Name of Your Organisation: / Number of employees:Nature of your work: / Number of volunteers:
Workplace address(where the FJF employee would be based): / Postcode : / Name of main contact:
Tel No.:
Contact e-mail address : / Mobile No.
Completion of this short questionnaire will enable us to get a good overview of the type and scale of opportunities that exist in Bolton for FJF employees. It will also enable us to assess the level of support that may be required to make these opportunities happen.
1 /Working environment & support
/ Yes/No / Your Comments1.1 / What sort of duties would a FJF employee be engaged in with you?
Is the job new and additional? (it must not displace an existing volunteer or employee)
How is the role of benefit to the community?
1.2 / What welfare facilities and arrangements are provided? (eg. toilets, washing, drinking, eating, changing etc.)
1.3 / Are your premises close to public transport?
Where applicable, please provide bus number and cost from Bolton Town Centre
1.4 / What support do you feel you may be able to provide to a FJF employee?
(eg. mentoring, future job search, weekly appraisal, supervision meetings, in-house training)
1.5 / Would a FJF employee be left alone at any time with young person(s) or vulnerable adult(s)?
Would a CRB check be required?
1.6 / How many hours work per week might you be able to offer to a FJF employee? If possible, provide a maximum number of hours and an ideal number of hours.
Ideally, how would these working hours be spread over the week?
1.7 / How many FJF employees do you feel you would be able to accommodate – providing them with rewarding work and support?
Please give a minimum and maximum figure which we can use as a guide.
1.8 / Hopefully, the benefit to your organisation of having extra pairs of hands at no cost to you, will compensate for any costs that you may incur in inducting, training and supporting the individual(s).
Do you feel there are any extraordinary costs to your organisation that may affect your ability to participate in the programme?
(If so, please explain)
1.9 / Do you have an Harassment Policy in place with procedures to identify and take action when required?
(if not, we can provide you with some support and guidance)
1.10 / Do you have an Equality & Diversity Policy in place with procedures to identify and take action when required?
(if not, we can provide you with some support and guidance)
2 /
Health & Safety
/ Yes/No / Your Comments2.1 / Do you have an employers’ and public liability insurance policy in place?
2.2 / Does your cover extend to volunteers and other individuals not in your employ who might workon your premises?
2.3 / Do you have a Health and Safety Policy in place with clear roles and responsibilities for named employees and volunteers?
(if not, and you employ more that 5 people, we can provide you with some support and guidance)
3 /
Risk assessment and control
/ Yes/No / Your Comments3.1 / Have risk assessments been carried out to identify significant risks and put adequate risk control measures in place?
(if not we can provide you with some support and guidance)
4 /
Accidents, incidents and first aid
/ Yes/No / Your Comments4.1 / Do you have first aiders and / or appointed persons on these premises?
4.2 / How do you record accidents?
5 /
Supervision, information, instruction and training
/ Yes/No / Your Comments5.1 / If you were to take on a FJF employee, how would supervision be provided? Would it be constant and local or at a distance?
5.2 / Do you provide an Induction for your staff and volunteers? Is it recorded on a checklist?
5.3 / Do you work with vulnerable adults or young people? If so, do you have Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and procedures?
6 /
Work equipment and machinery
/ Yes/No / Your Comments6.1 / What machinery and work equipment do your employees and volunteers use? How is it maintained?
6.2 / How are your electrical systems and equipment maintained?
7 /
Personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing
/ Yes/No / Your Comments7.1 / Are your employees and volunteers supplied with PPE? If so, would you be able to provide the same to a FJF employee?
8 /
Fire and emergencies
/ Yes/No / Your Comments8.1 / Has a Fire Risk Assessment been prepared for the premises?
8.2 / What arrangements in place for dealing with fires and other emergencies?
Is there a named person responsible for emergencies?
8.3 / Do you have effective means of escape in place including unobstructed routes and exits?
Please forward your completed questionnaire to us by August 31st.
If you provide us with a contact email address, we will keep you updated on general progress with the initiative.
It’s due to start on October 1stbut it may some time before we have anyone to put forward for your consideration.
We will be in touch with you just as soon as we have suitable candidates for you to consider. You will need to meet up or interview whoever we put forward to ensure they are suitable.
There will be some paperwork to complete, and then we can make the placement.
C:\Users\heather.oliver\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\OLKEF1E\FJF Host Employer Questionnaire1.doc Page 1 of 4