Life President
Henry de Silva
01624 880863Chairman
Dave Sweeney01453 758372
Hilary Arnold
020 8373 7953Membership Secretary
John Mason
01225 761788Match Secretary
Frank Mills01908 310516
Newsletter Editor
Dave Sweeney
Send news, results and letters toHop Mill Cottage
Painswick Road
Salmon Springs
Stroud Glos
Tel/Fax 01453 758372
The National Veterans Association is an Associated Body of the British Fencing Association (BFA) and all NVA members must be members of the BFA to participate inVeterans events.
National Championships 2002 cont.
In the Men’s Epée there were several newcomers to the Championships in a quality entry of 48 competitors. Both the first two rounds were fiercely fought to produce a final of the highest standard. Rob Bruniges continued his success in the earlier rounds beating Howard West in his first fight. After a few fights it was clear that Rob, Howard and Ralph Johnson were all in cracking form giving demonstrations of concentration, determination, speed and accuracy. When Howard lost to Ralph the scene was set for the fight between Ralph and Rob. At the start of the last fight both Rob and Ralph were undefeated. Rob dominated for most of the bout and with 19 seconds to go was leading 4-2. Ralph took the match to Rob and scored another hit. With only 10 seconds to go Ralph maintained the pressure and was rewarded with a fourth hit. At 4 all and with the new regulations now in force, no priority was established, and the fencers had unlimited time to make their final move. A moment later Rob scored the decisive hit to win the Championship gold and the Category 1 medal. Ralph with 4 victories took the silver and the Category 2 medal while Howard with 3 wins took the bronze. Bill Osbaldeston won the Category 3 medal and Bill Hoskyns, who was recovering from a knee operation, won the Category 4 medal.
The Men’s Champion at Arms was won by Steve Lennox with 46 points, second was Richard Bonehill (68 points) and Dennis Ward was third (79 points).
The Ladies’ Champion at Arms was Lynne Bornemisza with 16 points. Equal second were Sylvia Brown and Clare Halsted with 24 points each.
As in past years Rosemarie Perry took on the formidable task of running the refreshment stall. Ably assisted by Bob Perry and Sue Sweeney, with Dave Sweeney as dogsbody, she produced magnificent and plentiful supplies of hot and cold food and drinks for 112 fencers. At times many other sports users of the Upper Heyford facility were grateful for the supplies laid on by Rosemarie.
The Banbury House Hotel, near the centre of Banbury, was the main accommodation used and a special rate had been negotiated. This proved to be a good choice, the accommodation being comfortable and the staff very helpful. A social evening was held at the Banbury Cricket Club on the Saturday night where NVA members, friends and partners took the opportunity to enjoy each others’ company.
The overall Championship results, which form the NVA rankings for 2002, are given on the last page.
The NVA has anticipated the BFA’s new safety standards for weapons by about 10 months. At this year’s Nationals, sabre blades were required to conform to the new standard of stiffness and be dated 2000 or later, and all foil and épée blades were required to be maraging steel.
Most fencers fell into two categories: those whose blades already conformed, and those who had gone out and bought appropriate replacements. Of the remainder, most had neglected to read the Conditions of Entry before signing acceptance, and a few had failed to check what the conditions actually meant.
All future NVA competitions will have the same requirements. A sabre blade will pass by having a date stamp of 2000 or later somewhere near the tang, and a foil or épée blade will have the letters FIE, also stamped somewhere near the tang.
There were a few grumbles, and some hasty borrowing of weapons. However, I am glad to say that the vast majority of those present accepted, to quote John Mason, that the new standard is “for the safety of your opponents, not for your economic convenience”.
Hilary Arnold
Paul Norris honoured in local awards
Veteran epée fencer Paul Norris was recently thrilled to receive a commendation in the Sportsman of the Year category at the West Norfolk Sports Award for 2001. The event was sponsored by the Lynn News, a local paper which has provided excellent coverage to the exploits of King’s Lynn Fencing Club, with whom Paul trains and competes.
Paul has just enjoyed one of his most successful and enjoyable years to date, which included victory at the NVA Middlesex Epée and bronze medal placings at both
the Commonwealth Veterans’ Tournament and the Bedford Mixed Epée.
The Downham Market based teacher was delighted with the recognition afforded to fencing, in a category which included competitors from more mainstream sports. The overall Sportsman of the Year award went to professional racing driver, Carl Breeze, who won last year’s Formula Renault Championship. ‘There is absolutely no disgrace in coming second to Carl Breeze in something like this’ he said afterwards. ‘I see it as a real pat on the back, and it has made me all the more determined to persue my objective of representing Britain in Veterans’ fencing.
NVA fencers’ notable results (L32) for February / March 2002
Northern Ireland Open 19 January 2002Merseyside Open 16/17 February 2002
Women’s Epée 5th Kate ElvinMen’s Foil 2nd Andy Martin
6th Fiona Haldane=3rd Lindsay Watkiss
13th Glen Jones
Men’s Sabre 2nd Richard Cohen
Men’s Epée 9th Jim Pilkington
Slough Open 2/3 February 200219th David Stobbs
26th Malcolm Tooley
Men’s Foil25th Andy Martin27th Mark Hall
Men’s Epée27th Graham PaulWomen’s Epée 7th Mavis Thornton
9th Jillian Hill
Women’s Epée13th Jenny Morris11th Fiona Haldane
15th Anne Stewart22nd Sheila Wicks
19th Kate Elvin32nd Irene Howard
26th Sue Hanney
30th Hilary ArnoldMen’s Sabre2nd Richard Cohen
Men’s Sabre 6th Andy BornemiszaWomen’s Sabre5th Yvonne Walls
9th Sheila Williams
Women’s Sabre=3rd Jenny Morris
5th Lynne BornemiszaEpée Club Trophy 2/3 March 2002
16th Sheila Williams
25th Graham Paul
Correction to results
Ivan Ward was omitted from the results in last month’s Newsletter. Ivan was placed 16th in the Cambridge Winter Tournament.
We do occasionally miss results as we scan the websites. If you have any notable results from Open or any other competition, which you would like to be included in the Newsletter, please telephone or e-mail Dave Sweeney before the end of each month.
Bath Veterans’ Unisex Sabre and Foil
27th and 28th April 2002
A fun unisex competition for Sabre has been arranged along the same lines as the Bath Unisex Foil, which has run for several years. The event has been combined on the same weekend as the unisex foil.
The unisex competitions are one of the few opportunities for men and women veterans to fence against each other in a competition environment. As in the foil event a trophy will be awarded to the best placed Man and Woman Sabreur. Entry forms accompany this Newsletter.
Mixed Teams Fencing Competition
Stourbridge Sunday 5th May 2002
The Crystal Open is for teams of 1 Foilist (m/f) 1 Epéeist (m/f) and 1 Sabreur (m/f) and the NVA have traditionally entered teams into this friendly competition for mixed ability fencers of both sexes.
The NVA would like to enter several teams this year to give more people the opportunity to take part. If you would like to be part of a team contact Frank Mills as soon as possible on
01908 310516.
Friendly Matches and Social
Fencing Trips
This is the last call for people interested in taking part in the 2nd International Veterans’ Tournament and holiday in Tunis. If you are interested telephone Dave Sweeney on
01453 758372 or e-mail
Malcolm Fare is currently finalising the details of the trip to the Loire Valley to take part in a friendly match against a mixed French team. The event will take place over the weekend of 6th and 7th of April 2002. The event, which will be held in a Chateau near Chinon, promises to be very enjoyable. Accommodation is available in the Chateau and a trip to a vinyard and distillery is available.
Malcolm needs to confirm the arrangements in the next few days so if you are interested give him a call on 01684 311 197 or e-mail
The fencing holiday to Malta has been rescheduled to fit in with the new date for the competition of 15th and 16th of June 2002. The Tournament will consist of a mixed weapon team event and Men’s and Ladies’ individual Foil and Epée events.
Two options are available:
1 Depart 11th June 2002 for 8 nights £268 each
2 Depart 11th June 2002 for 14 nights £310 each
Both options are based on 2 people sharing a twin bedded room in a three bedroom apartment. Flights are available from Manchester, Newcastle and Gatwick, a small supplement being charged for Newcastle or Manchester.
If you would like further information contact John Reiss on 01642 869532, e-mail
or Ken Dunn on 07752 160118.
If you have any ideas for friendly matches, fencing trips or holidays please send them to Dave Sweeney or Malcolm Fare and we will see what we can arrange. Ideas already in the melting pot are a friendly match / holiday in Italy and a fencing / tango trip to Cuba.