009 Lanternfish ESL at

Question Cards for Autumn Vocabulary Game

What big, round, orange vegetables dofarmers grow?
Answer: pumpkins / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /
What long yellow vegetables do farmers grow?
Answer: corn / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /
What red fruit do farmers harvest in fall?
Answer: apples / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /
Who guards the crops in fall?
Answer: scarecrow / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /
Who harvests the crops?
Answer: farmer / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /
Where are crops grown?
Answer: farm / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /
What purple fruit do farmers harvest in autumn?
Answer: grapes / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /
When do farmers plant crops?
Answer: spring / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /
When do farmers harvest crops?
Answer: autumn/fall / / Make Your own Question . . .
Answer: ?????? /

© 2009 Lanternfish ESL at