Student Teacher: Fallon Kostbahn Grade Level: 3 year oldsDate: 5/7/15
State Standard: S.01 Child uses senses, materials, tools, technology, events in nature, and the environment to investigate and expand knowledge Subject: Science
Name of Lesson: Sea LifePeriod / Time: 45 minutes
I. Goal:Teach students how puffer fish live underwater. / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
II. Objectives:
- Students will retell facts that they have learned about a puffer fish.
- Students will demonstrate that they know what a puffer fish looks like by creating their own.
III: Faith / Values Integration:
- What does God provide us with to keep us safe? (Parents and other adults who watch over us)
IV. Integrated Technology:
- Ipads: AdobeVoice, taking photos
V. Materials:
- Balloons
- “Of the Ocean”
- Blue Construction paper
- Yellow/ White Paint
- Plastic forks
- Scissors
- Glue
- Ipad
VI: Procedure:
A. Set / Hook:
- I will have a balloon that has not been blown up yet. And I then read the page on puffer fish out of the big book “Of the Ocean.” In this page they will learn that a puffer fish puffs up when it feels that it is in danger. I would then blow up the balloon and discuss how that’s what happens to the puffer fishes stomach.
- Why do you think predators become afraid of a puffer fish when it inflates its stomach?
- How do you think the puffer fish got its name?
B. Transition:
- Okay students please go sit at the two different tables. (3 Minutes)
- Split the class into two groups.
- Group 2 will go to the learning table where there will be manipulative for them to touch and look at whileI read more information out of the ocean book about puffer fish.Facts we will learn from the book are: kind of animal, home, size, food, sounds, number of babies, and how they survive underwater.Students will get time to ask me questions. If the book or I can’t answer them we will use my ipad to look up the answers.
(15 Minutes per station)
- What ocean do puffer fish live in?
- What do puffer fish eat?
- If you could touch a puffer fish what do you think it would feel like?
- After the art projects are finished and they have also been through the learning table they will have a photo taken of them holding their finished puffer fish. Then using AdobeVoice they will record 1 or 2 facts that they have learned about puffer fish. I will then place the picture of them with the recordings and they will be sent to their parents. (May have to finish this project during free choice centers)
- Okay class please put away your materials and line up for recess (1 minute)
- In the line ask them two questions about a sharks.
- What is another name for a puffer fish?
- What do they use to inflate their body with?
Since my students are three years old I will be the one reading out of the book to them.
Some students may need a little more prompting to remember facts they have learned throughout the day.
VII. Assessment:
Looking through their performance tasks and just observing then throughout the day. / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
VIII. Assignment:
None / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
IX. Self-Evaluation:
How affective was the balloon example?
Were the objectives of this lesson fulfilled? / X. Coop’s Comments: