Amity AC Basketball Q & A

1.  Does my child need to know how to play before signing up?

No. Our goals are to teach each child regardless of skill level, the fundamentals of the game. We begin with an instructional Kindergarten and 1st grade curriculum and build upon those skills as the kids advance throughout the program.

2.  What are the goals of the Amity AC Basketball program?

To provide a safe environment for children in which they can have fun, teach the fundamentals of the game of basketball, and encourage good sportsmanship.

3.  How old does my child need to be in order to participate?

Our programs begin at the Kindergarten level and continue through the 6th grade.

4.  When will registration be held?

Registration will be held in September and will be completed online.

5.  When will teams be formed and how will I be notified?

We anticipate selecting teams in late October or early November. A draft will be held for the kids in 3rd - 6th grades. Once teams have been formed, you should expect to receive a phone call from your child’s coach. If you have not been contacted by mid November, please contact us at .

6.  When will games begin?

Practices will begin in November. Games will begin in January.

7.  What happens in the event of a school closing?

When the schools are closed, regardless of the reason (school activity, weather, holiday etc…) we will not have practice or games. You should contact your coach in the event you are not sure if your child has practice or a game. We will try to contact you as soon as possible via email in the event of cancellations.

8.  I want to get involved, but don’t know what opportunities exist. How can I get more information?

Our organization is run by volunteers and we are always looking for additional assistance. For more information on the opportunities, please attend our monthly scheduled Board meetings, (dates posted under News & Events section of website) or you can send an email to our mailbox: . Finally, our online registration allows you to indicate that you are interesting in helping out.

9.  Do you offer any advanced basketball training?

We do offer travel teams for both girls and boys in the 5th and 6th grades. This level implements more focused training. It also requires a deeper level of commitment from both players and parents. We would encourage you to complete the normal registration process and indicate that you are interested in having your child tryout for one of our travel teams.

10.  Does my child have to play in the rec league in order to play on a travel team?

No. This decision is left up to the parents. In the past we have had kids do both and we have had kids that only played on the travel teams. Keep in mind that travel practice and games may conflict with the rec practices and games. It is expected that travel games would take preference over the rec league practice and games. Participating in both could mean that your child will practice/play games 5 or 6 days/week.

11.  How much does it cost to play on the travel team?

Your registration fee covers the cost to play on the travel team. Keep in mind that tryouts will be held and only a certain numbers of kids will be selected. An additional fee will be charged for the cost of the travel uniform (this uniform is yours to keep).

12.  How often and where will travel games be held?

Games are generally held 1-2 times per week, with at least one game being played on Saturday or Sunday. You should expect to travel to various schools throughout Berks County. Carpooling is encouraged as some locations can be upwards of 30-40 minutes away.

13.  What other time commitments should I expect?

The league we participate in requires us to field 2 teams for both the boys and girls teams. It is recommended that all players attend both games (back to back).

Revised 8/2010