Tuesday, July 14, 2015

10:00am – 2:30pm

Department of Corrections

3099 E. Washington Ave.

Room 1M-M

Madison, WI


Present: Roger Frings, Dave MacMaster, Lucas Moore, Tamara Feest, Autumn Lacy (representing Alan Frank) and Andrea Jacobson (staff).

By Phone: Lori Cross Schotten.

Absent: Norman Briggs, Alan Frank, and Steve Dakai.

Welcome, Introductions and Review of Minutes – Mr. Frings called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

MacMaster made a motion to approve the May meeting minutes; Ms. Cross Schotten seconded. No one opposed or abstained. Motion approved pending a few spelling corrections.

Public Comment – Mr. Macmaster brought up the suggestion that SCAODA recognize “Recovery” by developing a committee to specifically look at issues related to promoting Recovery. Ms. Cross Schotten noted that her agency is also adding Recovery as a 5th pillar to their strategic planning.

Brief Discussion of Committee membership and recruitment plans:

Tyler Ludke is planning to join the CYF. Lucas will be seeking a committee representative to join ITC. Andrea will be contacting a proposed new Opiate expert representative to replace Tanya Hiser. Roger will be talking to another treatment provider.

Past Francine Steinburg from Meta House participated in ITC and Mr. Macmaster wonders about adding a person from this agency (which also has a strong tobacco cessation focus). Mr. Macmaster wonders about someone from the LaCrosse or Eau Claire area – Gunderson or Mayo Fransican or the Racine area. CYF has drafted a letter for recruitment of members and will review with Mr. Briggs and Mr. Frings. Ms. Jacobson will send out a new Committee Member list.

Review of By-laws: Committee members were reminded of the procedures for handling communication in-between committee meetings to ensure full transparency and public access to comment and decision making. Ms. Jacobson will send out a link to the by-laws.

Discussion of the Annual Report of Goals and Accomplishments:

1)  The workforce Ad Hoc committee report is nearly complete. Of note: Per Ms. Lacy, DOC has difficulty with recruitment to fill treatment provider positions (50% vacant). Lack of staff means limited ability to provide services (and thousands of inmates waiting for treatment services). DOC new employees are struggling to obtain certification within their initial 6 months on the job, due to procedural difficulty and delays and are at risk of being terminated.

2)  Children Youth and Families sub-committee has been renewed and is nearing completion of recruitment. Due to need to renew the committee the survey was not completed. DCYF added a SCAODA member (Mr. Briggs) per ITC’s motion to address SUD with parents involved in the Child Welfare system.

3)  Continued collaboration with WiNtip in regards to bringing tobacco integration via advocacy and education. DOC is now weaving in tobacco cessation. Exploration of administrative rules in regards to tobacco cessation services.

4)  There are areas in which progress has been made around use of evidence-based practices (EBP’s) in WI. Mac mentioned Flo Hilliard UW training for new providers using EBP’s. DOC is working with University of Cincinnati, as a resource for earned release program with SUD focus (strength based and cognitive focus). Currently being used at DAC and plans to roll out to other programs.

5)  ITC obtained knowledge and information regarding heroin/opioid addiction and medication-assisted treatment via a presentation by Dr. Felgus. Also obtained data on Suboxone providers in Wisconsin. Found a lack of easy ability to locate prescribing docs and a need to increase provider workforce. Identified resistance to some docs in prescribing MAT (barriers which need to be addressed in order to build the workforce). DHS is providing training and outreach to clinicians and prescribers this fall to work on these issues. The legislature passed a bill providing funding for three new OTP’s in northern WI to increase access. ITC also reviewed the heroin report and identified concerns for youth needing access to greater treatment.

Section and Committee Updates

Children, Youth and Family – Per Mr. Moore the committee has continued to recruit and has finalized the letter to send to new members regarding expectations. In August meeting they will review by-laws and develop goals.

Women’s and Children – Ms. Jacobson provided a brief overview of the recent Diversity meetings held in the state with women’s treatment program staff. The groups explored cultural competency specific to women and are developing a white paper outlining best practices for providing culturally sensitive services to women and children.

Mr. Macmaster shared a resource regarding tobacco cessation through a women’s program (Meta House): - center for tobacco research prevention website (Meta House video).

Heroin/Opiate Update – The state opiate treatment authority position is currently vacant and being covered by DHS staff (Ms. Jacobson, Ms. Jeffers and Ms. Goeser). There is interest in obtaining an update on the WI Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) by Chad Zadrazil. It seems that this may be something that the full SCAODA membership may be interested in, so Mr. Frings agreed to take to the Four Chairs meeting.

WINTIP – Mr. Macmaster shared an update (see attached forms). Mr. Frings clarified that Mr. Macmaster’s outreach to legislation needs to occur on behalf of WiNTiP and not on behalf of ITC (due to by-laws of SCAODA). Mr. Macmaster made a motion to adopt the resolution dated July 14th, 2015 “Revised SCAODA/ITC WiNTiP Equity Resolution” (see attached). Seconded by Tamara Feest. Mr. Frings requested that Mr. Macmaster send a letter from WiNTiP to the Secretary Rhodes and cc Pat Cork and Tom Engle and Kevin Moore requesting a change in the administrative code. Mr. Macmaster highlighted that he would promote this as a voluntary addition for providers – meaning that treatment of nicotine would be voluntary not mandated. The motion passed; four approved (Feest, Lacy, Macmaster, and Cross Schotten) to one opposed (Frings).

Per Macmaster – two local AA/NA groups adopted a resolution promoting tobacco prevention education in their clubhouses. Each group makes their own decisions about how to promote health through tobacco cessation/integration.

Mental Health Council Criminal Justice Committee – No new information to report.

Review of Motions

Previously a recommendation was made by ITC members to consider recommending the addition to SCAODA to add a permanent member who represents Addictionologists. The motion would specify that ITC and/or SCAODA request that a board certified Addictionologist be appointed to SCAODA. This motion would relate to SCAODA’s strategic plan in that adding the knowledge and perspective of an addictionologist would increase the information available in order to provide leadership and direction on AODA issues in Wisconsin, as well as promoting collaboration. Dr. Felgus provided a presentation to ITC and found that his perspective was very helpful and informative and this brought up the awareness that SCAODA does not currently have an addictionologist with the knowledge and skills to recognize and treat addiction. This perspective is critical in identifying and removing roadblocks to medication-assisted treatment.

The goal would be to helping to combat the stigma against the use of MAT which exists in the general public as well as with providers at all levels in the field.

Future agenda items:

o  Ms. Jacobson will begin development of drafts of the motion for Addictionologist and nicotine resolution and ITC will review at the next meeting.

o  Mr. Frings to explore presentation at SCAODA on PDMP.

Tamara made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Macmaster with no one opposed. Meeting adjourned at 1:33 pm.

Next meetings and dates:

·  SCAODA –September 11th; 9:30 am – 3:30 pm; American Family Insurance Conference Center, Madison. For more information, visit the SCAODA web site at:

·  ITC – October 13th, 2015; 10:00 am – 2:30 pm. Department of Corrections, Madison

Future 2015 Meeting Dates:

ITC will meet on November 10th

Full SCAODA meetings will occur on September 11th and December 11th.